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I really love my Mirage


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I was really hesitant changing my spec from chrono b/c it was so cool; I love the wells, how fast I can recharge my skills, everyone want a chrono around to make zerg and raid groups easier. But the Mirage tho it's so different I feel like it's a upgrade. I see what people are saying about the spec that is "selfish", "still a power spec", "scourge is better" and blah blah blah. I'm okay with this, before Mirage I couldn't even solo in HOT maps, morderm always attacked in groups so I had stay ranged using a interruption build. Now with Mirage I can run into camps and kill 10+ enemies and dodging attacks like a ninja. I'm using my axe and Mirage skills all the time. If you need someone to hold hand through the deserts call on your Joko loving scourge friends. #mesmer4life

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Glad you're enjoying the specialization. The Mirage is different to the Chronomancer because it's a solo DPS spec versus one that excelled more in groups, thereby allowing Mesmer players a nice contrast of play styles to choose between. Have fun with the rest of PoF, and don't forget to swing by the Halloween events, too!

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I love my Mirage too! I’ve Mained Mesmer since 2012, and favored the PU Condi mes build way back when it was fun to play. The Mirage doesn’t play like a regular Condi Mes in my opinion. It plays like a illusionary assassin. Blinking, disorientating, and confusing foes while remaining blended in with their clones.

I dislike power mes because typically an illusionary Mage is more about CC and DOTs than raw power like a Elemental Mage. So the Mirage is def right up my alley

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