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Baudrillard.4612's Achievements

  1. Everything is simple: it’s just not there 🤔 There are three Rev builds that are viable in raids: quickness Herald/condi Rene/sup Herald. Vindicator brings nothing valuable to the table, so we’re basically keep sitting on Herald for the …th year in a row. At least something constant here 😅
  2. Unfortunately it wouldn’t work 😂 Look at mesmers they were kings of any game mode during the HoT meta and they fell as deep as Lucifer after the PoF era joined the party. Since that the overall Mesmer playerbase has crumbled at least twice: guys just went playing necro or other classes with viable support or duelist builds. Did the whole forum whining save the day for mesmers? Unfortunately no. Mesmer is still “rolling in the deep” as Adel sings. I mean we could be not satisfied but that doesn’t influence any decisions made by ArenaNet team. All of my Rev friend are just playing Bladesworns or Willbenders, cause “they give the right samurai flavor”. And that’s sad. I am playing rev since HoT and with each year it seems like I am constantly pressed to other professions. It was a good moment when Rene/Herald were viable in PvP and Rene got Alac build in PvE but “everything was forever, until it was no more”.
  3. I also recently returned to the game and was a bit of excited to play Vindi… My excitement doesn’t last long. As a primary pvp player I tried to roam a bit aaand… And it feels even more clunky than rene on launch: - Evade is bugged and any shield/heal numbers are laughable, you can be ccd right in the mid air or receive random dmg. For example I was recently struck by the bladesworn’s dash while in the middle of the dodge. - New legends “Expresso 2 in 1” are making gameplay incredibly not fun. You need to constantly swap as mad to dish out any result — so many skills with no benefits at all. What are those heals? I need to channel in Victor for around 2 seconds to be healed for what? 2k? Same in that “I’m an orange guy” side of the legend. Why do they have 50 energy for both legends? Why those skills have such a little impact? I mean, I also play Cata in pvp and it is famous piano game but my gosh, how much more impactful Cata hammer skills are in comparison to Vindi. And I don’t even need to think about my precious energy management. - Staff nerfs just made this weapon useless but we still don’t have any competing option to swap it with. So I’m practically forced to use stuff despite the fact that it feels so terrible now. Then sigil nerf, dwarf nerf, all those nerfs while the main problem of the class is still not solved: the energy system is still very questionable and with each new spec creates more problems that solves. P.S. And hey, while having fun with all those Vindi nerfs I tried my old bud Herald. And it was (of course) ruined in the process. Now it feels slow, dmg is kinda low in comparison to Cata or other duelist and all you can do is to join +1 hoping that you won’t need to use staff. I really enjoy the revenant in theory, but my god, every time Im returning to the profession it feels just unfair. I need to press 22 btns, jump like crazy and get mediocre results while on bladesworn it takes no effort to 1v3 using just basic combos. Maybe I’m missing something and Vindi is a secret king on a pvp scene, but then you can explain me what am I doing wrong. It would be very much appreciated.
  4. Hi, I wanted to ask you guys for some advice on legendary weapon. I'm in the position where I have almost everything that's needed for legendary. So as an Engi main I decided that the first weapon will be for him and then... I felt a bit lost. Can you give me an advice on what weapon to craft? The problem is that I'm worried about upcoming expansion - sword will be useless as it's a Holo only weapon. I love Rifle but it was nerfed to the ground in PvP which I play a lot. Pistol has no synergy with any PvP builds, works decent only in WvW. I also thought about Mace but it's hard to tell will it be usefull when Mechanist will arive. I know that I should craft a weapon that I personally like, but for me it's a huge investment and I don't want it to rust in the inventory or bank. I want to actually use it. So, maybe you could give me some advise here? Which leg did you craft first or use the most? Should I invest in it at all or it's better to focus on legendary armor first? Thank you for your replies! 😉
  5. Yeah, it was already mentioned in feedback thread. Robot has no synergy with a class, has a lot of AI problems and it's overall not what many engi players wanted. I'd rather prefer to have real Mech and have weapon/kits skills changed while I'm in it. My greatest fear is that it will be Scrapper 2.0 and we'll wait for 3 years to have AI canceled and Robot attached to the character as gyros did.
  6. I'll throw my coin here. Tried Mechanist for the last few days and have a lot of different thoughts on it. First of all I should say that I loved the design! Robot is great, skill animations are great, even the idea of engi having big asskicking robot is great. So, dear devs I should say many thanks for your work! 1) Is it an elite spec? My most powerful impression is that Mechanist changes nothing in Engi gameplay. It was mentioned a lot of times above in the thread, but it really feels like Core Engi + Big Robot (which has his interesting life independent from your char). Condi rotation is a classic 4 kits piano + Big Robot, power rotation is a classic kits piano + Big Robot. And this Big Robot is doing everything himself when you just press the same rotation you've pressed for 8 years. Is it an elite spec? I hoped for some changes in gameplay, but there is nothing new... As someone previously said "Imagine Holosmith, but it is not you but your clone who has all the Photon Forge abilities and he uses those abilities by himself, when you don't even have a toolbelt skills". I can't agree more. 2) Toolbelt and Kits I am not sure that removing a toolbelt was a good idea. A lot of our stunbreaks, heals, cleanse and other useful stuff was concentrated there. And now we have half of it taken and the other half (mostly damage) placed in a robot. I can get the idea behind it: engi is the least popular class in the game thanks to it complexity (kits, toolbelt etc.) So since PoF devs decided to simplify the gameplay with Holosmith. This idea had a great success, people loved Holo and a lot of people noticed engi only because of this elite spec. But I don't think that it should be even more simple. Every class shouldn't appeal to everyone, that's why we have a class system. Keep engi with his complexity but make it worth learning maybe? Look at Ele for example. It's rotation is complex, but the class is one of the most popular in the game. The problem is not about it being hard to master, but about overall concept. And with Mechanist I feel that devs tried both to make appealing concept and to make playing it simple. Let's just choose the first and forget about the second. It would be nice to see a weapon swap or toolbelt skills return at least when we don't have Robot deployed. As for Kits, I really expected some rework here. Animations are old as hell, some kits are still in need of tuning etc. 3) Synergy This point was also mentioned for a few times. We all want to see a better synergy with other traits and abilities. I personally want it to have synergy with other weapons. I miss rifle for example. And it would be great to have different weapons on different roles so to say. Want to have massive damage from distance? Pick rifle and traits needed: you can control enemies from a distance while your Robot will shoot them to death. Whant to support? Pick up mace/shield, choose traits and engage in meele. And so on... In that case some of our weapon skills also need changes and more synergetic ideas behind it. 4) Robot or Mech? I want to control my character. That's the basic rule and it doesn't work with Mechanist. AI doing a lot of stupid things and we have no real control over Robot movement. He shoots walls, rocks, moving around in a mile distance. Yesterday I have a very stupid thing in pvp when Robot started attacking objective and I started to fight on node with other engi. Robot skills were on CD. Guess what? It took him a whole minute to come back and engage in my fight. We need more control over that thing. I want to move it, hold it on place and I want it to listen to commands. And I don't even get the idea about this pet? Why can't I pilot it myself? At least on Ultimate ability? Is it so necessary to build whole spec mechanic on clunky AI even after all what happened with Gyros and Scrapper? You remember Scrapper, right? All in all Mechanist looks great and has some interesing skills, ideas and beautiful animations. But overall I expected to see something different. Mech and not Robot, my core mechanics saved or changed, not deleted completely etc. Hope devs will listen to our ideas, there are plenty of great thoughts in this thread. Anyway they put a great effort in making the spec, so we should appreciate it!
  7. I wanted to discuss that question for a long time and as title says it’s all about Core Engineer visual update. Don’t you think that most of our abilities look old and uninspiring nowadays? And by asking that I first of all mean kits. Flamethrower, elixir gun, tool kit: all those models look like they’re from the 1st century BC. I mean when my engi holds elixir gun, I want that gun looks kinda epic. I’m speaking not about flashy effects or particles, but about simply interesting and beautiful model. The only thing among kits that looks ok nowadays is our “elite” kit. But that’s mostly because it’s just a metal tube. Before HoT and PoF all those models seemed pretty much good to me, but now a number of years after, it’s becoming more and more frustrating in comparison to other professions. And that’s a real problem: as and engi you spend a lot of your time in kits. In some builds you can barely see your main weapons (speaking about legendaries :/). And it seems logical to me that kits are supposed to look... hm... better? More inspiring? I don’t want this discussion to become another blaming of ArenaNet. I am thankful for such a great game and hope to deliver those idea about kits to them. Do you agree with me or kits visuals seem ok to you?
  8. Very interesting concept, but it looks like a 50/50 mix between condi Mesmer and Minionmancer :/ As people above have already mentioned it's adding nothing new to the game in terms of mechanics as well as nothing to the profession: we’ve already had gyros and a lot of the mentioned in the description and it was wiped out cause of different gameplay problems. BUT! That’s great to see something made with such love and passion, so thumbs up!
  9. Thank you for an advice! I'll try to reconsider how I play)
  10. Good evening/morning/day everyone! Recently I took a huge break with Gw, doing some real life things, so I was abscent for quite a while. Before that I was playing Engi and Rev in 50/50 proportion. So, I'm a kind of player who likes PvP a lot and now, when I came back into the game I found that Rev is still in very good condition: Glint imperishable build is still here and still good, bow renegade is also an interesting thing - no problems with playing both of them. Then I decided to check my Engi and was a bit frustrated. According to Metabattle and Godsofpvp there are two viable builds: Nades Holo and Demo Scrapper. I tried both of them, but it should be some kind of trickery or my poor skills: both of them feel kinda meh? Holo seems to make 0 dmg in comparison to what I remember. Scrapper has overall better survivability, but it's literaly a challenge to kill somebody when it still can be easily focused by 2 players with CC. So, here is my questions to veteran players: am I doing something wrong? What happened to all powerful builds alltogether? And more important, what other (more viable/fun) builds I can try to avoid that traditional over the years feeling of engi resentment? Thank you for any answers and advices!
  11. That's beautiful! Renegade feels like it definetly needs a rework and I'm happy that a lot of people agree with that. The whole theme of the spec feels "not right" and those fan-concept looks like it was made with more love than original one. So, even if I'm not a GS fan I agree that it fits into the Kalla style when SB doesn't.The only problem is that we can't upvote the whole thread to make devs see the point =( Sweet deams are made of this...
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