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Daniel Handler.4816

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Posts posted by Daniel Handler.4816

  1. 18 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:


    My very first sentence of my original post specifically said that "I run 2 mantras".  I also said that everytime I tried to charge a mantra it was interrupted.  

    Every post you made after tried to discredit what I said, and now you say you only run 1 and would not advocate 2. Now that is super funny. 

    Not tried to, did discredit. 

    If your rebuttal is to say "mantras" is a plural word so "mantras are useless" must refer to using 2+ at the same time then this entire thread is stupid and I don't want to participate anymore. 

    There are a plethora of builds that use a single mantra and it is not the same mantra for each build.  Mantras, the skill types, are not useless. 


    18 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    Mantras used to be very effective in solo roaming and fighting multiple opponents. I know this because that was the majority of my game play and was the problem I initially spoke of. While they may still be effective in zerg play which is your expertise, they are not with solo roaming, which is my expertise. 

    No. You just want to use two or more. Stop doing that and the current version is better than the previous one. 

    • Like 2
  2. 17 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    Didn't I ask you to give examples of positioning in a different post? 


    Demonstrate it. You made the statement, so prove it.

    I ran two mantras at all times. You make 2 videos of you roaming With 2 mantras and fighting multiple enemies.  Prove me wrong. One video has to be open field, the other one can be your set up video.


    The other day I got in a fight with 2 catalysts taking my camp (all guards were killed when i jumped on them).

    I downed one, was slowly taking him out with auto attacks while working on the other one and would have won the other but I made the mistake of dodge rolling outside the circle.... the camp flipped to them and suddenly I was immobilized, blinded, and smacked by a Supervisor with RI. I went down right after. 


    My fights are almost ways like that. Super fast paced where it is impossible to charge anything. 


    But... if my wvw roaming was just camps and vet creature then the mantras would be fine. 



    You are moving the goal posts. I never advocated running two mantras. Nor do I recommend it. And as such I also don't need to make any videos either because there are already an abundance of videos with people using one mantra.

    Ex watch the first minute. 

    Edit: at 15:13 is a good example of the strengths of the current version of mantras. He is able to get off an interrupt he never would have had access to before because the charges wouldn't have refreshed in time. 

    • Confused 1
  3. On 2/26/2023 at 6:07 AM, apharma.3741 said:

    "ANet needs to remove the blurred inscriptions/desert distortion interaction as you just can't buff vigor on mirage while that exists. Then buff vigor, get rid of those silly mirrors and maybe have deceptions give endurance back."
    They need to remove the interaction so there isn't a 2 fold difference in ambush skill usage, you can't balance the ambushes and mirage when there is such a huge gap in potential. The removal of the interaction is to give a greater degree of control over mirage's offense and defence.

    Okay but be realistic.

    They are going to do that.

    On 2/26/2023 at 6:07 AM, apharma.3741 said:

    With 2 dodges and perma vigor you don't have the 3 in the bank daredevils have but you can get down to ~5s dodge recharge in WvW, you should be able to escape a lot of things with blink and double thrust which you're more likely to have with perma vigor. You only need to get ooc to mount up and you're gone.
    PvP will be different but skill splitting the vigor uptime and endurance regen in mirage would help deal with anything that happens.
    You're still slow outside of sword but that's not changing unless they make mirage advance better and give jaunt more charges etc.

    And then wait two years to do this. And even if they do this, it is going to be a reduction in our current speed. I think a lot of people like having 3 in the bank. Mirage isn't supposed to just be purple vindicator. 

    If you've ever tested https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nomad's_Advance  you'll find (at least in my experience) . Leap, wait 3 seconds, leap isn't nearly as fun as leap+leap+leap+leap+leap. A ~5 delay in WvW would be even worse.

    edit: But I could be biased to my own experience. I wouldn't play mirage without sword. 

  4. On 2/24/2023 at 4:40 PM, apharma.3741 said:

    I don't think it's at odds with itself when you look at my original 2 quotes, you either run blurred inscriptions and desert distortion for mobility and then realise you have no damage because you're either using a power weapon in a condition build or don't have damage traits so do little damage compared to other top tier roamers. The other option is you run damage traits but end up without this combo and so half the number of ambushes, not being able to chain 2-3 mirage thrusts is basically asking to die on mirage in WvW unless you go chaos and PU but then you're in the same boat, no damage.

    ANet needs to remove the blurred inscriptions/desert distortion interaction as you just can't buff vigor on mirage while that exists. Then buff vigor, get rid of those silly mirrors and maybe have deceptions give endurance back. The ideal is that mirage should be running 2 deceptions in it's optimal builds but they're just not there yet.

    It's not at odds with itself it's at odds with the other statement Katte made. They said you can't run away or chase down roamers. You can, as you are saying now, you just can't kill them.

    And my concern is that once you reintroduce that lethality, they will take away our mobility. 

    Even right now you are suggesting they strip the class of speed. Remove the trait interaction that gives us so many ambushes. But you arent proposing an alternative. 

    People say things like make jaunt 3 and fix mirage ambush so it doesn't range check and you can use it as a pseudo blink. 

    But it isn't going to be 20 sword ambushes, and they won't add  enough endurance to deception traits that will stop you being chased down by daredevils and willbenders.

    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    The thread is about mirage and they are bringing up one shot virtuoso which A. does not have clones they are complaining about B. has two dodges. How is that derailing the conversation if I am pointing out it is 100% not relevant to this thread?

    Yeah. You're also right. But arguing over what is and is not a one shot isn't really helpful either. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    You know balance discussions are in the gutter and not in good faith if people have to resort to using 2v1 to make a point...

    Except @Mell.4873 is correct. There are one shot builds. It's just relatively unlikely you will one shot a good player unless you are exceptionally good. Harping on him for being wrong on the term derails the conversation.


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  7. On 2/21/2023 at 4:14 PM, katte nici.9483 said:

    That's so true. Every roamer is stronger or faster or both. You can't chase them down, you can't run away from them and you can't beat them 1v1 if they are any good. Isn't Mesmer supposed to be "The Duelist Profession"?


    On 2/18/2023 at 10:50 AM, apharma.3741 said:

    That's the point, people don't and most won't play mesmer. You can scream what you have said till your lungs bleed but they're not listening to your message in that way. So you need to communicate in the way they will listen and will accept.

    I'll play well know ranger main of the forum devils advocate.

    Mirage has plenty of invuln, mirage cloak and blocks, it doesn't need another dodge, see this build: https://guildjen.com/condition-ambush-mirage-roaming-build/
    Mirage defences:
    Distortion 4s every 42.5s
    Signet of midnight 1s distortion every 35s, 2s every minute.
    Signet of midnight 2s stealth every 35s, 4s every minute
    Signet of ether 1s every 30s, 2s every minute
    Signet of illusions 1s distortion every 60s + 4s from refreshed distortion 
    Sceptre 2s block every 8s, easiest to say 6 times every minute.
    Aegis from Chaos storm 1 block every 35s, 2 every minute.
    Desert Distortion 3 mirrors each 42.5s, 6 mirrors every minute (signet of illusions)
    The Prestige: 3s stealth every 30s, 6s every minute
    Total defence per minute:
    13s invuln
    6 mirrors (4.5s mirage cloak)
    8 blocks.
    10s stealth.
    Total amount of ambushes per minute: 20 (13 + 6 from dodge and no vigor assumed +1 at start)

    Let's not return to this 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nIIAdhSGoo

    Devils advocate hat off. This is me saying how others might attack and justify not returning the second dodge. I believe it should have a 2nd dodge back but the above calculation will easily persuade many not to return the 2nd dodge especially if they're biased. You need to talk to them like this to change their minds because they won't play mesmer and they won't listen unless you show that mesmer is weak in a way they cannot escape acknowledging. This post is long enough but I can do the math and show mirage is weak and needs it's 2nd dodge, sorry to those who hate walls of text.

    Non blurred inscriptions or desert distortion mirage see link but don't pick desert distortion: https://hardstuck.gg/gw2/builds/mesmer/interrupt-mirage/
    Mirage defences:
    Distortion 4s every 42.5s
    The Prestige: 3s stealth every 24s, 9s every minute
    Signet of midnight 2s stealth every 35s, 4s every minute
    Axes of symmetry 0.75s every 8s, 5.25s every minutes.
    False oasis 1 mirror every 30s, 2 mirrors a minute

    Total defences per minute:
    13s stealth
    4s Invuln
    5.25s evasion (not dodge or cloak)
    2 mirrors (1.5s mirage cloak)
    Total ambushes per minute: 10 (vigor uptime assuming it takes on average 8s to regen a dodge. +2 mirrors +1 at start)

    I have not counted the evasion from dodging as it's roughly the same between the 2 builds thanks to vigor nerfs, only counted the mirage cloak access as dodge utilisation is tricky to work out, show and prove while many skills are easier to show and have wiggle roam in uses per minute. I have also not counted boons and other aspects of mirage as historically it wasn't complained about outside of the now nerfed chaos trait line and CI.
    As you can see without those 2 traits in a build that many consider "skilful" the defences and ambush potential is massively reduced to a point that it would not be an issue bringing back one dodge at all. If need be these 2 traits can be addressed but should be addressed separately and mirage should have it's 2nd dodge returned. Feel free to use this next time people pause about mirage dodge.

    Edit: I didn't want to type out another response so I'll put it here. That's more or less what I'm saying @Moradorin.6217 that these people are biased and aren't listening so we need to go at them in a way they can't dismiss or deny. Hence the above wall of text showing that without 2 traits mirage builds are light on the defensive side and so there's no reason to hold back on 2nd dodge. A lot of people still see mirage as in the video from that hate fuelled guy which is the image we need to counter.


    These two comments are fundamentally at odds with each other. And raises a bigger problem, at least for me.

    20 sword ambushes a minute means you CAN chase anyone down, and you CAN run away from them.  And it is the most fun part of the spec. Even if it can't 1v1 a daredevil.

    Is there a world where Anet buffs mirage so it can duel the celestial builds you described. But also keeps it as fast as before?

  8. On 2/3/2023 at 1:06 PM, apharma.3741 said:

    I was looking through the old forum, man we became so jaded now, so many names no longer around either 😿
    Edit: Fay and Pyroatheist, man I haven't seen them in years, looks like they dropped off end of 2019 and 2020.

    I started playing this game as a child. And Fay/Pyro were older then. It has been 10 years. 🧓 Maybe they have kids.

  9. Just now, Mell.4873 said:

    Should I just play without her then..

    I mean she can down people by herself, again I'm not here to really prove anything, I'm just telling you what we do.

    I'm not making grand claims that Mesmer is broken, and no one plays it like you guys do. I'm just saying we have fun, and it is fine in PvP. 

    Hey Mell. The thing is, the people in sPvP want it to be more than fine because other professions are more than fine. They want to win and climb the competitive ladder.

    There are absolutely one shot builds. But for the vast majority of Mesmer players, myself included, it only works against bad players. There are very very few people who can execute these combos against a good player. Not just because it requires excellent muscle memory, but also because any amount of network latency is going to screw you over. 

    That being said. Because there are people who have the skill and internet speed to do these combos successfully Anet will often balance top down. They might be more flexible about this thinking in the future though. It is very similar to the  discussion on not balancing around benchmarks, and they seemed to understand we shouldn't be punished in PvE because people on Snow Crows are min-maxing against golems. But they might be too nervous to make changes in PvP.


    • Like 4
  10. 8 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    How do you not see the arrogance?

    If someone does not play how you say they should play then they are having a "less than stellar experience ".

    Dude. You literally made a post complaining about your experience. If you are having a great time why does this thread even exist? 

    And I don't know what you expect to change about that at this point.

    Please let me know how Anet can balance skills based upon Jitters not using his entire kit. You don't use escape abilities on scrapper? Well many do, so those skills are going to be balanced for that potential. 

    Mantra skills can be recharged. They are going to only have two charges to compensate. And Anet will expect you to learn how to charge them. Or deal with only having 1. 

    8 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    There is no better build than the builds I create for myself. Not sure why you want to keep touting yourself as the expert for everyone. You aren't. 

    I agree with the first sentence. As for the rest, I gave my opinion. You gave yours.

    And your opinion was that the skill is useless in wvw. For me that is demonstrably false both in zerging and in roaming.

    8 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    My original post was perfect as is.

    I make unconventional builds and play them. They are what I find most fun. Not your cookie cutter builds that everyone and their dog uses. That is no fun to me.

    Just because your limited viewpoint does not understand how a change like the 2.25second recharge cast time could totally destroy a build, That is a you issue. Perhaps you should expand your knowledge to beyond what you read other people do and do for yourself. 

    I understand it has impacted your experience. What you don't understand is that it has improved other's experience as well. People who can find the time to recharge these skills greatly benefit from the reduced cooldown. And anet is going to balance the game around the majority.

    Also there is nothing wrong with a new player using a site like snowcrows.com metabattle.com etc to learn what a proper build looks like. The only problem is when they just accept them as gospel. People should be constantly exploring the class.


    • Like 4
  11. 53 minutes ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    Signet of Midnight is an excellent skill. I used it on my stealth build, but it's a 30s CD and the expertise is wasted on power builds. Arcane Thievery is another great skill that I currently use on my mirage, but it can be negated by an evasive foe. Resolve cannot be stopped and could fire off twice in succession under heavy pressure before recharge was up. It was the most reliable condi hate skill, especially for power builds. 
    Your advice is good but not ubiquitous.

    My phone was double posting all day. It was annoying. I think it was connection issue.

    I agree somewhat. My advice definitely should not and cannot apply to every circumstance.

    In this case, it feels like the mantra is overkill. With access to sigils of cleaning, menders purity, restorative illusions, and blurred inscriptions you already have a boatload of cleanse that cannot be stopped.  

    And there are many roaming power builds that do not require conditions at all to kill you.

    Arcane thievery gives quickness and removes boons.

  12. 1 minute ago, Levetty.1279 said:

    Power Cleanse removes 3 conditions.

    And I am not surprised that people who have a history of wanting Mesmer to be nerfed for no reason are fine with a 2+ second cooldown being slapped on that skill and then claiming it is somehow a buff.

    Yes and you have two charges of power cleanse + the recharge effect of mantra of resolve. My math is very slightly off because there is a 1 second cooldown between charges. 

    Comparing a skill to one part of a chain skill is naive at best, intentionally dishonest at worst.

  13. 2 hours ago, Levetty.1279 said:

    Are you fine with Shake it Off suddenly getting a 2 second cast time?

    Shake it off removes 4 conditions on a 30 second cooldown.    .1333 per second

    Mantra of resolve removes all/3 +3 + 3 on a ~10.25 to 14.5 second loop.  ~.87+ per second.

    Why are you at all surprised that a skill four to six times as potent also has a longer cast time?

  14. 8 minutes ago, Delrago.2098 said:

    Coming from a solo roamer, mantras a fine for the most part. Do the cd nerfs feel bad, yea sure. Is there still pretty much no reason to take pain mantra yes, but  Mantras needed to be changed. no counter play to the instant mantra heal or 1200 range instant rupt wasn’t healthy.  How ever most players I see use the last charge of their mantra and hyper focus on trying to charge it as fast as possible. No decision making, no waiting for the opponents burst, if it gets rupted or canceled they instantly try to charge it again. It’s a big long animation and no one talks about how much you can use that to ur advantage. Players see the animation and try to capitalize on that and leave themselves open more times than not. I’m not going to say mantras are easy to use still because they are not, counter-play for them exists again but they a definitely not unplayable.  

    This is the most accurate summary of current events. 

    If I could pin a comment in this thread it would be this one.

  15. 1 hour ago, viquing.8254 said:

    :- sure it's not anymore a random skill like everyone has in it's bar.

    - if the opponent rupt it, they burn a CC doing it which can be exploited.

    About crying on burning defensive CD, when you cast mass invis what are you doing during the invis ? (don't tell me you always preburst in the middle of the duration.). Same when you LoS to resustain, you have plenty of times to recast.


    57 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    So what you want is more important than what they want? Gotcha.

    I want mantras to stay as they are now. So what you want is also more important than what I want.

    57 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:


    And this statement makes you even more funny.  You are responding to a solo roamer, saying that solo roamer needs to play how you think they should play based upon "group play". 

    Again. That is funny. 


    Nothing I have said is based upon zerging beyond when I have specifically talked about zerging. But solo roaming is also group play, you randomly dying affects the score.

    I have also solo roamed quite extensively.  I also didn't say need. Your question was " Why would you tell people not to play what they find the most fun and what you think they should play?"

    You can tell people many things. They don't have to listen. I can voice my opinion as I am doing right now.

    You are fully welcome to continue playing whatever random builds you play and having a less than stellar experience because Anet cannot and will not cater to the minority .

    I will continue to advise people because I enjoy winning and I think other people do too.

    I maintain that 4 mantras is insane and you are better off playing Tempest, deal with it.


  16. 21 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

    It's quite hilarious how people are saying to use cooldowns to charge ineffective mantras when there are literally skills out there that do even more without needing a charge time or cast time. Alright, let me pop my invis to charge my mantra and be a sitting duck god forbid I get ganked and need an escape, or wait let me just use my distortion to charge up my mantras because I won't be needing that later on...in terms of access to stability Mesmer is on the WAY lower end. I don't know if people actually PLAY Mesmer or theorize how things should play out. 

    There aren't. And you aren't saving skills to charge mantras. You are already stealthing, repositioning, ccing, shattering etc.  Builds that need to use mantras have the time to charge them.

    If am on an interrupt build and I need to get distraction back up. What does it cost me to use diversion to interrupt them interrupting my cast. What do I lose? 

  17. 2 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    I used to run 2 mantras actually. Mantra of Resolve for reliable cleanse, and Recovery for rune/trait procs on heal skill. On my FB I used not 2 but 3 mantras! Not anymore.

    Can't speak to firebrand. Their mantras work in reverse, they have different playstyles, and different access to stab.

    But if you are running Mesmer mantras for healing then you are running inspiration, which means Resolve is heavily outclassed by traited Signet of Midnight, free expertise with an active that is 1 second invuln + 1 second stealth + stun break + aoe blind + removes 5 conditions. And can even convert 2 additional conditions to boons if need be (though inspiration + chaos is excessive when you also have restorative illusions and mender's purity for cleanse).

    Recovery+midnight+blink should be sufficient for most things. Any addition problems with condi's would be solved better with arcane thievery or even mimicking the signet.


    edit: I also did not confuse face your post. I think someone else did because you posted it twice. Not because the content was weird.

  18. 21 minutes ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

    He is saying all is well cause chrono can still stand and take a ton of focus and be a commander so, apparently mesmers should all be happy and just conform and forget about roaming and forget that Mesmer and Mirage was supposed to be a dueling class and Mirage a combat spec.

    I mean if you are running a 4 mantra "healing" build you should probably conform and stop with that nonsense. Or play Tempest instead.

    But no. Roaming specs absolutely can use mantras as well. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Mesmer read the wvw roaming builds on this site. Then please explore it more on your own, as those builds are not one size fits all solutions.

    • Confused 4
  19. 17 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    I may be missing something here, but it looks like most of your solutions to cover prep for a mantra after putting it on CD is to burn another skill and put it on CD? 😕

    I don't want to make too many generalizations.

    But most builds that need to use mantras, only use one and it is integral to the build.

    1. Mantra of Distraction with interrupt builds.
    2. Mantra of Concentration with utility builds (that are in a group lacking stab, and not running veils)
    3. Mantra of Pain with one shot builds 

    Only the first two need to be regular recharged in combat (one shot builds should be out of combat because the target is dead, or you are temporarily retreating because you blew all your cooldowns). And it is important enough that you will want to burn something to get them back up and running. Fortunately interrupt builds also have tools to interrupt people trying to interrupt them, like casting diversion while casting distraction. And utility builds often have stablity, aegis or projectile denial. So most of the time this is fine.

    You run into issues when you are using two or more mantras. In which case you probably need to be running bountiful disillusionment for extra stab.

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  20. 21 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

    That would fix it, you could precast the skill and just not use the last charge. You would basically have the old Mantras back. 

    Then they would increase the recharge cooldown to compensate which would nerf the people who can regularly recharge them.

    Just don't use the last charge and you basically have the old mantra back.

    • Confused 2
  21. 9 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:



    I am doing absolutely nothing wrong.


    I play what I found to be the most fun. Like when I played thief.  I played d/d  d/d and rarely used stealth.  I found using stealth too op and boring. My best was me vs 5 with very little stealth used and my own creation. 


    When I play guardian... I like to lay all my traps on a sentry then watch from a little distance. My traps do so much damage they down almost everyone build out there.  The enemy goes down, I cheer, then most times I leave them to get up. There is no need to stomp as I've already had my fun. And it is my own creation. 

    There is nothing wrong in trying to have fun in a video game.

    9 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:


    When I play scrapper I deliberately do not use any escape abilities.  It is either win or don't win. My best was me vs 6 on my own build creation. 

    But there are definitely better or worse ways to play.

    9 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:


    My mesmer build is my own creation.  I've looked at builds people use and found them to be both "lacking and no fun", so I made my own. 


    And since I beat pretty much any mesmer I come across 1v1, I am very confident that my build is better than anything else out there. 


    And no I won't share it because then there would be 1000 other mesmer builds like mine out there. 

    This isn't the Mesmer Collective. I am glad you think you are safeguarding some secret build, but there really arent that many permutations. You said you had 1.3k healing procs, and are running scepter+sword. It isn't hard to reverse engineer what type of build you are playing.

    I am not surprised you win 1v1. Most players are new, new players struggle vs bunker condi builds. They don't understand the basics of starting with energy+cleansing + stunbreak + mobility and working up from there.

    9 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:


    Too any people play what others suggest when they should figure things out for themselves.

    Scaffolding is an important process in learning.

    It is more helpful to send someone a build like https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Support_Chronomancer

    and then they tweak it from there. Throwing them into the deep-end just leads to threads like these where people don't understand the full breadth of their kit.

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  22. I just want toss out for other people's benefit that sites like https://metabattle.com/wiki/Mesmer and https://hardstuck.gg/gw2/builds/mesmer/ exist

    I do not cosign every build that is listed here. But it may be helpful for new people to understand what a build even looks like and where/when one might would want to use a mantra. 

    Often the recharge doesnt even matter. 

    You kill something very fast. 

    Or you are fighting something that will let you recharge. 


    WvW has both situations. 

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  23. 1 minute ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    No take backs. 


    (1) You said mantras are good only in zergs. That defends my position of them being destroyed for solo roamers.

    (2) Using multiple mantras is beyond you. Thank you for admitting I am the more knowledgeable player of the mesmer and the lessor used skills in solo roaming. 

    I know what I said. 

    "Not every skill is going to be useful in every game mode. Don't use mantras while roaming if you can't use them effectively. There are better alternatives for small scale. Instead of Resolve use Arcane Thievery." 

    I didn't say they are only good in zergs. I said don't use them if you can't use them effectively. 

    1 minute ago, Jitters.9401 said:

    (3) So you only understand the chrono as it pertains to zerging, and if it isn't chrono you are unable to talk due to limited knowledge.... all you had to say one time was that I was and am correct, but apparently you wanted to make a point by saying it 3 times. 

    I roam in WvW as well on full zerker virtuoso or on celestial mirage if we are doing small scale but heavily outnumbered. Build swap exists and taking a minstrel chrono into a supply camp is a waste of time. 

    I have sympathy for people who play mesmer in PvP. In WvW you have access to PvE gear and ascended food. 

    Post your build. I will be able to tell you what you are doing wrong. 

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