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Everything posted by Fortunello.9853

  1. Only daily and weekly activities? kittening hell i have been waiting since soto release for a fix to the sword so i can play engineer holosmith with that weapon this expansion and still is bugged and unusuable. Not one skill, not a quest, not a reward, a kittening complete weapon, im not even surprised that half the weekly doesn`t work lately.
  2. Je yeah good luck with this bug to you too Dotveg and im really being empathic and serious, im still fighting having a weapon unusuable because of a bug (the engineer sword) since nearly the same time as you with this skin and here we are yet both of us with the problem still persisting. I don`t know what happened after Soto with the bug fixing but....
  3. Doesn`t matter don`t try it, i have already lose the time leveling two engineers both ways to test it, one not even touching the sword until i was 80 and with the holosmith spec unlocked and equiped and the other, the human i said, normal leveling using the sword etc, both engineer have the same bug and as i have already tested with more people any engineer created after weapon master training has his sword in holosmith bugged, doesn`t matter having an account from 12 years like myself or having a new account like a friend of the guild, if the engineer is created after weapon master training release, doesn`t properly learn to use the sword and the game doesn`t recognize the changes the weapon should have being a holosmith and having the heat mechanic.
  4. Oh i didn`t knew that, you should repost this in my post in bug section Jason, another thing to the list to add to the bugged sword unfortunately, and yet no fix from anet, not even acknowledgement.
  5. Another example of the problem still not fixed and one that any engineer who know the sword can see is working wrong https://imgur.com/a/LWb5d3s as an holosmith how is possible that y throw two edges? with no heat? i should only throw one edge, 3 or five in this spec. Throwing two is only that only should happen if you are a mechanist, scrapper or core, and why? because you have no heat mechanic.
  6. Sploogesque it`t been 7 months with the sword bug im fighting, i don`t expect anything fixed for engineers as a priority xd
  7. Also to anyone curious that doesn`t want to read all the post before this one to resume: the sword doesn`t use heat in holosmith spec and just use the values, damage and skills of outside of the holosmith to any new engineer created after soto release, it`s like if rifle in deadeye didn`t use malice and you didn`t get any benefict of kneel.
  8. I forgot Anet, people, the last friday we celebrated 7 months of having a complete weapon broken and not fixed considering the release of weapon master training the 22 of august of 2023.
  9. That the people in a blob can have 30 sec of protection, resolution, alacrity, 10 stab up all the time and not in the moment they should need it and that the boonstrip feel that doesn`t do anything, is what i call a problem in wvw now and kittening kitten and im playing now as a warrior spellbreaker until anet fix the engineer. The time you couldn`t stack under the warrior bubbles because it was dangerous were good years now.
  10. I only received the usual response of "yeah yeah send an ingame report and our quality asurance team will check it" jajajaja. Talking with more engineers in game trying to find support so people at least report it in game i have find that one of the usual response is that they are not worry because they don´t use sword, the mechanist was the spec that increase the number of playes of the engineer class to the level of the hight ones like guardian ranger etc in open world but crearly holosmith is still not popular even to new players seeing how many new people haven´t notice that the sword is broken in his character.
  11. I mean im not a number player too but considering the low number of weapons the engineer have because of kits, i would like to use all the weapons like the way are intended and the sword hasn´t been working for months already for anything outside of open world (and pvp but because the bug doesn`t exist there) Im pretty sure in fact that they don`t even know about this bug, i want to believe that having a weapon broken for anyone coming new to the class is something big enough to not ignore it.
  12. Also as i have said already please support the post in the bug section, is the place where i have compiled everything i have found, from post of other people affected by the same thing to the cause of the bug, the effects etc, is probably the most likely place for them to read it seen the "success" /s of the in game reports of this bug, yesterday i even send a message to rubi asking for help to deliver this problem to the company and i cannot do anymore than finding more support of other people affected and being an annoying old man (always whithout losing education) for the first time in 12 years of game until is fixed.
  13. It´s true coffe but condi holo is problably one of the most complicated rotation in the game to play and require viper equipment wich is another big investment at least in fractal, holo power was going pretty fine with the sword to the point they have to nerf it, but to others that build with the sword on the downtime of the forge doesn,t even exist XD
  14. Well, seeing that, in this last balance patch of march 19th they have to nerf the sword because of the benefit the basic attack and the 2 (the edges) get from heat (and we don´t receive the buff of high heat because of the bug ), and comparing numbers with other engineers this last week that i have been working on this bug more than playing, people like us that have this bug shouldn´t use the sword compared to another holosmith without the bug. In fact in more competitive modes like raids fractals and strikes you are probably doing more damage and bringing more utility with the hammer. The benefict the sword should have as a holosmith is more damage than the hammer, and as a power weapon at least in the golem, the hammer surpassed the sword with more cc utility etc. The sword is one of this weapons like the rifle in thief that even with the weapon master training, doesn´t work outside his spec, in this case holosmith, so yeah we are kittened and is even funnier because the ball is only gonna get bigger, as more players create a new engineer after Soto more people are gonna have the problem. I just want them to acknowledge it after more than half a year man, im not even angry, im just really tired for the first time in 12 years...
  15. To anyone curious or with the same problem after days of looking and testing i have found the origen of the bug, is posted in the post embedded up. But in summary, any engineer created after weapon master training has his sword broken.
  16. People i have found the cause of the problem and i posted in in my post in the bug section but in summary after testing all the day, with the weapon mastery training of Soto the thing is that literally you don`t learn to use the sword or the skills you literally just use them compared to other weapons, thats why in pvp this doesn`t happen, the skills are colored and you are supposed to know them already compared to pve. As an engineer you doesn`t learn to use the sword and thats why the weapon apply always the standar values of out of holosmith. This image show the cause of the problemhttps://imgur.com/ABEAOFx
  17. Omg i have found the origin of the problem after the last post and testing all the day, with the weapon mastery training of Soto the thing is that literally you don`t learn to use the sword or the skills you literally just use them compared to other weapons, thats why in pvp this doesn,t happen, the skills are colored and you are supposed to know them already compared to pve. As an engineer you doesn`t learn to use the sword and thats why the weapon applied always use the standar values of out of holosmith. This images show the cause of the problem comparing both pve and pvp https://imgur.com/ggvmHpC https://imgur.com/ABEAOFx This happen to any engineer created after weapon master training release that try to use the sword in holosmith with that character, the sword is not gonna take the holosmith spec or heat values to work.
  18. Another thing i have found today, my sword skills in the menu are greyed out, like when theres a weapon while you are leveling that you haven´t learned yet to use. The same problem happened in my engineer level 80 and a recently created engineer, both have the skills greyed out, in fact something curious is that at level 2 the engineer recently created have the 3 skills when equiping the sword instead of two and didn´t receive the message you have learned x and x and x skills, directly you can use them.
  19. i have done the same as you jason, tickets ( with the same pr answer) bug reports, and now im here in the forum fighing so hard for this bug to be acknowledge, because losing one of the only weapons the engineer can use it´s not something i consider a small bug. Seeing another post i found i through the bug came from september of 23 but you saying that this is from the release of soto is even worst. I have been playing since release and nearly no bug i have reported in 12 years has been fixen, so people theres a lot of bugs now with the new patch, if any of you can support the post about this bug and all i have compiled about the problem, more posts, the origen of the bug, visual evidence etc in the bug section so this doesn´t die this time i will be grateful.
  20. The best way to test it as an engineer post Soto is: as a holosmith, how many edges does your 2 throw, if it's one you are okay, if it's two, like out of holosmith spec (scrapper, mechanist or core) then you are bugged and the sword doesn't recognize the holosmith spec and the heat. (Also for some reason pvp work is only in pve and wvw where the bug happen)
  21. omg is the same bug i am fighting on my other post to be fixed, i have it too like your friend.
  22. Hello fellow engineers, you see, i expect to find more people with the same problem as me, for some reason the sword to me and some people doesn,t get affected by the holosmith spec. What i mean with this is that the sword doesn,t get affected by the buffs and debuffs of the heat of the forge and always work to mediocres level like you are any other engineers. I know this is not a common problem but i find another post of the same problem in september of 2023 and to me this make the sword unplayable to the level it should be played (levels of play to deserve a nerf seeing the patch notes of the 19th) So if any other engineer has found the same problem can you go to this post to make pressure please?. Thank you people.
  23. I have pass the last day and a half to level another engineer, and i can confirm that with a new human engineer right now at level 80 i have the same problem the values of the sword doesnt get updated to the heat of the holosmith and still act like i am any other spec. For this bug, this time Anet, im gonna fight until you recognize it and fix it because literally has broken the use of one of my weapons.
  24. Cannot try it in other engi because only at level 80 i would be able to check if it applied once i unlock the holosmith spec. In my sylvari my main engineer, the damage of the basic attack is not applied based on heat, my 2 always throw two edges even in holosmith (not taking consideration of the level of heat) and my 3 is always 3 seconds of quickness in pve not less with no heat no more with more than 50 heat. i have found in fact the same bug from a post from september 2023 . Thats why im fighting so much because is a bug not nearly as common as other but to me it literally kitten the use of the sword as a weapon. The video inside of this other post show exactly the problem.
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