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More jumping puzzles?

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7 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I hope we get some jumping puzzles, mini-dungeons or other types of puzzles in EoD.


I don't really mind what they're called because the distinction has always seemed pretty arbitrary to me. Some jumping puzzles don't involve much jumping and are mainly about figuring out where to go and how to get there (Professor Portmatt's Lab is entirely underwater so there's no jumping at all) and some mini-dungeons or puzzles involve a lot of jumping (Vexa's Lab and the Hidden Tower in Bjora Marches for example).


Of course I assume they'll be optional like the existing puzzles, but one of the things I really like about this game is you never know what you might find and an area of the map which at first doesn't appear to have anything in it might be the entrance to a puzzle of some sort. I really enjoy finding them and solving them, and seeing where else it might lead.


We've had at least one more jumping puzzle since then: in Grothmar Valley. There's also been things like the dwarven catacombs in Thunderheard Keep and the Hidden Tower puzzle in Bjora Marches which aren't called jumping puzzles but have a lot in common with them (including having to figure out where to go and having to jump between platforms to get there).


Josh Foreman might have been the person who first came up with the idea for jumping puzzles and one of the main people to develop them but I doubt he single-handedly designed and created every single puzzle in the game and obviously other people at Anet are capable of continuing the practice.

Were they as good as the previous jumping puzzles? And how do you know this wasn't some thing he worked on before he left development?

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