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Everything posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. Fought Drakkar earlier since last night had the "disappearing act" glitch lol. The group I went with was large enough to get the DPS necessary to beat him in a decent time. However, the 1st minion didn't spawn properly at 60% because it seemed as if Drakkar's stomp mechanic overrode what it was suppose to do. We still won, but it was actually better not having 3 minions to fight. Saved us a lot of time.
  2. Coming back to this after a few more runs of Drakkar and it's starting to show some flaws. From what I understand the phases move according to health % at these intervals; 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% and it seems to have difficulty scaling according to the size of the group of players fighting him. Of the last 3 Drakkar fights I was in, 2 failed from low dps/too much HP (possibly), and the 3rd that I was just attempting bugged out on us and ended right at the beginning (which I reported).After the 2nd minion appears (40% mark), there are sometimes way too many minions spawning on the field and it seems to be pointless at times since 90% of the players focus on Drakkar and the minions are just sort of hanging around. By the 3rd minion phase (20%) it's even more hectic and they mostly get in the way rather than posing a threat. Using melee up close on Drakkar is nearly impossible without taking significant damage from his feet unless you get in a good spot to avoid the stomping damage, or you wait for his "stun phases" after the 80% mark in the 2nd half of the arena. I brought this up in map chat, however instead of other players discussing creative ways to fight Drakkar, I was met with toxic responses (as usual). The toxic players try to be smart and are quick to dump on any content Anet launches in this game - I'm rather tired of this to be honest, and it makes it difficult for me to enjoy the game or have active discussions on how to improve the game. Drakkar's scaling should be considered for a rework, and his health needs some kind of nerf so smaller groups could still have a chance at beating him if they do it correctly. He spends too much time moving around inside the walls, and I think this is where we lose a lot of time that could be spent trying to get his health down before time runs out. Drakkar has potential that's for sure, and I can't wait to see what they implement in the future. @Blur.3465 I think they scaled down his size because he was too big.
  3. I strongly disagree with those calling this boss "too easy" haha not even CLOSE to being true! I just logged off from a failed Drakkar fight because players didn't seem to understand a few things; Don't stand under Drakkar's feet when he stomps (almost always kills everyone who stands there)We are given 3 stages of portals/minions before the main boss to gather up the energy required to use the new powers on each type of creature AND Drakkar himself during the boss fight (Many people didn't seem to get this either)You need a couple of the masteries completed for the Raven portals during the fightThe one thing I will agree with is the boss fight is timely, being twice the length of Tequatl's boss fight on a slow map (14-16 mins). I believe he needs to be at 80% to start the 2nd phase of the fight, and it takes quite a few times breaking through the wall to get there. I think if they shortened this to him only breaking through 3 times until he hits the 80% mark it would be better. The fight overall is refreshing and I truly believe in redeemed the game from those complaining it "lacks content". Those are the ones who race through new stuff in a day then complain until more stuff is developed. Slow down and enjoy each part of the game as it was intended. I think Drakkar is well done, and the developers/designers should be proud of their work.
  4. I have a big problem with how Anet splits up mount skins from previously purchased packs. It's driving me insane because I have to spend a ton of money just to complete the entire sets. The ones I'm mainly concerned about are the Branded mount skins, and the Wintersday skins which I JUST purchased the pack for the original 5 mounts. Then they release the Skyscale Wintersday skin AND the Roller Beetle branded skin. I'm beyond angry, and I wish Anet would STOP monetizing the skins like this, because it makes it nearly impossible to get the entire set without breaking your wallet. The Skyscale and Warclaw skin packs are both 2,000 gems and they each have the Branded skin. I'm Canadian, so doing the math those packs are almost 50$ for me, EACH. Why can't you make each skin available for individual purchase so I can get the ones I want without having to take a chance on the mount license scrolls or being forced to purchase highly expensive packs just for ONE skin? Please PLEASE for the love of God Anet change this! I regularly buy skins, but this is making me not want to anymore.
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