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  1. like seriously if you look in the wardrobe we only have like 6 diffrent styles of aquabreather
  2. like can we all agree it would be crazy to be decked out in full jade tech gear on for say a golemancer 🙂 but we cannot have things like that that much anymore cause most armor and weapons don't have aquatic varients
  3. however i already use that but it limits me on what classes i can use this theme on
  4. the spear is actually not jade tech the spear doesn't seem to have a clear power source and apears to be just a spear made with jade if you actually look into it
  5. so why don't they waterproof jade tech aquatic gear 🙂
  6. it is more likely that they didn't have the time for the animations
  7. if that was the case the jade tech skiff wouldn't be able to eaither. so it makes sense that they have waterproofing for some of their tech 🙂
  8. i'm glad i'm not the only one who was thinking this and ty evreyone 🙂
  9. and now that there is entire bossfights that take place underwater it would be nice to add in aquatic gear that matches diffrent weapon/armor sets
  10. believe it or not there's pepole out there who want compleate sets of diffrent armor and weapons but the parts of the game that are underwater tend to ruin the theme a person is going for
  11. it is quite bothersome cause for pepole who want a full set of jade tech...or for say a full set of runic armor we can't have that cause you don't give the option for the aquatic stuff
  12. my entire meta map failed cause some person opened the meta chest early it's gamebreaking and it needs fixed as soon as possible
  13. honestly they should ban for actions too cause they have acess to logs and location yet they don't use it often times to advoid getting reported players will do things that are extreemly toxic that don't involve chat if you ask me the reporting system is broken beyond belive cause most of the bad ones get there way with it simply by not using chat
  14. Anet this is a honest question are you going to fix this bug because if not theirs no point in having this update
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