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Posts posted by battledrone.8315

  1. 2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Maybe different players say these things though? 😄 I certainly know that I have an opinion that it's completely normal to be expected to complete certain tasks in order to get a reward in games. I'm also not a fan of some sort of "you don't need to try, just get others to carry you instead!" approach.

    yep. and the reward is not nearly enough for that kind of work. you may feel different, its your time, not mine.

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  2. 2 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

    That you didn’t like it doesn’t mean that it is not casual friendly. 

    if it was casual, there would prolly be more players. AFAIK, they are already boosting the rewards to motivate people

    you can like it all you want and play it all day, nobody is stopping you

    just like the sushi, they lured me into trying. one bite was enough. that doesnt mean, that sushi should be banned.

    it just means, that i wont pay for it. i wont even taste the free samples.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    I would think the starter areas would require a lot of modifications in possibly "spaghetti code" to add something like this. While in an entirely new map, there is a lot more space and less clutter to fit this in.

    But ultimately - of course, that would have been the best.

    but wasnt it like that before NPE? didnt they nerf it out because people complained?

    thats the way i recall it, i may be wrong though

  4. 3 minutes ago, nenchii.5170 said:

    But... You are throwing a tantrum? You are refusing to accept any advice given to you. Strikes are a very casual content. You are complaining for 5 forum pages how Anet mistreated you personally because you have to do a strike mission.

    saying i dont like something=tantrum? okay...

    strikes are supposed to be the stepping stone to raids , right?

    casual my kitten

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  5. 21 minutes ago, nenchii.5170 said:

    If you are not interested in the turtle, if you do not care about the item... Why complain about it? We are not here to convince you to play if you do not want to. Solutions were given to you - either do it once or suck it up and stop complaining.

    Just fyi - in ff every player is forced into group content, and it is not raiding. It is mandatory to finish the story. Anet actually is trying to get people into different types of content, which is a good thing. In other games it is standard to lock mounts behind group content.

    No offense, but you are throwing a tantrum and rejecting any solution and advice given to you. If you made a post asking to simply get carried, you would have had your turtle there and then.

    if you wanted a world, where a generic, asian grinder is considered "the best", you have won

    i am fine with group content too, if it is casual enough. throwing a tantrum? sounds like projection to me

    and if i have to get carried through the story, then it isnt really the story me either

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I take it that there was a time issue and they had to decide where to put their resources into. Some stuff obviously needed to be done quickly.

    yea thats work for you. i feel sorry for the devs, they are let down by poor decions at the top.

    i havent seen so much potential squandered since swtor, they have wasted so many resources trying to reinvent the wheel

  7. 5 minutes ago, sokeenoppa.5384 said:

    I mean... There is a lot more content in expansion than turtle. 

    But anyways ill go back to enjoy my turtle now and leave you rant here, Even tho with the time you used to rant you could be done with your turtle collection already 😅

    much better players than me have wasted their time on this meta, so that would be no

    turtle looks cool, and if i could get it in a casual way, then i would

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  8. Just now, sokeenoppa.5384 said:

    I mean thats on them, it always takes time to balance out new content. If some1 is hitting their head against the wall since day one, even tho it has been well known fact that meta is getting balanced later. 


    And guess what? Later today meta is not even required for turtle anymore.

    yep, its a well known fact, that the most hyped up fans dont log in at once , and no life the expansion.

    who could had seen this coming? certainly not the guys, who have been on the job for a decade.

    it is also not the most avid fans, who actually take their vacation now, so they can get that new expansion feel,

    while its hot and new.

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  9. 19 minutes ago, Serephen.3420 said:

    There were some but not as big as this one. The way I see it at least is that it sits somewhere in the middle.

    Edit: Turtle has no time gating which is a nice change. But Skyscales length was not limited to time gating.  

    At least you only need to do it once. Though I think if the total time duration for the event was reduced (pre events etc) I think far less people would be annoyed with it amongst those who are.

    if i really want to do hardcore content, metas are the last place i would go. i can raid, but i want something

    useful for my work. not a ton of trash loot, that i have to open/DE/whatever

  10. 6 minutes ago, battledrone.8315 said:

    no, dcuo doesnt work that way, they only do it in heroic raids

    and thats exactly why i dont raid in most mmos. and given how much fun time the average gamer has at their disposal,

    i am pretty sure, that they dont want to waste it in this way either

    BTW, i am not very interested in the turtle. if i could get it without hassle , fine.

    if not, then its just a little lesser fine. but it is common knowledge, that if you put something desirable on the box, then the average buyer will expect to find that item IN THE BOX.



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  11. 3 hours ago, nenchii.5170 said:

    That is how any mmo work. Any instanced non-dungeon content works exactly like this. Ffxiv even on normal difficulty will not let you respawn in 8man content. Raids in gw2 will not let you do that either. If majority of people die, on gw2 you can just agree to /gg and reset. It gives you time to learn mechanics. Do not blame the game for giving you an opportunity to learn from others and stop creating problems when there are none. The only thing between you getting the turtle is you and your attitude 

    and thats exactly why i dont raid in most mmos. and given how much fun time the average gamer has at their disposal,

    i am pretty sure, that they dont want to waste it in this way either

    BTW, i am not very interested in the turtle. if i could get it without hassle , fine.

    if not, then its just a little lesser fine. but it is common knowledge, that if you put something desirable on the box, then the average buyer will expect to find that item IN THE BOX.


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  12. 2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It's a refresher of the mechanics, probably only the BB being actual tutorial that should have taken place much earlier. But what's your point here? That they're trying to fix the past deficiencies? Same goes for "tarir multi loot". It was a thing until they fixed it and now it rightfully isn't. What point exactly are you making by bringing this up? Fixes to the game shouldn't be a thing? Hard disagree.

    as you say, the tutorial should had been done way sooner. and if they want to fix the game, they should start with the

    insane balancing issues, and the story disconnects. those would be my  priorities

    PS tarir went on for about a year AFAIR. way too long for any AAA title.


  13. 6 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


    Then stop dying ?

    If you die to a new mechanic it's fine. However this time every EoD strike mission has their minecraft peaceful mode in the form of story mission, which actually is a smart move. In story mission you dont die to those mechanic but they do exist to teach you what to do or not do. 


    There is no point in kicking a dead player to let someone else enter because that player will also spawn as a dead person. People rarely get kicked because they died once. They get kick either because they arent doing their job, because they dont fit the criteria the group asks or because they just keep dying at the same mecanic that happens that always happens at the said time. 

    the mechanics in the story missions are the reason why i dont play this game any more.

    many of them dont make any sense, bordering to the the downright insulting

    at best, they are filler content, at worst, they are literal gamestoppers.

    they would have to make some hefty changes if they want me touch any more story content

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  14. 8 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


    Where's your proof for that ? If you say "forum" then it is not a representation of the community. I have seen a fair share of player who didnt want to play strike, tried Kaineng for the turtle and ended up liking strikes.


    But the most vocal playerbase refuses to even attempt them and cry outloud they have to do something they've never tried and never will.

    do you want to buy this chocolate covered bacon with licorice sauce and marinated cheese?

    how about a small bite...come on...you KNOW you want it

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  15. 9 hours ago, Desh.7028 said:


    SWtoR right now? No idea. I was leading Fatality though and it certainly did not allow to rez yourself in-fight back then.

    WoW, FFXIV, Lost Ark, Rift (back in the day), that Conan thing, Marvel Heroes (once upon a time, what a great game to be gone), Secret World, Terra (iirc), EQ2 (a long time ago iirc), ESO, EVE (slightly different game but still an MMO). Some titles I've played and can't remember even the name of had this feature.

    I've actually never played a game where the noteworthy instanced content for more than 4/5 allowed players to just get up and zerg down an encounter that way.

    And Anet want strikes to be a mainstay judging by their development and design decisions - and the difficulty of the EoD launch strikes is really nice imho, it's very forgiving with no timers anywhere for at least 3/4th of them.

    okay, i guess thats the reason why i raided more in those particular games.

    and its also one of the reason why i wont do strikes here

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  16. 15 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    I think adding more tutorials and more ingame tips will not solve anything. 

    The combat system isnt rocket science, anyone willing to learn will learn it. But if its not required during gameplay some just dont bother. 

    Now in a game with emphasis on player limited player number instance content you can ramp up mechanics gradually each dungeon, raid and players will have to learn to progress. In a game like gw2 where majority plays only story and ow you would need to do it in those modes. And here comes ED meta. 

    they said no at max level. thinking that they would accept it earlier is insane.

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