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Everything posted by Firebeard.1746

  1. See.... This guy is legendary... He has the right to call names and such :pPVP not only happens ingame.... But in forums too... ;) To be honest, I don't play games to be insulted or insult other people. See I wasn't calling any specific person trash, I was saying I keep getting paired with bad players. I think it's bad form to be directly negative to someone in a game that is intended to be social. I don't call my team mates noobs, etc in the chat, even when we're losing and screw his rank, it doesn't give him a right to be rude.
  2. Try giving it a break.... Go do pve or unranked for 30mins, drink some water ;) then queue ranked... Luckily you might get matched with equal skilled opponents Well I was hoping to farm for legendary armor mats. I don't think my schedule really supports PVE raiding and I dont' think I have time to be super social, my life is chaotic but my play time tends to be bunched together in spurts and not necessarily at the same time. I kind of got in late to the game too on this season, so I'm afraid I don't have time to do other stuff and still play enough matches to at least complete the highest season chest. I was going to leave ascended shard farming for a season I wasn't late to.
  3. I don't call them scrubs in game, it's what I'm thinking ; ). And tbh, if you can't duel effectively at your skill level, then you kinda are. I'm not talking about killing every opponent 1v1. I'm talking about at least killing them half the time and if you outnumber, it goes fast. I'm just incredibly frustrated that the matchmaking is so bad my win rate has dipped significantly below 50%. I'd be having more fun if I wasn't constantly losing. And no, they didn't DC. Only two of their players actually did anything. And they were just trolling.
  4. Matchmaking has been terrible. I keep on getting grouped with scrubs. I'm getting zerged and they still can't down the lower number of people that they're all fighting halfway across the map. Also, I'm like 90% certain there's some cheaters. When I queue, it says I can only queue single or double, not a full party but the amount of coordination I've been seeing on the other side of my matches feels frustrating. Either the placement matches matched me too high by placing me at the bottom of gold tier or it keeps matching me with awful players and/or cheating opponents. I actually got grouped against the same exact group once that was showing ungodly coordination, and asked them how it feels to cheat and they flat out stopped playing and let us win. That made me really suspicious. In any case, i'd like a 50% win rate, especially if I'm not placed in bronze tier. Obviously I'm not complete trash if I was placed at the bottom of gold after my placement matches. (and I did well in my placement matches. ~60% win rate)
  5. Same. It's awful. I don't care about my rank so much though. I'm having other problems.
  6. I've been having this problem too. The most annoying part being is I'm getting booted in the middle of SAB maps. So I have to start ALL OVER. Glad it's not just me, sad Arena net is struggling. I was just about to buy PoF too...
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