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Everything posted by Exzen.2976

  1. If you have to avoid using 6 of your best skills in order to avoid being one shot by a gimmick warrior build there’s clearly something clearly wrong with the trait. It’s not about mindlessly spamming dual attacks - you are literally saying don’t use them. And you’d have to wait up to 15 seconds to work out whether the warrior might be running tactics.. So you avoid using them until you can be sure it’s not a tactics warrior? Lol. Honestly that’s terrible advice. Also, shouldn’t use dual attacks just in case a warrior turns up while I’m fighting... Scrappers are MUCH more durable than weavers in general and just because scrapper has more uncontrolled barrier doesn’t mean weavers can’t also be concerned about it the trait. It’s not a competition as to who has it worse. I’m just pointing out how ridiculous it is to introduce a trait like this. I expect it won’t be taken up by most good players running meta builds - but there will probably be plenty of players running gimmick one shot builds in WvW with this trait.
  2. You suggesting that you never use dual attacks against a tactics warrior? Wow. That’s plain stupid.
  3. Soldier's Focus should be a boon that you'll be able to see on their bar (I am assuming here that this will be the case as it gets expended when a burst is used), so you SHOULD have a tell that indicates that you are fighting a tactics warrior, ergo, stop using the abilities that will let them one shot you. Unlike Scrapper, Weavers can do that. You do not have to use a dual attack, you do not have to take the dodge trait that gives barrier. You are not in the situation where just by auto attacking you get barrier. Did you even read what I wrote? Where does it say the 50% buff is only up when soldier’s focus is up?
  4. Also I can’t see where it states this bonus is only up when Soldier’s Focus is up...
  5. Lol! Seriously? 0.o You ever played weaver? That statement is ridiculous.
  6. Weavers everywhere are hoping this isn’t widely used. Our pitiful tiny barriers, low armour and low health pool are perfect one shot fodder for anyone using this trait. I hope they’ve tested this properly. I’m not remotely confident.
  7. At first glance this feels like an overall nerf to an already underperforming trait line. It seems like it would only work well with a Condi build too, since Corrupter’s Fervor seems to be the only way to ensure regular stacks. I hope it performs better in practice.
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