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Question about the Shining Blade Bounty Notices.

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I have been carrying tons of these around forever in my Inventory. Do you need these in your inventory (or bank or on another char) in order to "spawn" one of those Bandit Leaders? Or does just nosing around those crates on the spot where it is supposed to spawn do the trick just fine? Or is the spawn completely random? (I do not think so) If so, I am going to delete them all, since I do not care about the 25 silver you earn when you finish one. However, I do want to be able to spawn them if I would want to hence my question.

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All of the champion bandit bosses are on 10 minute respawn timers and aren't triggered by anything in your inventory or by interacting with the crates. The only bandit boss that is triggered by something in a player's inventory is the Legendary Bandit Executioner, who will spawn if you or others near you have the Bandit Death Mark in the inventory. So if you don't care about completing the achievements tied to defeating each bandit for the bounty, you can just delete them.

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All the champs most likely just sitting there. You need to have traded the encoded orders for a specific bandit then go there. I would guess at some point there will be a champ rush week again and they die very often during that event and you can use them all up and get all achieves then. Up to you

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Thanks for the answers, much appreciated. The champ rush sounds a good way to get rid of them and earn some silver, though I may decide that the free Inventory space is more important anyway. I already have all the AP for this so that is not a problem. I always figured a player would spawn them since they appear relatively quickly after you nose around in the area but the 10-minute timer explains this. Thanks!

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@Daddicus.6128 said:One other thing: if you DO complete a bounty, you always get another bounty as a drop. So, the number you have will never go down; it always stays the same or goes up.

Thanks! I am going to wait for the Champion rush, use them all and delete any new bounties. Good way to finish this and finally get that Inventory space back.

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