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Missing out on packages not purchasable in my region

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Hi,I live in Belgium and I know of the anti-gambling law here, which prevents us from buying 'loot boxes' in games.But I miss out on packages which contain any Black Lion item.Isn't it possible to create 2 versions of a package? A version without a Black Lion item or replaced by something else, so that these versions don't break the law.Kind regards,SilverFox

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@"SilverFox Asimenia Alepou.7196" said:Hi,I live in Belgium and I know of the anti-gambling law here, which prevents us from buying 'loot boxes' in games.But I miss out on packages which contain any Black Lion item.Isn't it possible to create 2 versions of a package? A version without a Black Lion item or replaced by something else, so that these versions don't break the law.Kind regards,SilverFox

It does seem like at least a reasonable request to look into.

However it starts down a slippery slope to do so. Why should they have to conform to laws from some other company? Would it be easier to just not offer the game there or bend to the will of a government that is not the one we live under here where the game is produced? There is more than one valid view point here I feel.

The question the people of your country should be asking is "how much of this type of control is ok for my government to assert of my life choices?"

Frankly I think self control is not something that can be regulated in this way. Remove ones addiction and they find another. Just shutting of paths to that addiction does not solve the underlying psychological issue for a person. One has to want help before than can actually get help or change a nasty habit like a detrimental gambling addiction. There are casinos all over American and they are not always a very good thing. People have to make their own choices though and as long as they are adults should be allowed to do so. Consequences will follow both good and bad for those decisions. The idea that your government can somehow legislate psychological health for people with gambling addictions is a pipe dream though. A more granular law might be appropriate. You and your fellow citizens should petition them to take a deeper look at this law so that you can choose for yourself how to live.

this is not a perfect answer or even close and only one thought on a very complex subject.

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I really like this idea and it would be great for me too. I can buy black lion keys, but I don't, and there's been a few packs I'd like to buy but won't because they include black lion keys.

I also think it couldn't hurt Anet to get ahead of the trend here. With so many more governments following Belgium's lead (including the USA) it could be a good idea for them to have a plan in place or to have made changes before they're required by law. It would certainly be good PR given that the investigations into loot boxes are driven by consumer demand.

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