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Everything posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. Yep I just dc'd too and I'm angry! This keeps happening to me, even in PoF story instances. I'm sick of disconnecting during parts I have no checkpoint with. PLEASE FIX THIS ANET!!!
  2. I'd rather not blow up my PC just for the story to work, if that even does. They need to fix these issues before EoD comes out or they can expect a LOT of angry tickets.
  3. We shouldn't have to do any of those things. The cutscenes were meant to be watched and enjoyed as intimate looks at certain story events. Anet needs to look into the disconnect issue and find a way to fix them.
  4. If I jump off a mount and quickly try to use the Greatsword skill #2 (Whirling Wrath) it shows the animation but does no damage. I have to wait at least 2-3 seconds before using that attack when dismounting - and I'm not one for slow attacks, I hit as quick as possible, so this can matter in certain situations though I know a couple seconds isn't much.
  5. Will give this a try and see if it works. I'll update soon with results. Update: I successfully played through the episode in the Tomb of Primeval Kings, and the following one in the Mists to contact Kormir. No disconnects from them, but I'll have to continue playing further into the storyline to see what happens. Update 2: Been playing through the storyline just fine now. No disconnects or crashes. That might just be the fix for some people. Update 3: Disregard 2nd update, just got all the way to the end of To Kill A God and disconnected at the end. I'm so sick of this game crashing on me, I'm not playing any story until they fix this problem. I'm actually beyond angry at this point. They NEED to implement an auto-save or some kind of checkpoint save during episode instances in the event of a disconnect so it doesn't erase all your progress! And some of these episodes take 15-30 minutes to complete.
  6. Ok but was their connection issue something with Wi-Fi or were they using a direct Ethernet connection? My PC uses a direct connection, and I have never had a problem like this until recently, and I even had this PC and same connection through the end of the Icebrood saga which went perfectly fine - no disconnects. So it's not me, can't be if other story instances worked just fine until recently.
  7. Yes, I just went back on to try and play "A Star to Guide Us" on my main and got disconnected at the end cutscene. The story is unplayable for me at this point unless a fix is implemented. I've never had this happen to me before either.
  8. This is false, I'm on NA and got disconnected twice with 1 soft lock.
  9. I started running my Elementalist through the PoF storyline since he hasn't done it yet and I wanted to re-play it all before EoD. Problem is, I can't even finish anything or get past instances without them crashing on me, or in one case soft lock one of the bosses. The first instance to crash me upon getting to the end of it was going into Glint's Layer to defeat the corrupted golem thing, which is right near the beginning of the PoF story. I got past it the 2nd time, no crash and proceeded to the story instance in the Tomb of Primeval Kings and the 2nd protector spirit/King ended up getting himself stuck on a plant/rock near one of the pillars. That part of the fight you have to get him to run over to the mines placed by Canach. Without that, you cannot defeat him - so I had to leave the instance and come back. I went back to re-do that story, got all the way to the part where I show respect and bow to the coffins in the tomb and it once again disconnected me and booted me to the character select screen so I have to now go back a 3rd time to complete that instance. PLEASE fix these issues!!! I am not playing through any of it if this keeps happening to me, it's insane and makes me not want to play at all if my progress just gets cut off anyways. I'd appreciate it a lot. Does anyone else have this problem? Update: Went back on my main character to try and re-play "A Star to Guide Us" and disconnected at the end cutscene. The story is unplayable.
  10. Ouch, have you tried pulling it back out? Lol hope they fix it, but sounds like a funny bug if you can see it.
  11. I would prefer the Turtle in WvW over the Warclaw to be honest. It has more potential.
  12. Yes, they have quite a few things to work out with this Turtle before it goes live in the expansion.
  13. My opinion on the turtle after using it for about 15 minutes; the turning is too slow and I had to keep making it move forward to get it out of trying to do a circle if I turned it even slightly. It doesn't hover very far off the ground if you're moving at the same time which makes the slam ability kind of useless. You have to stay still and kind of round up enemies to launch an AOE slam attack in order to get the most out of the attack. I didn't try out the passenger skills because I only play solo, so no comment on that. Final thought; it's tied with Warclaw for me. I probably won't use the Turtle outside EoD storyline and to look cool in skins.
  14. I don't think your first 2 are bugs. There's usually a cooldown if you use a mount skill to dismount, or you take fall damage enough to knock you off the mount. Though realistically, if the fall damage was high enough, both players should sustain significant damage or both be killed instantly.
  15. Wayfarer crashed during the world boss event. Too many people using their turtles, game doesn't seem to like it.
  16. I've been searching for a long time to find a guild that is not only friendly, accepting, and non-toxic, but one that is mainly 18+ but even better if it's 21+ with a more mature roster of people. I'm very casual, and I'm mainly waiting for EoD to come, however I do have all expansions completed up to this point, and several characters I use for different things. Been playing for nearly 5 years so I know a thing or two about the game for newbies. Bonus if the guild is metaphysical/spiritual based, which is extremely rare but I know one exists somewhere. Send me in-game mail if you'd be interested in having me in your guild. Thank you!
  17. I started a new guild today I call "Seeds of Andromeda" with the prefix set to "GLXY" which means "Galaxy" referring to the real Andromeda Galaxy that neighbors the Milky Way. The Mission This guild was created specifically for those who are what the spiritual call "Starseeds", more specifically ones from Andromeda. This guild for now is more about having valuable discussions while playing the game together, but will eventually lead to further things such as a Guild Hall, and more. So, if you know about Starseeds, and you definitely are one, I'd love to invite you to the guild. Will also include people from other Starseed races of course, though the main theme is of course set to Andromeda. You may also join if you're interested in seeing what it's all about, I don't mind, and would love to meet some new people and form lasting friendships. Please contact me through forum inbox, or send me in-game mail for an invite. Thank you so much for viewing, and hope you have a nice day! - Caity Edit: At this point, I doubt anyone is going to join, but the thread will be here if some soul ends up finding it.
  18. Hello, I've been on GW2 for a while now and honestly have a hard time meeting people and making lasting friendships. I've been in many guilds, but my biggest issue is once I join, after the initial welcomes and occasional funny banter, nobody acknowledges me or others in the guild unless something is going on. I find this especially true in large guilds where people sort of fall through the cracks easier. I'm interested in finding a guild with some genuinely amazing people that are accepting and open to including people from all walks of life. I'm a veteran player with 4+ years under my belt, and I'm just hoping to find a worthwhile place to join and have fun with. I'm on NA server Stormbluff Isle, and you can contact me by me in-game through mail or DM if I'm online. Thank you very much! 🙂
  19. The title was a way of letting people in-game see you supported the new expansion by pre-ordering it before launch. It's called a perk, lots of games do this and I see nothing wrong with a special title. The cape was a nice touch as well. It's also a marketing tactic. If another player sees the title and asks "where did you get that?" guess what, there's another potential customer for Anet. It's brilliant.
  20. I purchased mine minutes after launch and it went through successfully. Also calling them "unprofessional" is just nasty and unnecessary. Things happen, and did you ever stop to think there were probably THOUSANDS of people trying to make a purchase at the exact same time? That will cause errors and wait times, which isn't their fault. Solution is always to contact support if you have a problem instead of bashing them.
  21. You people happy now? Finally something nobody is complaining about.
  22. Honestly the Drakkar fight gets snubbed hard because it's the newest world boss (not including Dragonstorm which is more of a meta than a 1-on-1 boss fight), and it's a long fight, which a lot of players don't want to stick around for, even though Drakkar can drop pretty good loot if you're lucky. I think the fight should be shortened and adjusted so more people would be willing to tag up for it more often. You also usually have to arrive at least 15 minutes early for a good map just like Tequatl. I rarely ever go to Drakkar now because it's so long, and a lot of people don't bother doing it.
  23. So I know a lot of people are disappointed with the Icebrood Saga finale, however I was just playing through the start of Episode 5 in LWS3 and found a piece of dialogue that explains everything, and that Anet planned this the ENTIRE TIME. Just took a different route to accomplish it. See screenshot. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/gallery/146lorT In the screenshot Lazarus says; "I'd heard there was a machine here. A machine that could kill two Elder Dragons with one blow." This episode spoke of Primordus and Jormag as well, since it's on the way to Draconic Mons which was created when Primordus went deeper into the earth (taken from the wiki). Hopefully this will calm many of the people who are going crazy against Anet right now. I'm glad I found this bit of information, because now I KNOW they had this intention all along yet people haven't figured it out. Thank you for looking, please be kind to one another.
  24. Yeah one of my biggest peeves is when people use the "haha" emoji as a means of mockery or insult instead of the intended "funny" use. Especially if you have an opinion others don't like or think would be great to troll/insult you on. Like my opinion of Anet being a great company - got a lot of hate for that, but I don't care. I know what I know and that's that.
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