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Everything posted by nikelaus.9745

  1. I'm back at it again with another boon-pumping roaming monster mesmer build. The build itself remains the same when utilizing different weapon sets and I no longer run inspiration like I do with my chronomancer builds. Here are the builds in question: Staff/Axe, Shield: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiBBsqd7llywYqsL2IeqXtxKA-DyIY14vUCroiMB6ME6NC0+QQICzfNE4sCA-e Scepter/Pistol, Axe/Shield: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiBBsqd7llywYqsL2IeqXtxKA-DyIY14vUCroiMB6ME6NC0+QQICzfNE4sCA-e I've spent the last week trying out different utilities and have come to the conclusion that these utility skills work the best for an all-around general gameplay: Heal Skills: Twin Blade Restoration - Pretty decent heal with condition removal and additional source of aegis/vigor. I run this 99.9% of the time. Utility Skills: Mantra of Concentration - This provides you with 2x stunbreaks on a 20 sec CD when consuming the last charge. I always keep this fully-charged so I have the stunbreaks when I need it. You can use it for stomps or to cover your heal/mantra of resolve/moa sig or mass invis casts. Mantra of Resolve - I've tried Arcane Thievery but it's just not a good skill, especially since it's very buggy on a moving target (I.E. they're moving behind you and the cast cancels sending it on a 4 second CD). Depending on what kind of other roamers I see throughout a session I usually keep this charged. If I find that there aren't as many condi-builds out on the field I will keep this uncharged or change it but I run this 95% of the time just in case. (Decent) Utility Skills: Blade Renewal - Most other virtuoso builds use this for the invul but because I don't take inspiration anymore I need the condi cleanse that resolve provides and I have so much access to blocks via aegis/weapon skills. Elite Skills: Signet of Humility - With the amount of CC that you encounter from other classes this one has become a staple elite that I use. It also helps when you're fighting outnumbered and you can CC the more dangerous opponent while you burst the weaker one. Mass Invisibility - My underwater elite. I use this to escape people underwater. Here is a video demonstrating this build in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbZrCwznHx8 Feel free to ask me any questions! Cheers - kovi
  2. Hello everyone! I’ve created a quick guide for Heal Alacrity Willbender. I’ve been playing this build for a few weeks now and many people have asked about it. I use it on all my weekly strikes, raids, and fractal runs. I’ve also attached some runs showing general gameplay. You’ll see a nightmare fractal run, Cosmic Observatory and some Temple of Febe action. I hope you all enjoy. Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWxAYt7lZwwYasE2JmeXrxLA-DSJYqR9fZUdqmeV57vgiEK/t8/mFA-e Here is some gameplay footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uAitPRGFkE Please let me know if you have any questions about it. I’m happy to help.
  3. I’ve been trying out power hammer weaver in wvw and am absolutely in love with this build right now. The burst is insane (but counterable) and has decent sustain via barrier. Here is the build I’m using: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGVAIlZweYSMPGKOaXfvVA-DWRYBRRTM4zIMJSvKCZeVoABsZeL6fGBA-w Main burst combi is: Fire/Air attunement 1. Dual 3 skill 2. Activate Primoridal stance 3. Pre-cast hammer air 4+ Lightning Flash to target as it’s going off 4. Fire hammer 2 Earth/Fire attunement 5. Dual 3 skill 6. Earth 2 If they’re not dead by then, cycle to air or fire for another #2 skill. Here is an example of it in use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfiNwxo7JeM Hopefully you Avatar: The Last Airbender fans enjoy the intro as well. I had fun making it. 😊
  4. Hello everyone! My name is Kovi and I'm looking to start up a wvw/community giveaway channel. I haven't been very social in the 5-6 years I've been in the GW2 community and due to some IRL stuff I'd like to change that. I'm currently passionate about WvW so I'll be posting mainly WvW videos using mainly off-meta builds and I thought a great way to engage with others is to host giveaways. With that being said, I'm hosting my first aurene precursor giveaway! It's winner's choice! It starts this week and all you have to do to enter is: subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/@kovigaming/featured comment your in-game handle on the most recent video I posted. (it's up :D) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhBnpKHBdDU You can secure another entry (for a max of 2) if you comment what kind of content you would like to see in future giveaway videos. The entries end on friday and I will be entering everyone who is eligible in a spin-the-wheel generator. I will be releasing the results on the same day including me sending off the precursor to the winner! Thanks for reading and wish you all the best. -Kovi
  5. Hello everyone! I wanted to share a build I've been running recently and have a lot of success with. This is the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PixAc6FlVwSYKsLWJesT7NXA-DWZYBR3IGGcwnRgqgelCK+QAL6fGBA-w You maintain 100% uptime on quickness, alacrity, vigor, fury, and regeneration. I've recently made tweaks with sigils and am now able to maintain 15+ might stacks (25+ in extended combat). Inspiration is used for condition cleanse and distortion on signet activation. Signet of Illusions is used during CS for double shatter for full boon coverage + condi removal if under heavy pressure. Chaos is used for regeneration and boons on shatter and increased BD while you have regen. Improved Alacrity is taken for extra crit dmg and quickness GM is taken since alac is baseline for chrono shatters. Here is a vid of gameplay. There are some 1v2s, 1v3, and duels for example. Cheers!
  6. Someone did a quick benchmark of scrapper. you can watch what he does here: https://youtu.be/Qe0Nm-_43tc
  7. no pew pew in this thread, only bonk.
  8. It won’t work because you only have 1 stun break and the turrets will be cleaved down before they can do any sort of damage. 4/5 of your utility bar will be on CD so that leaves you to the mercy of your shield, dodges and health from dura runes and gear. Health won’t matter because any condi you go against will eat you alive (since you also don’t have any means of condi cleanse). Dura runes won’t save you and you can’t dodge if you’re chain cc’d. I’m sorry but this ain’t it chief. 🙁
  9. It may not mean much since I pug but thank you for buffing power scrapper! It feels good to compete with mechs and other classes. https://imgur.com/GJyHiDT I know the buffs recently came out so there hasn't been an optimized build yet, but for those who are interested I tested out Throw mine + it's toolbelt ability and it hits like a truck now. This is the damage for Throw Mine: 22,706 on a 15 sec CD pre-alac https://imgur.com/LjBEDX5 This is the damage for the toolbelt skill: 46,950 (9390x5hits) on a 17 sec CD pre-alac https://imgur.com/tUMVN48 This is the build I'm using: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeRAIlRw2YaMIWJO2LvteA-zRIYRU0XG1WIVkE2ONU4MCA-e The mines count as explosions as well so that's just extra ferocity. I was using Blast Gyro when I swapped the throw mine for boon removal in T4 fractals. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I did so now I think I'm sticking to Throw Mine until I need to swap to blast for CC. Anyways, rejoice fellow Scrapper mains. It feels good. 🙂
  10. You play thief at high level but you still try to hit through evasions, attempt to one shot guards without stripping their aegis first, and chase rocket boot engineers? 🙄
  11. Just stopping by to say that my partner and I have been playing engineer recently and love the theme/class as a whole! We came from WoW and have always wanted to play engineer themed classes (here’s to hoping blizzard adds tinkerer!). I’m absolutely enjoying the scrapper elite specialization. The gyros are so cool and it’s so fun running around meta events with the scrapper gyro just smacking stuff :D The hammer is awesome too. Seeing my little asuran practically fall over every time he turns because the hammer is too heavy is such a dopamine rush and a nice, flavourful touch of realism. My partner loves all things engineer. He’s an engineer himself and it’s like having a new toy to play with every time he finds a new build to work with lol. Anyways, just wanted to shed some positive lights on the engineer forums since there’s not much here. Cheers to all of you wonderful engineers and tinkerers. <3
  12. This is even worse lol. You just admitted they queue when they face lower tiered players. Knowingly queuing when you know other players that will give you a challenge aren’t on is a cop-out on its own. It’s like having Lebron James play for a recreational team just so that team could dominate the league. We’re not stupid and these tactics aren’t fooling anyone. It’s honestly embarrassing.
  13. Imagine thinking only one problem can exist at a time or can be talked about. There are many problems that currently exist but Lich autos aren’t one of them. If you can’t LoS or use terrain to your advantage for 10 seconds, then that’s all on you. I’ve run into many liches and the only times I’ve died are the times I wasn’t paying attention or got outplayed. Seriously, all you people do are just cry and cry. Go play maple story or something. I heard Club Penguin has some banging snowball fights - that might be more your speed.
  14. Imagine complaining about the damage an elite skill does (that can be reflected or be completely negated by los’ing) when explosive entrance still exists (with no CD other than dodging, and blinds + dazes if trailed).
  15. It was brought to my attention that the video was not working due to copyright claims. Here's the new version, unfortunately without MC Hammer's song :( oh well, enjoy!
  16. Here are some clips from recent roaming sessions sprinkled with a little staff ele montage at the end. Enjoy. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY_gATsW2Fk
  17. Burst: Runes of the ElementalistSustain: Runes of the Earth @Bizgurk.5639
  18. Note: Video is now unlisted as to wait for 1080p to become available.
  19. Hey guysss, thought I'd drop some D/D+F weaver gameplay. Like it's sword counterpart and really any other ele build, it has some niches and it has some not so niches. By that I mean it will excel against most people who don't run condition cleanses (though it still holds its own when you're going against those who do). The build will be posted on the video. Hope you all enjoy! (p.s. read the description for the video) Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAgilZwiYSsJmJeyXbvfA-zVZYVB51FUob0wKiMLgOTAWef2C-w Video:
  20. I agree with @Arzurag.7506 . While the templates work well, the monetization of each equipment/build expansion is practically criminal. 500 gems per equipment template and 300 per build? Is this a joke? You might as well buy another character slot at this point - it will give you 2 free per character. Oh, but now you have to worry about switching gear around if you create the same class or gear them up again. Not to mention people who do both raids and wvw. There is no heading into wvw and your build automatically updating. It’s tied to the templates now, which of course, you have to pay more money to utilize. I won’t be buying more as I’m fine with clicking but I definitely feel for those who do.
  21. Hey guys, I've been roaming with a build similar to the old power chrono shatter. Gotta be quick with the shatters - though the instant 2 clones + Split does so much damage instantly it's insane. Enjoy the build + the announcement! Build:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAw+FlFw8YUsLWJOKLataA-z1QYhojueHCVp0YEkZC0bBEdII10QhzIA-w
  22. Another reaper wvw guide + something nice for ya'll! Enjoy.
  23. As title suggests, here is personal gameplay with my partner who i'm currently teaching the know-hows in fighting outnumbered fights without support, against mirages, rangers, holos, revs, etc. The build is posted on another one of my videos and I will post it below in the comment section. If you guys have any other questions, feel free to send mail in-game and i'll get back to you. Build:http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAc2FlVwcYbMGWJmcXXtaA-zRQYR09VfBpcKNqAyUI0rEobRgGnGB8aB-e
  24. Hello all! Posted in the description are the two builds I use for roaming/zerging. Roaming on reaper may be hard but it's no harder than any other class! (cough cough, rip ele) Anyways, mostly outnumbered fights, all the sustain, and all the damage! Let me know if you guys have any questions. Enjoy!
  25. As stated in the title, which will net more gold? I use the magic to1) buy shipments when I'm working on legendaries2) buy amulets to salvage, as I generally get pretty lucky and have made over 15k with. Kind of tired of winterberry farming so just wanted something to keep me going without having to go to Bitterfrost. Is the unbound magic gathering tool worth it or should I stick to VM?
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