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  1. why are people confused reacting to you saying people throw matches in 5v5. Bro the confused reacts you accumulate is wild - its worse than my posts.
  2. I wish for this so bad. But not everyone has a guild that could sustain this. I imagine very few these days do. I have had the same guild since almost launch with SIN and its full of pvp and wvw heads and I have a great guild leader almost every1 loves. So this would be a dream come true - but how many people can field 15 people these days? The 2v2/3v3 is nice because you can just grab you usual homies you Que with and you have your team. It should be available year-round and worked into AT I agree fully. Or the AT should be 5v5 and then EITHER 3v3 or 2v2 for that month so theres a TDM alongside the monthly Conquest and its all part of the same event so we have essentially two main events to watch. Anet doesnt like to do cool stuff though lol.
  3. The Solo que vote affected pvp guilds. It removed them from the game. Which killed the PvP population, and killed PvP as a result. Solo q vote had a very direct impact on this game. @Alin.2468 who posted: Is absolutely correct.
  4. The game came out in 2012 but yes DECADES FOLKS DECADES!!!!
  5. This is beautiful comment and its getting confused reacts. This post is literally just offering ideas to put life blood into the mode. in the game and people are confused by it... Just so were clear this is why our mode ate itself.
  6. My brother - Amen. 5v5 is from an E-sports focused era that frankly isn't relevant. I would love to see deathmatch - and also with bigger maps. Death match only but in maps life temple. No Nodes. Would make for a wild experience.
  7. Okay lol. Ill come on and admit when I over did it. I do agree that WvW even by itself beats out CM strikes and Raiding weekly. Thats all I am trying to say. I love pvp and got a bit carried away. Right - I dont think we should champion the demise of this game. Selfishly because I havent found anything that even comes close to it combat wise.
  8. Amen brother - Top 10 favorite statements made on the forums right here.
  9. So you think good business is to launch the game with no pvp? Want to make sure I understand this statement.
  10. This is literally a post about how people here just play pvp. Because you declare something doesnt make it true. WvW+sPvP (a lot of the same people) is a larger number than PvE I would guess. If you removed PvP all together from the game you would kill your own game. So what is your point?
  11. Amen Brother. I'll ask you though - how aware of this do you think they are? I think its not even the same dev team. Also regarding the other guys comments about the engine - this was a new engine for GW2 versus GW1 when it launched. I remember thinking how beautiful the game was in 2012. Truely amazing. However - they dont have all the proper access to the engine from the original devs - which is why "spaghetti code" is constantly referenced. So a new engine would be mandatory to upkeep with graphical expectations of the generation and be able to have full access to the game their developing. As I understand it they dont have that as it stands with GW2. I could be wrong - this was heresy I was told. So I have no factual basis for this.
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