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Hell Nirvana.9045

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Posts posted by Hell Nirvana.9045

  1. On 8/2/2024 at 7:04 PM, Hell Nirvana.9045 said:

    Anyone else experiencing system freezes in the Crown Pavilion area? Had two the day before yesterday, and another just now. No issues yesterday.

    The system becomes completely unresponsive, even REISUB doesn't work. And nothing in the logs...

    edit: No bad files found by -repair.

    I think it's the kernel 6.10 itself, or something related to it... at least for my system, using Ryzen 5600X CPU, and RX 7800XT GPU.
    All my previous freezes were on it. No freezes since I moved back to 6.6 LTS.
    And just now I had similar freeze in another game, while trying to run the system on 6.10 again.

    Edit: Haven't tested without VRR, though. These symptoms seem similar: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues/3460


    20 hours ago, draconicrose.6213 said:

    because newer versions absolutely hate my dual monitor setup and the game doesn't work

    Meaning what, exactly?

    It could be any combination of configurations in your system. X11 is getting less and less usable as well, and Wayland is getting most of the development focus. The former has straight up not worked right for me, ever since Plasma 6 came out.

    Have you tried running a newer Proton with gamescope?

  3. On 5/26/2024 at 10:19 AM, CETheLucid.3964 said:

    But it's been happening for a while.

    It's been like that for maybe 3 months for me. And definitely became more intense since they split up the post-processing effects.


    On 5/26/2024 at 10:19 AM, CETheLucid.3964 said:

    Recently got a new GPU.

    Nvidia? AMD? Did you switch from one to another or stick with the same chip manufacturer?

  4. On 1/16/2024 at 11:24 PM, Nemecyst.5437 said:

    My guess is that pixman got handed over to a different maintainer who wasn't aware of the versioning scheme either.

    The person who made the version bump doesn't have a lot of commits on the project, but the oldest ones are from 2021. Perhaps this was just a slip-up.


    Edit: And an oopsie it was.

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, PzTnT.7198 said:

    I'm hoping this will be fixed with plasma 6 if nothing else.

    Pixman is a central library for pixel manipulation on Linux; it's not limited to Plasma.


    4 hours ago, Sina.9208 said:

    It's easy to reproduce this crash on virtually any DE or WM config.

    Yup! My money is on an obscure xorg bug that doesn't like the number 0.43.0 😂

  6. So... Arch still has the old version of pixman for 32-bit 😑

    I've posted my current findings to the pixman issue tracker, after trying to build and load pixman myself.

    Please, ArenaNet, stop relying on 32-bit in your game.


    Edit: While I still maintain abolishing 32-bit, the actual problem seems to be quite weird. Having "0.43.0" as the version of pixman causes hangs, but changing the number (even arbitrarily!) makes all the hangs go away! I smell an xorg bug...

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1

    9 minutes ago, garpu.6210 said:

    Something changed with the launcher, and something in proton needs to change to adjust for it.

    But then the launcher would be broken no matter what, yes? Like I said, I can get the game working just fine with Proton builds I've used before. Since the issue gets fixed when I revert my last system update (which doesn't contain any Proton packages), it seems more like an issue with Arch. Or Proton team needing to catch up with whatever Arch did?

  8. 6 hours ago, PzTnT.7198 said:

    Out of curiosity, what distros/DEs are you on if you got the freezing issue?

    Manjaro and Plasma.

    It's something in a recent package update that seems to cause it for me. If I revert the last update via Timeshift, the launcher works again.


    17 hours ago, PzTnT.7198 said:

    i managed to start the game by clicking where the buttons should be to log in.

    Didn't work for me and neither did pressing Enter. Can't even switch to another TTY. Seems me and @Catory.3954 have the same issue. Seems like the GPU hangs when the launcher is supposed to appear. Mine is 7800 XT.

  9. I've upgraded from Nvidia's 1080 Ti to AMD's 7800 XT, and running the system pretty much exclusively on Wayland at the moment.

    One quirk I have at the moment is that if I switch away from the virtual desktop GW2 is running on, it starts to render slower. Not just lowering the frame rate, but literally slows the game down. When I switch back to the game, it fast-forwards to catch up to what state the game is supposed to be at...

    Apparently an upstream bug that's hopefully fixed in Plasma 6 🤞


    Edit: I managed to find out how to fix my forced 12-hour clock, by setting HOST_LC_ALL=<your locale here> in my launch parameters for the game on Steam. Proton prefixes default the locale to en_US.utf8


    Edit2: It seems the slowed down rendering when in another virtual desktop seems to be fixed now. It's in fact caused by the in-game vsync 😐

  10. 21 hours ago, Sina.9208 said:

    Run 'qdbus org.kde.KWin /Compositor suspend' to temporarily turn off the compositor. See if that helps, if it does not, then experiment with fps limits. (the sweetspot for my 60hz monitor is 47-48)

    I've experimented with allowing applications to block compositing for a few days. Seems to work (even let's me utilise Adaptive Sync), but the blocking doesn't seem consistent. Sometimes compositing stays on when the game is launched, other times it re-enables itself (inconsistently...) if I switch between virtual desktops.

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