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insane.7506's Achievements

  1. Same prob here Crash perma time on tab tournament since yesterday
  2. when i click on the tournaments tab my game crash since yesterday you have the same problem.
  3. Season 17 start week later. Yesterday bug again in pvp Anet no speak about this bug and fix it. Is just a troll Anet not interresting for player pvp .
  4. Season 17 week later Yesterday i again bug in pvp Ohhhhh anet can you fix this bug or season 17 is troll same season 16???????????
  5. Anet résolu fix this bug ? Maybe prefer maj for pve and item legendary useless 2 week button bug and zéro commentary and communication . Just thanks for player pvp anet :((((((((
  6. War match up 1v1 I Never die vs rev plat 3 or legendary same
  7. ANET again bug and again and again i need 5 games for leaderboard can you prolongation or not this season ?
  8. again bug réal tu need 2 win for leaderboard and zéro patch bug Anet please patch or finish tous season in one day or 2 days
  9. Button pvp bug again and end Time season Please anet prolongation Time for title last try 1 or 2 days. Please
  10. Hi, prolongation season or not ? Last try for title And no game in week-end cause bug button. Please prolongation
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