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Everything posted by Exzen.2976

  1. Ahh, science. Who can argue with science? Although I think the question on many people’s (perhaps just mine) minds here would be, how many kills and how many fails would you get on a normal meta build? You see, we need a control in order to draw comparisons! ;D
  2. guess I'll let it go again. Ur still funny I seriously have no idea what you're talking about right now. Ayyyy, good talk.Don't forget to get that OP BROKEN WVW BUILD and post the results, don't run from it now :) Lol, I don’t think anyone thinks the build is op xD Wait, did you read the complaints of the person I was responding to? And what about some of the people literally asking you for a build based on... this? :lol: Haha, I figured it was tongue in cheek. xD
  3. guess I'll let it go again. Ur still funny I seriously have no idea what you're talking about right now. Ayyyy, good talk.Don't forget to get that OP BROKEN WVW BUILD and post the results, don't run from it now :) Lol, I don’t think anyone thinks the build is op xD However there is nothing stopping someone from throwing on a nice mainhand sword or dagger and a second weaponset and actually having an effective build. Even then, it would be very much hardcountered by d/p thief, which is more self sufficient at applying stealth and can keep up permastealth with no problem. I’m more just highlighting that constant stealth application could use a review. What weapon skill did they use here? %DHaha, I’m also not saying it’s the only broken thing in WvW. Grenade barrage is also widely known to be completely busted! xD
  4. guess I'll let it go again. Ur still funny I seriously have no idea what you're talking about right now. Ayyyy, good talk.Don't forget to get that OP BROKEN WVW BUILD and post the results, don't run from it now :) Lol, I don’t think anyone thinks the build is op xD However there is nothing stopping someone from throwing on a nice mainhand sword or dagger and a second weaponset and actually having an effective build. Even then, it would be very much hardcountered by d/p thief, which is more self sufficient at applying stealth and can keep up permastealth with no problem. I’m more just highlighting that constant stealth application could use a review.
  5. It's just vulnerability and blind traited. "All theres conditions"??? Tbf, also poison from leeching venoms and weakness from deadly arts.
  6. Haha, enjoy xD http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaQAilNwCZbsMGJOMParTA-zVRYBRCHoYQfDR7Ew0FIgJwbR/ZA-w
  7. Yes, valid points, although I think you’d be surprised on the k/d ratio xD I played this for 3 or 4 days only. Mostly I only died when fighting outnumbered. I do want to make clear that I am in no way suggesting this is a good build. And yes, tanks will simply stalemate this due to the lack of dmg.
  8. Not all classes have access to revealed and even when they do, not all builds run it (most do not). Even when they do, I can port away, Dagger storm, dodge etc until it runs out. Revealed debuffs from guards are annoying... but you can just avoid sentries etc on thief... they’re in set places. Yes, the enemy thief should have used blinds etc and stacked more stealth (stealth ftw?). Was just a fun clip - d/p thief should normally counter this. When enemies did drop aoe, I just waited it out in stealth and didn’t stand in them. Can’t blame them for running when they are fighting something they can’t see. Killing people using greens on core thief just again highlights how strong/safe thief is. Try winning fight using green gear on something like a war or ele. But yes, plenty of zerg builds around, plenty of players who don’t mechanically know how to use their class in pvp settings. I am just saying that it would be wrong to add this video to balance discussion. And yes, you can do the same with other classes if you build for it and face similar kind of players.Wrong, no. Should we take into consideration that it is a montage, yes. :)
  9. Not all classes have access to revealed and even when they do, not all builds run it (most do not). Even when they do, I can port away, Dagger storm, dodge etc until it runs out. Revealed debuffs from guards are annoying... but you can just avoid sentries etc on thief... they’re in set places. Yes, the enemy thief should have used blinds etc and stacked more stealth (stealth ftw?). Was just a fun clip - d/p thief should normally counter this. When enemies did drop aoe, I just waited it out in stealth and didn’t stand in them. Can’t blame them for running when they are fighting something they can’t see. Killing people using greens on core thief just again highlights how strong/safe thief is. Try winning fight using green gear on something like a war or ele. But yes, plenty of zerg builds around, plenty of players who don’t mechanically know how to use their class in pvp settings.
  10. I'm serious. You're seriously overestimating players in WvW (in the game as whole, in fact) and underestimating thief's OH dagger. I'm not saying that the OH dagger need nerf, just that it's the sole and unique OH of the game that can allow you this kind of result and that it's due to the thief's initiative mechanism coupled with it's ability to grant stealth. Again, don't look down on players based on what you see in the video. There is a high probability that from their point of view they think they are dealing with someone that's using a stealth hack and that they are raging behind their computer (and that would be the same for 95% of the WvW playerbase). Very much this. It was not my intention at all to belittle anyone in the video - this build is surprisingly effective due to being able to maintain near 100% stealth uptime while dealing reasonable damage. Not to mention that it applies aoe blind when entering stealth, making it extremely difficult to fight for most opponents. Unless you run something like d/p thief that can out stealth or something that can outsustain the damage, I would in all likelihood win the fight 1v1.
  11. Yes, this is a good point - it’s more about constant re-application of stealth that is the issue, rather than just the classes with small access tied to cds. I do agree that initiative makes it difficult to balance, but it shouldn’t be impossible, it will just require a much more careful consideration of skills/ini costs and perhaps making stealth unstackable, like superspeed (where a new application just overwrites the previous).
  12. Great videos dudeMight you share your build and fashion? :D Thank you! I’m not sure I would recommend the build in all honesty, but here you go, have a blast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaQAilNwCZbsMGJOMParTA-zVRYBRCHoYQfDR7Ew0FIgJwbR/ZA-w As for fashion:Head: Refined Envoy MaskShoulders: Shoulder ScarfChest: Warlord’s BrigandineGloves: Assassin’s GlovesPants: Sneakthief LeggingsBoots: Whisper’s Secret BootsBack: Emblazoned Cape All dyed shadow abyss, because cliche’s are important!
  13. Haha, I don’t have any clips of failed attempts saved, although ngl, it would be funny to show how much I was sieged/bm’d making this. I do agree you can make anything look broken in a compilation, but I dont think many classes are going to 1v3 with just an offhand :) ...of course you don't because that's not what you've wanted to show, which kind of is the point. But it's enough that they existed, just a small reminder for people that blindly treat cherry picked "compilations" as a definite proof for anything. :)Most/all people in this clip probably didn't even realize offhand is all you've had, so any time you've stealthed they panicked expecting you to go in with stealth attack, while you were standing aside. You probably didn't do a whole lot to people that didn't panic and burn whatever they had around themselves in expectation of your incomming attack that just couldn't even be a thing. Lol, I won’t argue with your valid points. Great, thanks. :D (someone not arguing valid points is new to me, not sure what to do now, help) Have I broken the forums? :O
  14. Thanks, and yeah, reflected the true shot for 8k. I must admit, I was very surprised xD
  15. What u just wrote is what everyone experiences when they fight a mesmer in pvp. Replace the Stealth with Block and you got yourself a warrior.Replace the stealth with damage numbers and you have yourself a necromancer.
  16. Haha, I don’t have any clips of failed attempts saved, although ngl, it would be funny to show how much I was sieged/bm’d making this. I do agree you can make anything look broken in a compilation, but I dont think many classes are going to 1v3 with just an offhand :) ...of course you don't because that's not what you've wanted to show, which kind of is the point. But it's enough that they existed, just a small reminder for people that blindly treat cherry picked "compilations" as a definite proof for anything. :)Most/all people in this clip probably didn't even realize offhand is all you've had, so any time you've stealthed they panicked expecting you to go in with stealth attack, while you were standing aside. You probably didn't do a whole lot to people that didn't panic and burn whatever they had around themselves in expectation of your incomming attack that just couldn't even be a thing. Lol, I won’t argue with your valid points. Stealth as a mechanic allows you to play mind games and force people to waste dodges, skills etc. And for some classes, there is 0 chance they could fight back against this, even if they knew I had just an offhand dagger and they essentially have to just wait to be killed slowly by a stupid thief build. Anyway, this was just for fun. I think everyone knows that stealth is busted in this game. It’s not new information!
  17. Haha, I don’t have any clips of failed attempts saved, although ngl, it would be funny to show how much I was sieged/bm’d making this. I do agree you can make anything look broken in a compilation, but I dont think many classes are going to 1v3 with just an offhand :) Be my guest though, would love to be proved wrong xD
  18. Of all the very broken things in WvW, fixing just ele downstate should be very very low on the agenda. All classes could use a downstate revamp.
  19. Deadeye is still an extremely difficult match up against pretty much any variation of Elementalist, FA Weaver included. The bursts in this video are intense and its possible to catch unprepared DEs who can't escape to stealth, but once your Swirling and Magnetic Wave are gone, you're donezo unless you can LoS till your next evade or blind returns. @Exzen.2976 Great video, great fights. I love FA ele and these were some great engagements. Do you think ToF is still worth it to run over Arcane Shield or Signet of Air? Lots of Eles keep telling me to swap to Signet but I don't really see why and your vid atleast proves it still pretty useful. Yeah, all the DE need to do is bait out the swirling winds and magnetic wave and sit in stealth. If they run d/p as their second set, it’s even more of an issue, since they can just backstab you while you use them! With regards to ToF, I still prefer it to arcane shield - you gain 2 stun breaks at the expense of a monster CD of 75s each. This does seem like a lot, but I find that it is perfectly fine while roaming, where you can have several minutes between fights to reset the cds. Arcane shield is a very viable alternative, but it can be frustrating when you’re getting attacked by a ranger rapid fire, or something similar, which just eats through the blocks. ToF adds a really nice evade onto the stunbreak and also gives you super speed which helps with position. Paired with Lightning Flash you can use it to escape some tight situations. I don’t think I would run signet over ToF, I’m not convinced that the build requires extra blinds and although the cd on the stunbreak is very low, the passive is useless. I know some people run signet instead of lightning flash, but I wouldn’t drop Lightning Flash for anything when roaming outnumbered. If you’re duelling, this becomes a different story and I think there is a very strong argument for not running ToF since you will either have to wait 150s between duels or start with 0-1 ToF ammo. For duels Arcane shield is better and depending on the matchup signet might be more useful than LF. This is all just my opinion though, other players will have their own thoughts.
  20. Reflecting huge projectiles is soo funny. If only grenade barrage counted as a projectile too!
  21. Haha, thanks for the fights then! Although, I can assure you that I do die reasonably frequently xD
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