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Everything posted by Apolo.5942

  1. While moving things around would be an improvement. It is nowhere near what you can do in wow. WOW should be the customization target, not GW1.
  2. Lieterally, however you want it to look.
  3. They dint want a trinity either and we all know how that turned out. The fact they dont want it, is not exactly a good point.
  4. I am not against Masteries in and of them self. I am 100% against masteries you can not do on your own.
  5. Less predatory games like WARFRAME dont have Dailies/Weeklies expire. Your are always on your current week's objectives, and once you have cleared them, then previous unfinished ones become available again. This way it does not matter you didnt log in 1 day or 3, you can log in the 4 and complete back days. The thing is that you log in.
  6. Not my cup of tea, but i appreciate the effort, might get the armor. More importantly, what legendaries are rotating in?.
  7. My bad, there fixed it, not 30 years ago, but 20... thats much much better...
  8. This is you screen during combat https://photos.app.goo.gl/jB4EGpwkS9hTbqG36 The magenta is your field of view vision during combat. https://photos.app.goo.gl/kyWnyWB3zSUkGoq86 Notice what is NOT INSIDE the cirle?. EVERYTHING you need to keep track of. Critical boons like Alac or Quick -> Outside your field of view. Critical Energy like mechanics -> Outside your field of view. Critical CDs -> Outside your field of view. Critical Debuffs/Conditions -> Outside your field of view. This does not really matter when you can SPAM things, your are just keyboard bashing anyhow, but it is a pain in the behind when things take pressision or timing. Please, its is really understandable that you can not make a one size fits all UI with all the diferent mechanics. But wow solved this almost 3 decades ago now, by opening up the UI for users to customize. You already have the API. Its only a matter of you choosing to do so.
  9. Dissagree, GW1 system was way more complicated than GW2. The problem has always been that the people responsible for balance, simply play another game or respond to a small niche public, like when they removed bunker as a strategy in pvp.
  10. A class can not have 1 dodge in this game. If there is an issue, removing a dodge is NOT an option.
  11. This does not Exist in this game. The entire game reloves around invulnerability windows either defensive (blind, dodge, etc) or offensive (stunt, daze, pulls, etc). The game revolves round poping your invulnerability window at the right time and unloading on your opponent. One can characterize split second desition making (which graphics dont help) as skill, sure, but lets not pretend its "deep". This was not always the case, there used to be such a thing as bunker builds. It was decided long ago, based on a small percentage of the population's feed back with disproportional influence, while also pursuing an esport agenda that has since been dropped, that this would not be the case any more.
  12. I make no claim about the state of Vindicator. Having said that, this entire game revolves around invulnerability windows (not what i would have chosen but this is a long ago settled matter), taking away a dodge is a non starter.
  13. My dude, Bladesworn was born on life support... I just wish they would pull the plug already.
  14. Have you really thought this through?. You are essentially making every skill, half a skill. What cosideration was taken for energy costs?. What cosideration was taken for CD?. I am VERY Skeptical of this solution, and to be honest, you dont exactly have an awesome track record ballance wise. Case in point, this has been an issue since release back in June 2015.
  15. I dislike having 3 legends, if they merged both legends into one, i might play it. To make matters worse, neither of vindis legends is worth it. They are not impacful enough
  16. This fixes nothing, i have no issue with the boss. Its the dungeon that is the problem, its unclear how to traverse it. It does not work right and on a personal note i realy dislike JP and you just made it into the most important fractal. In all honesty i would rather you just took it off the rotation entirely. This is daily farmable content, i dont want to think about, i dont want to stress about it, i want to relax and get it done. Everything that works against this makes it worse. If you want to add difficult complicated content, Raids is the place where it belongs.
  17. I dont care for JP and more crucially it is not clear, does not work properly and its poorly implemented, please remove it from rotation. You took the worst part of GW and made it mandatory in dungeon content. Please walk it back. Yes this is about silent surf.
  18. Don you find it curious that there being builds almost immune to them, conditions STILL DOMINATE, dont you realize how problematic this is?. Dont you realize how overtunned they need to be for this to be the case?.
  19. Are you kidding me, the go to rune to fight off conditions, has CONDITION STATS ON IT.
  20. WvW balance is a dumpsterfire, when are you nerfing conditions?.
  21. So what now? how do i log in?. Loging in requires the same SMS code i am not getting, how do i proceed to remove the TFA.
  22. Warrior is getting +More mobility +More damage +More sustain Everything that has been lacking and the community has VERY ENFATICALLY "requested" for more than 2 years. It took for the warrior to be kittening unplayable to be taken a look into. WHY?
  23. Have no issue with an auto attack build, im playing an mmo not the piano.
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