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Everything posted by Hachimaro.6234

  1. You gotta understand that it's way better for people to get too few rewards than too many. Therefore, people getting no rewards for defense events or bronze rewards for capping towers and keeps isn't really a big deal, at least according to Anet. In other words, it's working as intended.
  2. Oh, the classic "better deny 99% of players their reward rather than give one person something they didn't earn." Reminds me of how quickly exploits are fixed while bugs that harm players keep being ignored.
  3. Also, bonus points for resetting weekly rift hunting. I honestly have no idea how much time I have to complete objectives in this game. I wouldn't be surprised if WvW weekly and FotM weekly were reset someday. That's my main gripe with GW2 lately: I have no idea how much time I have to complete a "weekly" or "daily" objective. It can be changed or removed anytime. It's been years since I've been so frustrated with the game.
  4. It did not. The only exception was when a revamp of the system happened. However, now we're getting new dailies whenever there's a patch. If you're asking if I'm not a blind apologist of SotO, then you're correct, I'm not.
  5. Apparently the code of GW2 is such a tangled mess that it's impossible to drop an update without changing the daily objectives >_> Because WvW dailies were a buggy mess two days in a row (and there was no sign they were going to be fixed in the foreseeable future), I selected PvE as my preference for the first time. Of course I was punished immediately by getting Vexa's Lab which is about as fun as any other mini-dungeon (read: not at all), but hey, I could always do it in the evening with my boyfriend, so it wasn't going to be that bad. Then the patch dropped, Vexa's Lab was removed, and I got The Long Way Around instead, the gaming equivalent of licking a cactus. I not only lost the opportunity to get 10 AA, but now I have only a few hours to do that awful, awful objective. Right now we have the daily reset, the weekly reset, the weekly WvW matchup reset, and the new build time, which all happen at different times. Why not combine the new build with the weekly reset so situations like this won't occur? Also, for the record: if you wanna say "StOp WhInInG, yOu CaN dO oThEr ObJeCtIvEs," just quote this part of my message and move along, your input is as valuable as a stack of Hatched Chilis.
  6. For your information, not all players select only WvW objectives, meaning they don't get duplicate objectives, and don't miss on the opportunity to get extra AA. That's what Yogurt Goblin was referring to. A hotfix is unlikely considering it's been an issue for a while, and getting the lost AA back is borderline impossible. Don't get your hopes up.
  7. That's completely antithetical to how the game used to function. That's what I loved about GW2: you were very rarely forced to do content you didn't like; WvW maps were removed from map completion for a reason. For the record, I'm an avid WvW player, but I'm still opposed to forcing people to play this mode if they want to craft a legendary.
  8. I think the leitmotif of this expansion is "to get a reward, you need to do *exactly* what we want you to do" Want a legendary? Gotta farm WvW. Want a daily reward? Do that jumping puzzle. A mini-dungeon bugged out? Well, shouldn't have bought EoD, lol.
  9. I've barely tried the new maps (been on a vacation till Friday), so can't comment on them. The Wizard's Vault: less flexibility and more tedium in comparison with the old system. Bonus negative points for having a separate panel which always takes two seconds to load, instead of being integrated into the hero panel. An almost pure downgrade. Relics: it completely destroyed some builds, and most of the new effects seem poorly designed. Plus, it's a middle finger to the owners of legendary runes. Again, an almost pure downgrade. Features that I was actually excited about: coming soon (tm). I had mixed feelings about HoT, I adored PoF and EoD. I at least liked most of the free updates. I can honestly say I hate SotO. Which is unfortunate because I still love GW2 to death, and I want it to be the best game possible. To quote Gordon Ramsay: "It's raw!" It should have stayed in the oven for a few more months.
  10. I was lucky enough to find an LFG with a working instance, but I agree, that daily was painful. The new system has zero flexibility. An instance is bugged? Tough luck. You can't do the broken defense event? Unfortunate. Can't finish a JP because you have the dexterity of a pregnant snail? Should have selected another game mode. Don't have the time to do a mini-dungeon that takes half an hour to complete? Well, apparently you don't deserve your daily rewards. Funnily enough, the Wizard's Vault actually made me a more active player in one respect: it's only the second "improvement" to the game that made me annoyed enough to come to the forums to complain. I'd say: don't make players choose the game modes. Instead, give them all the tasks, but only reward them for the first three (dailies) or six (weeklies) they complete.
  11. I agree it's quite confusing why it was included in the new dailies and weeklies since clearly it wasn't working as intended. In general, the Wizard's Vault is an improvement, but a lot of the objectives seem to be designed arbitrarily by people with very limited knowledge of the actual gameplay. I can't imagine someone who's familiar with WvW thinking adding the Obsidian Sanctum as a weekly would be something players would appreciate.
  12. People are getting too few rewards, not too many, so this issue is not a priority. Just avoid playing WvW for now, or pretend the defense events don't exist.
  13. It's not uncommon for me to kill 20-30 people on the lord, and don't get any participation. Sure, weekly isn't big a problem, but it's still rather frustrating.
  14. As far as I know, the issue hasn't been addressed by Anet for months, so I presume it's either working as intented, or not a priority. Considering "Secrets of the Obscure" is coming in a month, I wouldn't expect a fix until the next WvW update.
  15. There hasn't been any improvement in this regard for the last 3.5 years. I suppose it's a mechanic to discourage people from changing maps in WvW?
  16. I noticed that one does not get WvW reward track points nor skirmish pips if they're on a loading screen during a tick, even if they're loading from one WvW map to another. I always thought it was a bug or an oversight, but since it hasn't changed since the introduction of WvW reward tracks, I assume it's a mechanic intended to punish players who failed to purchase sufficiently advanced hardware. Would it be possible for the devs to confirm my suspicions?
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