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Ever going to address warrior?.


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2 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Thats funny, I've only ever seen bubble warriors when the commanders had enough to pick from. But I'm sure the commanders were wrong and bad (and not great commanders I'd join almost always if able).

Well, they can be all that and you can still enjoy playing with them. It is up to you to choose who you like to play with and how. I don't know if this needs to be pointed out but people have a tendency to take tags for granted and people who do tag are not hired by the developers of the game. They are players who make groups and set rules for their own groups. As they do that they also set norms for such groups.


So if whoever you like to play with wants you to be a bubble boy and nothing else, well then it is time to pucker up and do his bidding (or better yet, you see the needs of his specific group and you want to help him, so you happily volunteer to be the bubble boy). However, if you do not like it or do not want to be it: You do have other options. You can show him how your damage matters to sway his opinion on it/you. You can play with friends who value you. You can play by yourself with him, ignore his wishes and take what's comming to you (a plea, a kick, a weaker party etc.) or you can tag up yourself and set your own rules or wishes. All those options are available to you. If you don't want to do them that's on you.


That is what we are discussing here, right? That there is a difference between possibilities and popularity, wishes or norms. You don't balance a game around norms and people's bigotry. You balance it around fact and figures; possibilities. You keep seeing people mixing them up and saying that something is impossible when there clearly are examples of people doing the supposed impossible 🙂 . That doesn't mean that Warriors couldn't use a touch up in certain regards and other classes could use a tone down. However, somehow suggesting that the class is in a particularily bad place overall and that only the most bottom-feeding approach is possible, that is disingenuous.


Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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8 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Hmm....and you been playing Warrior for how long?

It really does depend on the build. If you go full glass then it hits like a truck, but you can't while roaming bc endless 10k burst soulbeasts exist who literally do not have an end to their dps rotation, just continues to pump out burst dmg. So warrior is forced to run a bit tankier, and then well, you hit like a wet noodle.


But I mean, at least warrior mains still have the braindead cc build lol. Don't need a lot of dmg when you can just cc cc burst cc cc burst cc cc cc cc burst cc cc ...

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On 8/18/2021 at 8:51 PM, subversiontwo.7501 said:

This is one of those typical disconnected forum threads that has more to do with lazy norms than actual possibility.


For larger-scale WvW, the best groups use Warriors on damage builds. If you are not able or allowed to it means that someone in the equation is wrong or bad. A commander may assume that you are not experienced enough, whether that is right or wrong. The commander itself may not be experienced enough to know better. That the best groups do should be enough evidence for you that it is at the very least decent enough. It would be in a far worse place if they didn't.


For smaller-scale WvW it is a more complicated matter. That has more to do with how smaller-scale meta works. It is just far less balanced overall. Some things do not work, other things work and some things are just ridiculously overblown. For the Warrior, it has definitely been kicked off the ridiculously overblown crew - so one can understand relative disappointment when it got slammed while others were allowed to stay ridiculous. However, it has also ended up in a better balance if we overlook the overblown outliers and it has new ways to play beyond the good old stun-and-burst.


Remind me again how long have Rangers, Thieves and Mesmer been top dogs in WvW?. oh yeah, since forever.

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On 8/18/2021 at 8:51 PM, subversiontwo.7501 said:

This is one of those typical disconnected forum threads that has more to do with lazy norms than actual possibility.


For larger-scale WvW, the best groups use Warriors on damage builds. If you are not able or allowed to it means that someone in the equation is wrong or bad. A commander may assume that you are not experienced enough, whether that is right or wrong. The commander itself may not be experienced enough to know better. That the best groups do should be enough evidence for you that it is at the very least decent enough. It would be in a far worse place if they didn't.


For smaller-scale WvW it is a more complicated matter. That has more to do with how smaller-scale meta works. It is just far less balanced overall. Some things do not work, other things work and some things are just ridiculously overblown. For the Warrior, it has definitely been kicked off the ridiculously overblown crew - so one can understand relative disappointment when it got slammed while others were allowed to stay ridiculous. However, it has also ended up in a better balance if we overlook the overblown outliers and it has new ways to play beyond the good old stun-and-burst.


Remind me again how long have Rangers, Thieves and Mesmer been top dogs in WvW?. oh yeah, since forever.


Warrior's hammer deals damage with 3 out of 7 skils, and one of those 3 is its auto attack.

Edited by Apolo.5942
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