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Everything posted by Eagelseye.6312

  1. The game is still nice but it is high time a new class and a new race is a must need. We all need something afresh. Bringing a new race would just do wonders and a new class would just make it perfect. Of course having in-game rewards as good as those from BLT would be the best thing to happen
  2. This is a very valid point and actually Ranger needs a complete overhaul if we think from a true Range DPS prespective
  3. Also a very much encouraging thing would be if players get mount skins, weapon and armor skins as good as those via BLT, in-game via achievements. Having Weapon Skins for PvP achievement, having Weapons for Fractals or Raids achievements (not loot), and for Open World, specially Mount Skins would get a lot more players interested
  4. Having racial armors is already in place. Hence having more racial traits, including weapon skills, emotes or mount skins would be great.
  5. The developers can think on the following options as new elites, if any new expansion is planned. Ranger: To use Rifle. It will be a true meaning to a Ranger using LB and Rifle with the elite having strong dps from ranger but reduced defense for a close combatNecro: Dual Sword as a Condition DPS spec or Sword/Shield/Trident as a DPS/Tank spec with toughnessEngineer: Dual Sword as a heavy power dps spec or Sword/Pistol as a Healing specWarrior: Sword/Shield/Trident or a Great Axe full tank spec offering protection to the squadThief: LB based heavy condition/power build as a glass cannonRevenant: Greatsword or Great Axe using Power DPS or Tank offering boons to the squadMesmer: Dagger and Warhorn using Healing spec or Dual Dagger using Power DPS specElementalist: Heavy condition dps spec but with stability using dual Mace or Mace and AxePlease discuss.
  6. Yes class specific non-combat activities can make open world game way more interesting and if in combat, it can nicely influence WvW
  7. Passives won't implement a locking. It would just do a slight preference. It can rather add variety as well. But this is last priority even if thought by devs. There are a lot that needs to be done before....
  8. I hear you, MCH.9751! Now, I'm pretty much still a newb to GuildWars 2—well, my official rank is Newb Corporal (NCpl.) Szubxero, Golf Co. 3rd Newbish Battalion, 7th Newbs Regiment (Rating N-6); my NOS (Newbish Occupational Specialty) is 37337 (Newbish Kluge Berserker). I started playing in late November and ponied up the paltry sum of $29.99 for the basic paid package. Hey! Don't look at me like that—Times are tough and I'm a starving student. xP I can say with complete confidence and utter faith that this was a wise decision, as I realized about an hour after I first started playing I was already exhibiting signs of clinical GW2 addictive disorder, and realized life was going to be painful without the game and especially it's kind-hearted, friendly, more than helpful community of the world's greatest and most talented MMORPG gamers. And it's a glorious world, this Tyria. For over a decade I was a fanatical WoW fundamentalist zealot, and I will always have a special place in my gamer's Hylian heart container for WoW, and still play from time to time. Anyway, forgive the digression. As much of a masterpiece as GuildWars 2 is, like all MMORPGs, there are some bugs, some "bad apple" players (well in my albeit limited but intense experience so far, at least, I haven't met a single, non-friendly-as-hell PC (or NPC for that matter xP)., and other things that aren't perfect. One of these uber-ubiquitous outrages is that every time a change in the mechanics, gameplay, UI/UX or even lore department occurs, whether it benefits the masses, enfeebles us or can be seen either way, there will always be a boat packed to the gunnels with whining and complaining about it, threatening to stop playing, believing it will absolutely RUIN the game's future and generally give the melodrama required to win an Academy Award or Oscar their best shot to convince the developers/project team to not affect the change. This almost always fails, of course, and I'm not a hypocrite, so I will mirthfully admit I've been guilty of such obscene, un-gamer-like acts of vulgarity and child-like tantrums on many occasions, but I hardly ever get that upset over changes to MMORPGs I play any more, because I realized (a) there is, statistically speaking a very low chance of success to change it, (b) it is only allowing them to control my emotions and I don't like other people controlling me, © as dope-kitten and gorgeous this game is, or any other for that matter (and since I'm an aspiring game developer start-up entrepreneur and life-long game programming/development fanatic, that's saying a lot), it's still just a game, and finally (d) nothing is ever quite as bad as we fear it will be. It might be bad, but things are never as bad as they feel or appear to be, and in general have a way of working themselves out, with patience and reason. Besides, a lot of the times after the changes happened I decided (grudgingly, at first xP) that many of them I actually liked, even if I still missed the non-changed pre-updated version and wish they could leave an option for both. Sorry for the long-winded reply. I'm just so glad someone else is sick of that cynical or pessimistic attitude and juvenile, passive-aggressive behavior and speech. Sometimes they really do make disgusting, kitten, numb-nutz-like changes, but not *that often, and it's rarely worth leaving the game. Improvise, adapt, overcome, like Clint Eastwood said, and it'll all be good. Thanks for sharing your opinion! :+1: Very well written. I strongly agree with all that has been posted here. This is a beautiful game and for me it is a stress buster thing. I am playing for a long time and there are a lot that I am still exploring and learning. Of course I wish PvP can be more structured actually and I am hopeful that going forward the game will be improving only.
  9. This is the best post I have read in the forums and strongly second it. Balance patches would do nothing if we have to soloQ in a 5v5 game mode or duoQ with 3 random players who won't coordinate with each other at all. If you hit 4k instead of 3k with your attacks or your CD is 20 seconds instead of 25 seconds, it makes no sense if your team mates don't care about any strategy and run around like bots. PvP will be revaitalized only when we will have seperate game modes of 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, 10v10 and etc.
  10. It appears that there are going to be new additions, apart from the open world stories. I am hopeful that all the modes will get due attention
  11. The Devs should seriously think of giving interesting Skins via the game and not keep the best at Black Lion Trade only
  12. If Devs can bring more maps in WvW, Weapons skins and titles, it would be fantastic. Skins specific to races would make it even more interesting
  13. If PvP will have varied armor skins that players can win per season, it will be much more motivating for players. Tournaments are interesting but having 3v3 and 5v5 games would be the best things that can happen to PvP with specific rewards and titles associated with the modes
  14. They should take us to anywhere in Central Tyria and give us new weapon and armor skins
  15. This would make the game more interesting as navigation would be a challenge as well and people can opt to be in such servers out of choice and those who don't they can avoid it. Also if they can make PvP Elite Armor skins change appearance it would be fantastic
  16. Right? You think it would make sense with how they wan to make the game as casual friendly as possible too. CTF is a much more simple and straight forward PvP mode than say Conquest. Conquest really isn't that hard, it's just fighting over three capture points. Each map has a unique feature, true, but in half of them people just ignore it anyway. Rotation is important in conquest and there are a lot more decisions and chances for failure than CTF. With that, you just try to take the flag and get it home , that's it. Ah, I see what you mean. And in any case I'd like to see both in game. And Stronghold brought back to life, I really enjoyed itYes this is important. Having both types of game modes, point capture and CTF will make it a lot interesting
  17. Yes this is what I meant. It would only make the game more interesting than anything else
  18. It is not about coping WoW. WoW PvP flag carrying game mode is really nice. It brings in actually the class coordination significance and every team can have a combination of their game style. The rest of my points are more generic and probably will hold a good significance in this game. Here the combat is really fluid and the overall gameplay is much more realistic. Hence implementing some if not all the above suggestions can make if further more interesting.
  19. The game is casual player friendly but having slightly higher stats which plays a role in PvE will only make the game more interesting. The grind is already there and it will be but having legendary weapon with higher stats will have its own significance. If not stats then rather than just the unique appearance, a legendary weapon should have significant visual change upon use as we see change of Leggy armor from Raids for example. Not necessary that racial bonuses will break builds. It will only provide several new options for players to try in the game. An MMO which is existing for such long time can definitely implement new races. It is a lot of work but they do it fantastically with such engaging maps. They are efficient and can definitely try doing the same
  20. Dear Developers and Management team, Thanks for the nice game over the years. I have been playing it for quite sometime and I feel that the game is really good in lot of aspects compared to other MMOs around. However, there could be a few things, if implemented can make the game not only more interesting, but can potentially increase your overall business with substantial ROI. Being a Guild Wars 2 fan, a player and coming from a business development and marketing background, here are my few points: The game currently lacks marketing initiatives. There is eventually no digital marketing for the game. Another competitor who might still be the biggest MMO till date but with a far less quality game mode, still rules the charts primarily because of their marketing. Their cinematic is beyond comparison. You can try do the same. Active digital marketing of Living world stories and expansions via cinematic in YouTube, FB and Twitter handles can potentially attract new players as well as motivate returning players, eventually leading to revenue There needs to be an investment in PvP and WvW game modes as well. The player base is less, but if we wish to improve the same, then there has to be a development in PvP and WvW modes in parallel to PvE content. Having the same rewards is not motivating. Structured PvP needs a revamp, both in terms of design as well as the rewards. The progression can be made harder but a title for each tier crossed, which stays in-game forever can be really rewarding for a lot of players. 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 and possibly 10v10 modes can work wonders. Apart from node captures, having modes for Flag carrying to a base, like in a competitor MMO can be really rewarding as it will not only emphasis on class-coordination but can also lead to more community interactions Going by the name of the game, Guild vs Guild events can be designed both in PvP and Open World events. Organized tournaments in 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 and 10v10 under Guild vs Guild, 20-30 vs 20-30 mode in WvW were particular Guilds from different servers compete for rewards can infuse a lot of interest even in casual players resulting in increase in player base, time investment and game purchases resulting in improved ROI Apart from the Black Lion Trading company, the game should also be providing armor and weapon skins. Cash flow is necessary to keep the bottom line healthy but if armor and weapon skins or items with improved attributes can be obtained in-game, then it can be far more rewarding for the players. Also, Legendary armor and weapons can have higher stats apart from being a unique skin! Race passives and bonuses can work wonders. At present the races are just for appearances and skins but if races can have some passives and bonuses, it will certainly make players create more characters and try out different game styles, eventually leading to improved revenue and ROI. Of course adding couple of more races can work wonders for the game. The character animation of Guild Wars is miles better than the so called biggest MMO in the market, hence having an Orc/Ogre race for example or an Elv type of a race will certainly attract lot more players and purchases Hopefully my points will be taken in a good light. I really wish to see the game growing and would be very happy to contribute towards the same in any way possible. Wishing the entire team a healthy and prosperous new year 2020. Warm RegardsDr. Sunny DuttaguptaNew Delhi, IndiaLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sunnyduttagupta/Skype: dgsunny23
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