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Everything posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. No it's not dead, still very active and nearly all events/raids/fractals/wvw are filled with the needed population.
  2. Actually NO it's NOT an excuse! Like I said, you all seem to forget they lost a LOT of staff 2 summers ago. I strongly believed that impacted the quality of content that we see now. However I will never blame the company for those decisions. They've had it rough like everyone else has, and STILL met schedules on time. If you're not happy with the game, please find something else to play. I'm tired of people constantly bashing Anet and GW2. I believe EoD will be exactly what the game needs to boost it back to where it was before. The negativity and backlash has GOT TO STOP. It does nobody any good, and I'm just grateful I have a game like this to occupy myself. I also STRONGLY believe IBS would've been much different had Covid not come. A lot of you really need to see things from the full picture perspective instead of being selfish. I honestly believe Anet is hurting right now in many areas. That's why I give them the credit they deserve. They still do what we want when enough people complain about it, and some have the nerve to ask for more.
  3. It went this way because Jormag was so enraged and set on getting back at Primordus, makes sense Jormag was the one to deal the kill shot, even if it cost both their lives. Think of it from that perspective.
  4. Achievement kind of take the place of Quests in some ways. I don't mind them, I just pick and choose which ones I want to go for if they are particularly difficult. Some give great rewards as well, so they aren't too terrible.
  5. This is not true. Do you know how many times they made changes because of the community crying about things they didn't like? A good example is the Skyscale achievement timegates. It was 24 hours (resets daily) so people didn't speed through it all in a sitting. Because of the backlash they lowered it to 2 hours between achievements instead. They just made changes to one of the big list achievements for the Stretching emote because of feedback. They ALWAYS cater to us, and yet you people are still blinded by your entitled ego. Anet does a fantastic job.
  6. Pretty sure they removed it because people were insulting them in every which way they could and being entitled. You try getting yelled at constantly, all day, every day, and you'd get tired of it as well.
  7. Please stop being so entitled. Anet already proved themselves by getting content out on time despite being in a pandemic. You people need to grow up. They work hard to give us new updates and all you people do is complain about every little thing they try to do.
  8. A lot of you guys are incredibly ungrateful for what we were provided. Anet went through some major changes over a year ago and then 2020 hit everyone which probably made it even harder on them as a company. Especially given gaming is technically NOT an essential necessity. They didn't have to make any content for us during that time, yet they managed to right on schedule every 2 months. I will agree some of the story elements could have been improved, and I would've liked to see the 2 elder dragons have bit of a boxing match before they went at each other's throat in the big "clash" during the finale. However as I re-played Dragonstorm, I realized that ending was the BEST possible outcome for the story and the dragons. I say that because Jormag was pent up on nothing but rage and was sick and tired of being in the shadow of Primordus for so long. So what did Jormag do? Took the kill shot the moment it got one. I completely understood that approach, and it eliminated 2 very big threats that would've needed a much longer storyline to properly outline both dragons had they not chosen to take both out together. I applaud Anet for getting us the content during one of the hardest years in history. They deserve more credit than people want to ever give them. I love Guild Wars 2, it's my go-to game/thing to do when I need to get my mind off things bothering me in my life. I'm grateful for this game and I'll support it until the day it closes its doors - which I hope isn't for a very long time. All those threatening Anet and being "entitled" because the story didn't go the way they wanted need to check themselves, or do what they say and find something else to do. I'm sure Anet is under a LOT of pressure to get this new expansion completed for those who are constantly whining at them for new stuff to do, and people still have the guts to call them out for being "incompetent". Thank you Anet. ❤️ Edit: I knew I'd get laughed at or ridiculed, but I don't care. Just shows who the better person is.
  9. It literally just happened to my instance. The final deadlock between Braham/Ryland glitched and they won't break free. It's the 3rd time this has happened while I've done the Dragonstorm instance, it needs a fix ASAP!
  10. Best way to make this fair is to create an NPC that only sells Mystic Coins at 1g each. The value would never go higher.
  11. I did send a ticket in about this issue but I wanted to know if anyone else is getting hit with this. I made 3 gem purchases on February 23th, 24th, and 26th. So far the first 2 transactions show as refunded back to my bank account. I used my credit card and these were authorized payments, but no clue why they were refunded without my knowledge. I never requested them and I'm worried this may effect my Guild Wars 2 account, or my bank account. I'll happily pay it back should an error be found, but did anyone else receive a refund that they didn't request? Edit: They corrected the error, if anyone else gets this issue, be sure to let them know.
  12. I just wish they could figure out a way for guilds on the Same server to fight.. It could be a good practice for servers to get better and, honestly, if alliances takes place (yeah I know, I am laughing at myself for even suggesting it., ) it would help Alliance guilds to work on helping each other get better. Tbh the biggest meme was that arenanet introduced with the arena of armistic bastion the solution to the problem, but decided to not support the gvg scene with an insanely small arena. They basically accidentally introduced the best that could've happened to a community that contains 300+ active players, but decided to show them the middlefinger. What a tragedy. Now its probably too late. Let's hope they have thought of something for the expansion.Nope...according to their old update post on world restructure from 2018, Alliances are not going to be in an expansion (or so it wasn't at the time, who knows now.)"Will I need to buy an Expansion to get into an alliance?No." Source: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61986/world-restructuring-update-2#latest
  13. I actually agree, the new skins should've been added to existing packs for those who purchased it (for free). It's greedy to force players to try their luck at getting skins to match sets they already paid good money for. But this game is unfortunately all focused on monetization and less on player base now so...it's expected of Anet, but they ain't getting that extra money from me!
  14. I've actually been experiencing a ton of toxic player behavior in the last month. Mostly from WvW. People are just so quick to fly off the handle now, even when someone was not being rude with their words, it amazes me so much. Just tonight actually a guy in WvW had an attitude and kept responding to every little thing being said with a scowl, it was obvious and just last night the same guy was all nice and happy to everyone. I don't understand this community sometimes. Like is the real world getting to them or something that they have to act in such a way? This community needs a pick-me-up badly, of course not everyone is rude like that, but I see a lot of it when I play WvW and all I care about is getting stuff done for the team.
  15. If the game survives to see the 3rd expansion. WvW is almost unplayable due to balance issues for classes, and for populations on each team. If I play late at night and want to get progress done, I almost can't because most people are either offline, doing something else, or they back away from making big moves so I cannot get anything done. I'm training a new character in there so I can't solo much yet in terms of roaming. People just aren't interested in WvW anymore, or the ones who are quickly lose that interest due to things that should be addressed. I actually think WvW should be removed entirely from the game. It's clear Anet doesn't care about it, and won't help fix things we've been asking about for years now. I love Guild Wars 2, but it won't last much longer if all they do is throw story updates at us. Ignoring the community destroys trust and ultimately kills games.
  16. I actually thought about this earlier. They should add a 4th team, make their color yellow so it's nice and bright for us to see, add a 4th home map for them and expand the EBG map to be one huge "four corners" kind of thing. I think we need additional maps anyways, something new and fresh.
  17. ~~Currently playing on Isle of Janthir server on NA side. I use Reaper and would like to join a WvW-based guild that doesn't require server transfers as that is expensive and I cannot afford the gems on it. Please contact in-game through Mail if I'm not online. Thank you! :) ~~ Moving to EU to find a Guild there.
  18. My necro is currently set up as a WvW-only character, and he cannot use certain skills needed for this "work around". Anet needs to fix the issue instead of players trying to get around the error.
  19. I honestly want them to fix current issues in the game before the next expansion.
  20. This doesn't work for everyone, they need to fix this issue ASAP. I tried getting Silver for 3 hours and used 3 characters with varying numbers of speed buffs/skills, including Raptor/Jackal for the ending but I was half a second too slow still. Plus there are 2 wooden pillars in the way at the final turn that I got stuck on a number of times and ruined what would've been successful runs.
  21. Why? Because they keep ignoring us when we voice the content we really want, and how many fixes this game needs before they should even consider pushing new content. The Trading Post was bugged up for several days recently and it's still happening despite bug reports. Plus the new Skimmer mastery achievement was a HUGE disaster. Bugged all over, including the new race. It's like Anet doesn't properly test new releases before rushing them out. I'm passionate about this game which is why I get so upset over these things. I want this game to succeed and the way things are going right now, it'll make people not want to play anymore in the future. They need to stop making new maps with episodes and just give us more story, because that's where the magic is (at least for me). Not 30 mins of story with 1.5 hours of map completion and a meta event that takes 2 hours to complete. This game could be better, but they're ignoring us. Alliances is a very good example of ignored updates that we really want. And every time I voice how I'd love for things to be better, someone is rude to me in the game, so why bother trying anymore? Nobody wants this game to get better it seems, or I'm just getting responses from the wrong ones. :/
  22. I agree it is unfair. I tried logging into the game on Sunday and Monday prior to the server errors being discovered, and I was unable to connect to the game at all. I saw screenshots from other players on Reddit and Twitter stating there were connection issues, so I figured it was a normal thing, like maybe the servers were just being disrupted. Come to find out the rollback issue happened, and I tried logging in just to see if I could still make it to the character screen to see if any of them were deleted, or corrupted in any way. Nothing happened at all, thank goodness, however like others have said I lost nearly 3 days of gameplay time, and I had some achievements for SAB lined up to finish as well, but now it seems I'll have to wait for next year. I understand Anet doesn't have to compensate us at all, however I don't agree with giving a lesser 'reward' to those who intentionally ignored the login warnings and ended up being inside the "window" of the effected time frame - thus earning them the free skin. One thing I tended to notice in my time playing GW2, is that Anet doesn't really like giving out anything worth more than a few dollars at a time. It's usually Transmutation Charges, Black Lion Statuettes, Mini Eggs, or any kind of booster that is generally easy to get. Anet should just give everyone the skin contract that logged on in within 7 days of the effected period. If they didn't want to part with so many skin contracts, then select 1 of the skins to gift everyone affected. The most they lose out on is about 400 gem value per user vs the 1200 gem value of the contract that allows you to select the skin of your choice. Thank you for getting the servers as fixed as possible, but there are still bad connectivity issues that should be looked into. Bjora Marches, for example, is plagued with bad lag that has gotten me killed in small fights because it timed out for 3-5 seconds when trying to move and use skills.
  23. I say it's too hard for new players needing to start from scratch. There's so much content and information, it would be overwhelming to a newbie if they discovered how much there truly was. GW2 takes dedication and many hundreds/thousands of hours to complete most of the expansion episodes and regular storylines, as well as achievements, etc. For players who have stuck with the game for a while and have majority completed story-wise, and unlocking all mounts, it's not hard at all.
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