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niconori.7235's Achievements

  1. Nah, it was retal. Retaliation was so frustrating. 1 barrage onto enemy zerg and there goes half your hp. Reflect is already bad but retal is worse.
  2. Yeah that's why I suggest to lower the CD and proc dmg. If proc damage is lowered, it would lower the overall burst potential, be it shared or individually, if that's what anet sees as a problem (taking into account pvp/wvw modes as well). To balance things out, we should also lower the CD so SoulBeasts have access to a low CD damage amp skill for general pve bosses, and not affecting the overall damage output in longer encounters/raids. Therefore, my suggestion is to lower the proc damage, and lower CD to 30 to 45s. I was talking about an elite skill, I share your thoughts on underused utilities. Disassociate Archetype skills is a good suggestion too.
  3. I would prefer if One Wolf Pack proc's damage is lowered, and also the cooldown lowered as well to make it a more spammable elite skill.
  4. I can't believe Ranger's Marksmanship minor traits are not looked at. These stupid traits has only one use at the start of the battle and no more. It needs an ICD or needs to go. Hands down most useless traits in every mode in the game.
  5. This exactly! Especially bolded part. The only good thing a ranger is good at is punishing these squishy builds like full zerker ele, thieves, mesmers. And it's already difficult to kill them. It's actually quite impossible to even down thieves and mesmers and they can just escape easily if they don't stupidly over-commit. Ele has vapor form to get back to zerg and get ressed. We should do something about perma invis 1 shot deadeyes instead.
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