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Everything posted by Exzen.2976

  1. Not for me mate. If I wanna play with a bow or rifle, I'd roll a ranger or an engi. It just doesn't feel right to me - it strays too far from the elementalist/wizard feel. A hammer or GS that hit from distance, like mes GS or Rev hammer would be OK. I'd personally just prefer a good staff rework. And I like how one-sided you are being with this - yes, the only thing you could do is throw the torch... because eles already just bonk people over the head with their focuses right? I personally think it would be cool to have it as a competitor to focus, maybe more offensive utility, as opposed to focus defensive utility. Maybe add effects on to the next attack, Ele finally gets access to stealth with a smoke field, a teleport maybe. There's a LOT they could do with it to make it really interesting. A bow or rifle would likely just pew pew, which for me is totally meh. Each to their own, but if you're after that kinda thing, maybe youre looking at the wrong class. I could be in the minority though.
  2. Thematically, it just feels weird to have a bow, rifle or pistol on an elementalist. The class literally invokes fireballs, lightning and meteor showers, why does it need puny little bullets/arrows of a bow, rifle or pistol? šŸ˜‰
  3. It may be controversial, but I would be much happier with torch than a bow, pistol or rifle. None of these sit well with me as a weapon for a mage style character. And besides, I want an excuse to use my Vermillion Tail Feather skin!
  4. Whatever song you use, some people will dislike it! I actually like a bit of everything, but I like quite fast paced music for montages. But thanks, I really appreciate you took the time to watch and like despite not enjoying the music šŸ™‚ I'm glad the info was useful, it was a pain to edit!
  5. Thanks! Unfortunately I have no real tips to making learning it better and it's hard to give other suggestions without seeing you play. My advice would be to watch videos, really understand what the skills do knownwhat other classes can do (so you can fight them better), try and analyse your own play and think about what you could have done differently when someone kills you! It's got quite a steep learning curve because you have so many skills, you need to position yourself very well and you need to predict when you will need defensive skills rather than just reacting, but you will get there if you stick at it. The upside to having so many skills is that once you do get the hang of it, you have lots of tools you can use and many possible burst combos.
  6. Thanks! Yeah, it isn't quite as effective in sPvP unfortunately.
  7. I mean... that leaves ele with only one offhand choice! But yeah, ele could use a wide weapon skill rebalance. Focus is pretty necessary on most ele builds because of how squishy the class is. Moving some of the def utility to other weapons may help some builds... but may just break ele entirely. Be careful what you wish for!
  8. One of the clips has offhand dagger šŸ˜‰ I might have to try core scepter dagger again...
  9. Haha, yeah, it doesn't need more damage! Just could use some more survivability. Yeah, there's just a few skills that allow you to hit behind, but it's enough that it would break the build if they simply changed it. I expect its a difficult one to balance, which is why anet hasn't done it yet.
  10. Ele has a few skills like this, especially on Scepter. Wouldn't mind them "fixing" it if they add some buffs to compensate.
  11. New video for anyone who's interested. Feel free to ask questions or drop a comment.
  12. New video for anyone interested. Feel free to ask questions or drop a comment.
  13. Honestly not concerned about the resolution change for FA. It will potentially be annoying for hybrid or condi ele - weā€™ll have to see how potent it is for WvW. I can definitely deal with cele in mid to high hp, it just takes a little longer.
  14. Yeah, anet seriously need to remember that PvE balance does not work for PvP/WvW. Thankfully itā€™s only 5%, so I donā€™t expect itā€™ll be a huge problem - Fresh Air lacks sustain rather than damage. Imagine not touching grenade barrage though, total joke.
  15. Sc/D works absolutely fine in a big group. I use it all the time in big fights while roaming about. I will very often be top (or near) dps on it too - you just need to predict zerg movement well, just like on staff - although staff Weaver still does way more damage.
  16. New video for anyone whoā€™s interested.
  17. Hi all, new video for anyone whoā€™s interested.
  18. Hi all, new video for anyone whoā€™s interested.
  19. Try attacking them with your auto-attack macro.
  20. What I think people who play thief are missing, is that if stealth was reworked so they canā€™t sit in stealth for as long, thief could be balanced much more towards mobility and damage. The fact that permastealth exists means that thief cannot be given any other nice things, therefore pigeonholing thief players into playing stealth builds for roaming. I see a lot of people post that thief doesnā€™t have enough damage to kill players, which I find baffling. There are some bunker immortal builds in WvW which any class/build would struggle to kill (although most of them are very unlikely to kill you - especially on thief), but in all honesty thief is great at killing players 1v1.
  21. I feel like you missed the part where I said I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias". Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile. Youā€™re still assuming that people are not allowed to vote for anything but what YOU feel would have the biggest impact on WvW. It is still subjective, based on peopleā€™s own experiences. There is no purely correct answer here, it is a poll after all - designed to allow people to put forward their opinions! Yes, Iā€™m sure many people want straight nerfs to thief, but many would just like reworks to make the gameplay more fun for others to fight (hello d/p daredevil/DE) while still being viable and fun for the people playing it. It would be great if thief and ranger could have builds that are useful/sought after in zergs. And while ranger and thief are both strong roamers, should they also be allowed to be so strong that they make other classes extremely difficult/impossible for most people to roam on? At present I think both these classes actually provide a barrier to many players roaming because they are so much better than many of the other classes. Bringing them more in line is likely to increase the roaming population, not destroy it (not every player that wants to roam wants to play thief or ranger). It would be great if all classes could zerg, all classes could roam etc. It's a L2P issue , the truth is that zerg professions have more than the ability to kill typical roaming professions like ranger and thief with minimal effort. The only thing that rangers and thieves have atm is mobility...and barely have it , given the mobility powercreep on other professions. If you want maximum mobility then we have to remove that shared stability or air condi clear boonripLol, thieves and rangers have nothing but mobility. Wow. Iā€™ll go L2P then. I love the arguments on the forums xD
  22. I feel like you missed the part where I said I'm not mocking anyone, nor is what I'm saying an opinion. People often cite that roaming is dead/dying, so how might Thieves and Rangers qualify as a priority when the area they're strongest is a smaller community than ever? If their impact is minimal on the overall health of WvW then anyone who's saying they should be priority to fix are the ones that are "blinded by their bias". Before you replied to this I had realized something about what I was saying and was going to come back and correct myself, but decided not to bother. But since you've brought it up I'll also add;Maybe some of those who are saying Thief and Ranger should be a priority fix mean they think Thief and Ranger should have better value in groups? So I may have misunderstood for some, but I'm about 99.9% sure most people are voting for those because they want them nerfed, not to have them be more versatile. Youā€™re still assuming that people are not allowed to vote for anything but what YOU feel would have the biggest impact on WvW. It is still subjective, based on peopleā€™s own experiences. There is no purely correct answer here, it is a poll after all - designed to allow people to put forward their opinions! Yes, Iā€™m sure many people want straight nerfs to thief, but many would just like reworks to make the gameplay more fun for others to fight (hello d/p daredevil/DE) while still being viable and fun for the people playing it. It would be great if thief and ranger could have builds that are useful/sought after in zergs. And while ranger and thief are both strong roamers, should they also be allowed to be so strong that they make other classes extremely difficult/impossible for most people to roam on? At present I think both these classes actually provide a barrier to many players roaming because they are so much better than many of the other classes. Bringing them more in line is likely to increase the roaming population, not destroy it (not every player that wants to roam wants to play thief or ranger). It would be great if all classes could zerg, all classes could roam etc.
  23. You have literally just been blinded by your own bias here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what impacts their own enjoyment of the game mode. It is all subjective. Not everyone who plays WvW wants to zerg, many people who currently only zerg may wish to roam but find thieves and rangers oppressive. Lots of things require balancing in WvW. We should all be able to voice our own opinion without being mocked by people who think their opinion is better than others. And voting for a change doesnā€™t always mean a straight nerf. I personally think stealth should be reworked, which would require thief to be reworked also. This doesnā€™t mean a straight nerf without compensation. I donā€™t want any class to become unviable and unfun for people who main it.
  24. guess I'll let it go again. Ur still funny I seriously have no idea what you're talking about right now. Ayyyy, good talk.Don't forget to get that OP BROKEN WVW BUILD and post the results, don't run from it now :) Lol, I donā€™t think anyone thinks the build is op xD However there is nothing stopping someone from throwing on a nice mainhand sword or dagger and a second weaponset and actually having an effective build. Even then, it would be very much hardcountered by d/p thief, which is more self sufficient at applying stealth and can keep up permastealth with no problem. Iā€™m more just highlighting that constant stealth application could use a review. What weapon skill did they use here? %D Haha, Iā€™m also not saying itā€™s the only broken thing in WvW. Grenade barrage is also widely known to be completely busted! xD So stealth is as broken as 1 (!!!) skill on engi because you can kill clueless (probably undergeared) players in wvw. What an evidence. Meanwhile pvp (tournaments including) are completely dominated by guards and necros. Same goes for wvw. Yeah, sure, stealth is broken, guize. One could probably headbutt people to death as warrior and not die while we are at it. Lessgo.Yes, I would even go one step further. I would rather have stealth fixed than grenade barrage if I was given a choice. Personally I find stealth implementation more broken than a single skill with a 25s cd. I do however appreciate which one is easier to balance :)
  25. Ahh, science. Who can argue with science?Posts thief videoEveryone: "Fake garbage! Anecdotal evidence! Doesnt work like that"Posts 2s of grenade barrageEveryone: "Of course its OP!" For science!!!Haha, who doesnā€™t appreciate good science. If weā€™re going to use ā€œscienceā€ I would like to point out to those claiming ā€œfake, cherry picked, you can make anything look good on a montageā€ etc, that there are only 4 WvW levels difference between all the clips (you can see for yourself in the bottom right corner), so while a montage is ā€œcherry pickedā€ itā€™s not exactly as ā€œunrepresentativeā€ as some people are making out. Science.
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