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Rev sPvP 101?


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What are some must know / important rev tips for spvp?

Also I got a question about energy management when you leave spawn.

I always start/swap into dragon right away to put up the might, fury and swiftness pulsing buffs plus nature passive buff. Right before energy runs out i use the active nature buff then swap into shiro stance. My goal is that by the time i get to a fight my legend swaps should be off or almost off cd.

Am i approaching this right or am i way off. Love the class fun to play.

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I'm just going to copy and paste some things I said in another thread

@Dace.8173 said:I think you encounter contradictions because. A. it does require a level of skill and B. for folks who have that level of skill it doesn't always feel that skill is needed. Thus the contradiction is more about peoples gripes about performance as opposed to an inconsistent narrative. In the right hands Revenant can do fairly well. I don't think there are any super secrets to playing a Revenant in PvP other than to just get better at Engergy mangment and knowing when to pop your boons and when to switch between Glint and Shiro. I haven't gotten to plat with it, but then again I'm not focusing on Revenant this season, mostly playing Dragonhunter as I'm find it more fun right now.

I wouldn't really claim that Revenant is broken. Those complaints tend to come from folks not happy with the Energy system. I do think it is a bit underpowered as it only has one viable build right now and condi is in a really weak to nonexistent spot. Despite that, Power Herald is in a relatively good spot, in my opinion (though I know some would agree).

When it comes to actual gameplay in a match I tend to make use of my mobility to cap points. I'm am, by no means, an expert with Power Herald, but I've found focusing more on rotation. When I join team fights I tend to help someone focus down another opponent. Deathstrike to teleport to an unsuspecting person, followed by Shackling Wave to lock them down, and then Unrelenting Assualt while they can't move followed up with a Precision Strike can down most folks who are presently engaged with another person. You tend to survive team fights by being aware and on the move. In that regard, Revenant can do a lot of movement. Deathstrike, Unrelenting Assualt, Surge of the Mists, Impossible Odds, Riposting Shadows, and Phase Travel can all be used to keep you on the move and gives you the ability to dart in and out of a team fight. Sadly, Power Herald doesn't have many condi cleanses. If that is really your problem then you'd need to consider running with Jalis or Mallyx.

Healing feels weak because you have two heal skills and as such, the effectiveness of them is not as straightforwardly strong as the other professions, so timing is the key to getting the most from your heals. Enchanted Daggers is more or less an offensive heal and helps you to maintain some pressure while gaining health. Mileage will vary on that. Facet of Light doesn't really require you to get hit to heal as it is a constant regeneration effect. Infuse the Light is more or less an emergency heal kind of thing than your standard heal effect. If you're not getting hit then you really won't have to worry about using it. So it doesn't require you to be hit to do its job, it just helps you survive a massive hit, such as taking some burst damage or being suddenly focused on or kitted.

So yeah, it lacks stealth but not many professions have that to start with so no big dent there. You do have a fair amount of damage mitigation if played right and if you run the proper Legends you can handle condi damage. I really don't have a lot of problem from condi damage except for when there are more than one Scourge in play or they have a Firebrand supporting them. You do have some nice evades. Surge of the Mists is a nifty evade and Riposting Shadows when used well should help with your evade needs. Yeah, there are no real blocks, all the more reason to not get hit and the lack of stability sucks.

The thing about Revenant is that you have to kinda sorta be one step ahead of your opponent. It requires you to be aware of your surroundings on a level that most professions don't worry about, akin to Elementalist. The more you can anticipate the better you will do. Your heals and evades work best when you anticipate the need for them as opposed to reacting and then making use of them. Revenant is a micromanage profession, similar to Elementalist and Engineer. As such you need to have more situational awareness than say, playing Warrior.

Also, if you only start the match with three upkeeps you won't need to worry about an initial Legend swap. I really don't use Facet of Nature at the start of the match. All things considered, I don't think it's all that important to extend the duration of boons. It's just a waste of Energy at the start of a match. You really only need to do the Facet of Nature thing when you are ready to swap Legends or consume your Facets. To be 100% honest, I really don't use Power Herald in a match as boon spam for other people. Then again, running off to the fight is really not the first thing I do. Since I can maintain Swiftness much longer than most I typically go home first and then head to mid to join my team but only if they actually need me. If they are holding their own in mid then I go far.

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@Sampson.2403 said:What are some must know / important rev tips for spvp?

I'd say the most important thing to keep on the front of your mind if you're solo queueing is to always be ready to be able to switch into full defense mode. This means, don't spend 100% of your energy going for a kill unless you have your legend swap off cooldown to instantly recover that energy or downing that person will remove any threat to you. Rev's are the #1 preferred focus target in team fights because of how squishy they are and how much mayhem they can cause if left unpressured--the last thing you want to do is leave yourself wide-open for a free kill.

Also, I wouldn't use Facet of Nature's active for a pre-engage boon spike like that. IMO it's far more useful to be able to AoE boonstrip in your first round of Shiro than to pop preboons that largely get wasted by everyone's first round of sigil boon removals. But I mean, stuff like this are minor tips that don't really matter... Focus on being able to endlessly survive in team fights and you'll be winning more games, then you can work on fine tuning the small things.

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I haven't been playing rev for very long but my little experience with it has shown me the following:

  • Positioning is your biggest ally. If you commit to using the terrain around you to LoS and mitigate damage you'll find that you survive a ton better in any fight
  • I find starting in shiro to actually be more helpful for fights. I start glint to get some boons going but right before I reach mid I swap to shiro so by the time I engage the enemy I have glint ready for a swap. This allows me to be insanely aggressive at the start and pump out a ton of quick damage while still being able to fall back on glint and infuse light if I get caught in a bad position. Shiro also allows me to use the roll backwards to break out of any immob or stuns I may get hit with at the start of a fight.
  • Sustain for rev is dependent on maximizing the benefit you get from your glint heal every time and not taking damage outside of that. You don't get invulns or a bunch of aegis and you don't have a ton of healing so being able to predict what the enemy is doing is a must
  • Your condi clear is fairly weak but it's strong enough to 1v1 scourge if you do a lot of poking and withdrawing from the fight. Scourge attacks are fairly slow and highly telegraphed so dodging them isn't too hard, it's just a matter of never letting your guard down or you can get baited and condi bombed really fast.
  • Your best damage is from sword 4 and 5 so focus very hard on only using them when you can land them, lots of revs just use them off cd and then have no damage to offer a fight when they miss all of it.

Some things to remember:

  • Impossible odds is a good thing to combine with sword 3 or any autos (sword 3, IO, and the shiro heal all together is almost a 1 shot on anything that doesn't use some form of hard mitigation and the energy cost to do that combo is fairly low)
  • Using leadership runes allows you to have much better condi clear and sustain
  • You will have to work harder than anyone else to be successful because rev doesn't carry the player

Hope this was helpful.

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