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Everything posted by Firebeard.1746

  1. A lot of players complained about mantras. That's why they got nerfed, then buffed, etc. etc. There are several viable power mesmer builds that don't rely on mantras. So that's false. And you're being very dramatic. Pve builds maybe, in pvp either you go one shot glass cannon, or core support which is a joke compared to firebrands. Otherwise there are just condi builds, which most have been so heavily nerfed they are no longer viable And as i posted a few minutes agoMantras used to have 3 charges, and mantra of distraction worked like mantra of pain, insta cast no cd. Those where the times mantra were a problem, any veteran who survived that era, now laughs at the 2 uses mantras and the long casting time plus the cd between mantra of distraction casts. So we go back to l2p issues. During this time mantras were op, so they reworked them, then players stopped complaining, until we finally got some new meat in the game, only this new players prefer to whine and cry about "broken builds" they can't kill, they don't care about counters, mechanics, tactics.Pretty much.
  2. 7 games is too small a sample to conclude much of anything. Even if your expected win rate was 50% you have a 12.5% chance you win or lose 3 in a row and a 6.3% chance to win/lose 4 in a row so neither is that uncommon. Could be you are still better on your mesmer but just had a bad streak. My win rate all of last season was like 20-30%.
  3. Hi there. This sounds like WoW pathfinder. Double eff no. Part of the reason i'm quitting WoW is it's not respectful of my time to keep taking progress away from me, especially when i've spent hours making it (i get to fly for less than half an expansion before i can't again? And i've spent how many hours on pathfinder?). Heck i'm still not done with skyscale (just haven't found the time to grind map currencies). No. Just no. If you want to keep grinding the same things, WoW is that way -----> they reset your gear progress practically every 6 months and your flying progress every year (don't allow it for one, have to do stuff after, take it away again.) Something i'm actually enjoying too is noticing how good of a job Anet has done in changing map designs based on mount capabilities: there's way more verticality in Istan that just wouldn't fly in wow because they have to design everything based on you moving around on foot and i actually think Istan looks way cooler than any BFA zone in this regard (BFA art is good, don't want to shame it, but honestly map design is bland). I'm more hopeful for masteries that make doing metas on dead maps easier. Season maps tend to go blank over time and it's a shame if you want to chase certain achievements/masteries after the fact. As far as my WoW days go, just going to finish the 15th anniversary events and the rest of the storyline for BFA and then i'm done. I just can't see blizzard finally fixing their inflexible class system combined with their inflexible role system along with all the other time sinks . I'm certain i have a good idea of how things will end and it will be a fitting end to my WoW experience.
  4. Not sure if "I took one cheese and a hard counter against other cheese so it's not OP" should be a valid statement. Given Anet's current balancing strategy i'd say yes: meta builds are just ridiculously strong at certain things any everything seems to revolve around counters. The meta builds are meta because they have fewer counters than everyone else.
  5. See my post. I don't entirely disagree with you, but the players in duo should not be playing with players in solo.
  6. Duo queue just doesn't make sense period, you're not the whole team so you still don't really have control over your strategy, but at the same time the matchmaker couldn't give a flying kitten's butt to even match 2 duos together, let alone make sure they're the same skill level. So on the other hand despite falling short of being organized play, they definitely offer an unfair advantage. So i think they should delete duo and do what MoBAs do: have. Separate queue for solo ranked and team ranked, team ranked is 5 players. Heck give each their own ladder too, but matching semi organized against unorganized play is just downright ridiculous. They should also make add another type of season for ranked that lasts longer (like spans multiple seasons but doesn't replace the current ones) and has cosmetic rewards and adds extra mechanics to maps to entice more participation. They should actually do this for every piece of content that's going stale (raids, fractals, wvw and pvp). To help anet get something out of it, there should be items in the gem store that compliment the cosmetic seasonal rewards so they can feed their business model while also keeping the game fresh and interesting for players.
  7. You know i've seen people throw winnable matches just because we lose 1 team fight and it feels sadly common in gold (when i was that high)I actually don't give a hoot about my ranking. It's all win rate. Speaking of which i was like 0/4 on my mesmer, picked a metabattle meta build for a different profession and have had a 3 match win streak since. Balance in this game is atrocious, my performance should not jump that much playing an unfamiliar profession. Mesmer has a good chance against most profs, but in team fights they're actually quite useless compared to what others bring to the table. So i expect more nerfs, worse win rates for them.
  8. Tbh, using this AH is heaven compared to BDO, ESO or WoW none of those games let you sell on demand straight from your inventory (or at least in the case of eso since i last played). I play BDO and WoW on and off. Yes I get this annoying message but I would take it over any of those 3 any day.
  9. @OP gw2efficiency can help. Also the wiki if you don't like 3rd party sites, it just doesn't have all the convenience some of the 3rd party sites have. It is alot, and sometimes i'm annoyed i feel like i need to write everything down on paper, but in practice it's better than continously praying to rngesus for the drop you want as is common in other games.
  10. The problem is legendaries are a lot of work and i don't even have ascended yet. As soon as i have legendary gear that is worth the effort, sure. This is why i hit "other" i don't intend to never do it, but i don't have any immediate plans either.
  11. I think the same thing. But there's tons of gold and even legendary armor to be had farming this way. Though for some hackers the feeling of messing up someone else's system also gives satisfaction. It's super illegal and dumb to do but that's part of it.
  12. I think it's crazy they're adding more features to PvP without fixing the amount of manipulation and botting that's occuring.
  13. Some of the bots are smart enough to cap but are garbage at actual fighting (or get stuck) as I've observed.
  14. they'd struggle to bring me below half health 3v1ing me on any non-braindead spec. Just look at this. The build is only acceptable if he can 3 v 1 against them. That's hilarious. It's probably the one counter to his insanely meta build. Meta builds are an issue, but this is why Anet needs to collect their own data to find out what they are.
  15. It's half algorithm half manipulation, you may be ending up on the side of the manipulator.
  16. Just finished 2 matches in a row with a match manipulator. A really easy way to prevent this would be: 1) Make sure at least 3 queues are popping simultaneously. Stop with this "As soon as we get 10 bodies" thing. This makes rigging the match you're in too easy. To help with this, allow players to phase/play as normal (i.e. switch zones, do whatever they want) while they're waiting.2) Don't let free accounts participate in ranked sPvP.3) Don't just retaliate against the obvious bot. There's someone on the other team who put that bot in for a reason, find out who it is and punish them. It's also ridiculous I would get more in trouble for posting a screenshot of the person than the actual aggressor. Also, at this point, with the introduction of smaller tournaments, it doesn't make sense to allow duo queue. Add a 5v5 mode and a solo mode and use the other formats for smaller groups.
  17. Dude unlocking the most important mounts are anywhere between 1-3 hours of gameplay if you're focused. And just doing things in game earns the mastery xp, so don't grind, do what you enjoy in the appropriate areas and snag some mastery points here and there to spend when you level up. You're speaking from jadedness from other games and haven't learned how to enjoy this game yet. And you should do mounts first. They make maguuma much easier.
  18. I'm in limbo but the biggest attraction for me is that progress is more or less permanent in ascended tier and higher, as someone with limited time it's nice to not have your progress wiped all the time. I want to hit a point where i'm useful in group content and in WoW i feel like i'm either being carried by guildies or my sheer skill in build design. My ilvls and neck are unimpressive compared to my peers who M+. They're definitely better than average but you have to remember most of the community doesn't venture outside of heroic dungeons, weekly events (timewalking or m0 on those mythic dungeon weeks) and the open world. I actually didn't log into wow at all last night and i was able to: complete a thunderpeaks meta, earning shards for my dragon, complete and win a match in pvp earning my dailies and was able to make ley line anomaly just after, earning a significant amount of gold and progress towards my goals in a very short time frame(45 mins). In wow i would have spent most of that time in group finder maybe just to have someone abandon our group as i pug M+ alot I really think gw2 would be destroying other MMOs if they added seasonal rewards (probably cosmetic) to fractals, raids, pvp and wvw along with special seasonal mechanics (along with rotating ones like M+) to keep that content fresh. Adding incentive and variation to static old content. It would give hardcore gamers something to work toward and something to entertain them. It wouldn't have to clash with the gem store either. They could add either a back item or mount that compliments the other cosmetic rewards but still lets the earnable ones stand on their own, that way people don't feel required to buy it but it helps their revenue stream for people who want to complete the set. I'm under no delusions, i know anet needs cash especially if they're adding regular new content.
  19. like other have statet after hearing this whish/idea for many many times:as a non "classic trinity" game, this is far from possbile. especially if you consider some bosses need extra roles (kiter/s, dhuum green, condi/power dps,..... )Further there are some varieties in group setup and/or tactics used other than in other games where it just gets down to tank (1-x), Healer (1-x) and Dps (everything else).And lastly boons. i do not even want to think about how the lfg tab would look like if you consider them as well and your goal is to have every boon you want. the only scenario that would work is when the encounters would be hard to fail in ANY team composition which,i guess, strike missions will be. The dps requirements for normal raids are forgiving enough they could get away with a standard formula.
  20. To be honest, they should implement the queueing capability for normal raids and allow you to tick roles you intend to fill. This would make both joining and organizing normal raids easier. i'm not advocating nerfing raids, I'm advocating making organizing PuGs easier.
  21. My reaction: ew On chaos storm: No, just no. I main mesmer. I occaisionally use chaos storm for bar breaking in PVE and I'm more than sure that I get more than 1 tick on average. This severely cripples usefulness of staff in PVE situations and PVP as well. Chaos storm used to do a ton of damage, now it feels more effect based, if you go this direction I'm going to want to stop using staves altogether. And tbh I won't know what to use instead. Mesmer feels like it has a few good weapons/builds and that's it. Nerfing everything into homogeneity doesn't make things feel better. As a general observation: Why the hell are you nerfing so much? And so much of it is general PVE, disgusting. I already have enough issues when there aren't enough people around that this just feels wrong in terms of PVE. In PVP my question is this: what is supposed to be each professions' capability/uniqueness? This just feels like whack a mole where you nerf whatever you feel is OP that day and then something else turns up useful tomorrow instead and that gets nerfed. Please, when nerfing things, consider global impact to all play modes if it's a nerf of that nature and even when being specific make sure that the given profession can still perform well both in groups and on its own with some concept of balance. When so many nerfs to so many different classes are happening, as a player, I question the motivations/training of the balance team. If so many classes weren't broken before but now suddenly are, what are they using as their measuring stick? I struggle as a mesmer in PVP and I know Chaotic interruption is a strong talent in PVP but I don't know how to use it effectively I think this is going to nerf mesmers into uselessness in PVP. I'm assuming I struggle so much because I don't take this talent and don't know how to use it. This also hurts given the chrono changes I want you to stop nerfing stuff.
  22. I'm quoting this because it's a great idea with a lot of potential: what if they released seasonal mount skins as rewards for raids? That would make repeating them more interesting & give the community incentive. They could even add challenges or a ranking system that offers a cooler version of the skin. With the number of mounts in the game, they could get a lot of mileage even if they reused the same texturing for a different mount.
  23. So you only did a single raid and can adequately estimate its true difficulty based on just that? Actually he is right. The difference between a high skilled and a low skilled player is quite gigantic. Using gw2raidar data: Which is exactly why good players can low-man raids, do them in green gear, or even naked, while less skilled groups struggle in full ascended with full raid teams. Edit: that's not to say the higher end is required, as those 30% teams finish Raid bosses without even touching the enrage timer. I wasn’t arguing about the gap between lowly skilled and highly skilled players. I was talking about the difficulty of the raids. They’re two entirely separate things. The difficulty level of a particular raid is fixed just like it is for most other games. An exception being those which have an AI that modifies the difficulty. The poster was assessing the difficulty of raids based on the one time that they did a raid. If a new player to games, did AC for the first time and found it super difficult, does that mean dungeons are super difficult? The difficulty of something in the game and the skill level of a player are independent of each other. Otherwise Anet adding an easy mode would eventually become a super easy mode or trivial mode as players adapted to it. Skill gap and difficulty are related. Something that requires more skill is generally more difficult. They’re related but the difficulty that something is set at isn’t dependent on someone’s skill level. Dungeons are at a certain difficulty. That difficulty doesn’t really change. What does change is a player’s skill level towards dungeons. Someone brand new to dungeons is certainly going to find them more difficult to them than someone who has done them thousands of times. In your post it seems like you’ve experienced a fair share of WoW raids and you’re comparing your skill level with those to what you experienced with the one raid that you did in GW2. You cannot base a raid’s difficult based on single attempt. People found Teq extremely difficult and then it eventually went on farm mode and this was before elite spec power creep. To re-hash what I have said at least once in a previous post: many games have difficulty settings. These settings are all at a fixed place that do not adjust. What does change is a player’s skill level is relation to that difficulty setting. A player new to a game is going to find it more difficult than someone that isn’t new regardless of the difficulty that the game is set at. We successfully cleared one boss. The next it went down 1/3rd even though we were playing mechanics properly. I could tell that guild was 2 has a very low floor in terms of class dps performance from that experience. I don't need to do 10 different raids to observe that and understand that perhaps the community at large isn't being well prepared to go above that floor. My biggest frustration with raids in this game though is that there's just no community enthusiasm for them so even getting a group of people together is hard. Let alone them having the right builds, skill etc. I'm okay with a challenge and learning one. I often do content that challenges individual skill. Which is why i'm still working on my boon support chrono If you got it only to 1/3 then you weren’t all doing mechanics properly. DPS matters and it’s not that difficult to dish out enough to beat any of the bosses. The HP of all of the bosses are known. Split that across your DPS players and that’s the minimum they each would need to do during the encounter. Factoring the time limit and other mechanics, you can reach a minimum DPS value which is far from the optimum reported on Snow Crows. There’s no enthusiasm because so many players do not want to be challenged. To them being challenged isn’t fun. There are also those that want it to be so dumbed down that it’s as if the game is playing for you and there are those that don’t even want to do group content. Dps was the issue. Nothing you said invalidated my comments about the floor. My comments around WoW were to point out that this is actually harder than an mmo that focuses on it. I wouldn't judge the community so harshly. There are causals that are okay doing hard things. The barrier to entry is time consuming because of the way gear is done and which stats are required. not every required build has exotics readily purchasable. There's other things i could say too.
  24. So you only did a single raid and can adequately estimate its true difficulty based on just that? Actually he is right. The difference between a high skilled and a low skilled player is quite gigantic. Using gw2raidar data: Which is exactly why good players can low-man raids, do them in green gear, or even naked, while less skilled groups struggle in full ascended with full raid teams. Edit: that's not to say the higher end is required, as those 30% teams finish Raid bosses without even touching the enrage timer. I wasn’t arguing about the gap between lowly skilled and highly skilled players. I was talking about the difficulty of the raids. They’re two entirely separate things. The difficulty level of a particular raid is fixed just like it is for most other games. An exception being those which have an AI that modifies the difficulty. The poster was assessing the difficulty of raids based on the one time that they did a raid. If a new player to games, did AC for the first time and found it super difficult, does that mean dungeons are super difficult? The difficulty of something in the game and the skill level of a player are independent of each other. Otherwise Anet adding an easy mode would eventually become a super easy mode or trivial mode as players adapted to it. Skill gap and difficulty are related. Something that requires more skill is generally more difficult. They’re related but the difficulty that something is set at isn’t dependent on someone’s skill level. Dungeons are at a certain difficulty. That difficulty doesn’t really change. What does change is a player’s skill level towards dungeons. Someone brand new to dungeons is certainly going to find them more difficult to them than someone who has done them thousands of times. In your post it seems like you’ve experienced a fair share of WoW raids and you’re comparing your skill level with those to what you experienced with the one raid that you did in GW2. You cannot base a raid’s difficult based on single attempt. People found Teq extremely difficult and then it eventually went on farm mode and this was before elite spec power creep. To re-hash what I have said at least once in a previous post: many games have difficulty settings. These settings are all at a fixed place that do not adjust. What does change is a player’s skill level is relation to that difficulty setting. A player new to a game is going to find it more difficult than someone that isn’t new regardless of the difficulty that the game is set at. We successfully cleared one boss. The next it went down 1/3rd even though we were playing mechanics properly. I could tell that guild was 2 has a very low floor in terms of class dps performance from that experience. I don't need to do 10 different raids to observe that and understand that perhaps the community at large isn't being well prepared to go above that floor. My biggest frustration with raids in this game though is that there's just no community enthusiasm for them so even getting a group of people together is hard. Let alone them having the right builds, skill etc. I'm okay with a challenge and learning one. I often do content that challenges individual skill. Which is why i'm still working on my boon support chrono
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