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Posts posted by battledrone.8315

  1. 18 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    At launch? About the same. After all, most people will realize the game is half-finished, buggy mess only after they've had a chance to play it.

    Sure it is. What you're missing is that this market is mostly not new players, but old players trying stuff around. Notice, btw, that someone trying out other games does not mean they will leave their old one. That would only happen if the new game were to be an even better fit for them than the current one is. That's why many new MMORPGs have high initial player counts, but those players disappear shortly after - they go back to playing their main games after they've satisfied their curiosity.

    New World was not designed to be that game - it would not fulfill that criteria even if it was done perfectly. It was simply designed to be a game of the type that, ultimately does not appeal to all that many players. Not on the western market anyway. The bugs and other issues simply added to that, but were not a primary cause of players not being interested longterm.

    lol. unless they watched some videos on it first. and you are acting like mmo players are "special" because they 

    want to try out new games. tell me, what specific design choices they did wrong?

    what would you have done differently to save the day? 

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  2. On 1/22/2022 at 9:18 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

    And most of those players went in just to see things, and were either not intending to stay, or didn't read the game description too well.

    That's exactly a result of a good marketing aimed at wrong target group - people come, but leave soon after. Which is fine if you are going to sell an one-time-purchase singleplayer game (once), but not for MMOs.

    I mean, even Amazon realized their design had a problem. Remember the moment when they suddenly started deemphasizing the fact that the game was designed as an open-world PvP sandbox? That was when they realized that even among people interested in their game people that like open world PvP are a minority.

    The bugs and other launch issues were just an icing on a cake.

    if  you dont get people to actually try the game, then its dead pretty much at launch, just like crowfall was

    and if a half finished , buggy mess can get over a million players at launch, how much could a GOOD game do?

    the mmo market is still there. thats my point.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    I believe the point was that there should have been no need to watch any video for most players to realize New World was a trainwreck about to happen. For me, all it took was a general description of the game from the developer.

    that just means, that it wasnt a game for you. considering the resources they had, there was an actual chance for it to be good.

    they had over a million players at launch. the market is clearly there.

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  4. 7 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    I'm with you on this one. I see the main 'problem' with raiding is that the entry cost appears too high for many players. So many people get so far in the open world without ever learning how to be efficient with boons, movement, or working with other people. Asking someone to climb a big hill in one massive leap is a good way to discourage them from trying at all. But if you put in a staircase, more folks might be inclined to try.

    I personally think it's possible to use strikes to teach raid boss mechanics, but you'd need a lot of them if you want to avoid just reskinning various raid boss fights. Seems like a dumb idea when you can do the exact same thing with existing raids, just tweak things to be progressively more punishing as you work up to real raiding levels. And of course, absolutely no LI/KP or other progress toward raid legendary armor outside of difficulty modes that match or exceed what we have now.

    "Story mode" raids could be the most casual possible form - like baby's first raiding adventure levels of benefits  No enrage timer, group wipe mechanics only taking down maybe 40-60% of HP, and maybe even a long-cooldown mass group revive. There would be almost no meaningful reward for doing this, maybe some silver and the 2-blues-and-a-green sort of loot.

    The intermediate mode(s) could add longer than normal enrage timers, a slightly more punishing big boss hit mechanic (so 75-90% HP loss for failing it), etc. Basically a watered down version of current raids that let weak groups feel close enough to winning that they might find it worth it to actually figure out how to play better or compose wiser teams. As for rewards, absolutely no LI or anything that gets you closer to raid legendary armor - maybe just reduced a chance at ascended boxes.

    The top tier of raids could just be what raids are now. I know a lot of veteran raiders already find this quite easy, so maybe there's room for a CM on some of these, but the proportion of players who'd actually make use of it would be quite small IMO. This would probably just devolve into a few capable groups selling even more clears than they do already, so not sure a CM would be worth the effort from ANet.

    if you remove the good rewards, you have just the eliminated the reason for most casuals to try it.

    they would need to put in a significant gear upgrade for it to work.

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  5. 21 hours ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    You needed video for that? seriously?

    as many other mmo players, i am getting desperate for a good, new mmo. or, at least, a decent , and functional one.

    the numbers suggest, that i wasnt alone in this.but dont let reality hold you back. you are free to believe what you want.

    some of those streamers have more subs, than most mmos. let that sink in.


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  6. On 1/20/2022 at 8:04 AM, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    No idea who he/she/it is. Streamers are F list celebs who are followed mainly by teens whos attention span is 15 minutes (20 if there is RGB lighting)

    nope, josh strife hayes actually goes very deep into the various elements of mmo design

    bellular is the guy, if you want to know everything about wow

    lazypeon is simply entertaining to watch, even though i dont share his taste in mmos

    watching a few videos convinced me NOT to buy new world, and waste my time and money on that wreck

    • Confused 1
  7. On 12/31/2021 at 4:01 AM, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

    No, again, read the following:

    I predict the game (Specifically GW2) will fail if all it does is focus on a single type of content.


    I use ESO and FF14 as examples of MMOs who, while having a big focus on the single player story content, has no issues delivering on instanced content both challenging or otherwise.  ESO also, (I believe at one point or currently) has a smaller team than GW2.  So there's almost no reason for ANet not to do the same if the people they were hiring on for those side projects were hired on to just work on GW2.

    the reason was money. they wanted more, so they decided to sideline their main asset in favor of those unspecified

    projects. i prolly dont have to explain the problems with this strategy. 

    • Confused 2
  8. On 12/21/2021 at 4:29 PM, AquaBR.9250 said:

    This idea of the well design maps being "bad" or "painful" to navigate is from people that don't like to explore at all and prefer plane bland horizontal 2d maps where you just walk straigh everywhere you want, might as well put some mail quests where the objective is just talking to another npc, so you have no challenge at all

    exploration was truly challenging in the old days. but this isnt the old days anymore. and its a game. 

    there is no doubt, that hot cost them a lot of goodwill. 

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  9. 12 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

    This game does have a lot of perceived complexity given the many choices we have as players.  If you have not seen, MetaBattle is a build site that offers a wide variety of build guides.  While many builds are focused on meta/end game/competitive builds, there are guides for Leveling and Low Intensity builds that could be a good starting place for you.

    For Example:

    Ranger - LI Ranger - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds


    Revenant - LI Power - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds

    This would give you tips on how to gear, what rotation to use, alternate build choices etc.  Once you find a build that you are successful with, you can start branching out and trying different builds as you explore more of the game.

    Be aware though, that some builds are focused on perfect play, and are punishing if you are not aware of game mechanics or able to memorize complex rotations.  Hence the recommendation to start with LI or Leveling builds guides.

    if he does that, then it isnt really HIS character anymore,  just a copy of someone elses.

    he has to work to get it, and pay for it, but choices?

    it is sheer insanity, that he has to chose between the build he is used to play with ( and presumably likes), and 

    a build to do later content with. 

    to the OP: if you like the core GW2, then its better to leave. the expansions are NOTHING like the core game.

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  10. 11 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    It's better than nothing and better than allowing players to CC bosses.  Did you have a better idea for making CC skills useful against bosses?

    i am against the whole concept. you dont stop a tank with tear gas and caltrops either. and it is using resources to actively make the game smaller, by limiting the skills you can use. as far as the representation goes: its a blue bar. it is there, and then it goes away

    again. not impressed.

    • Confused 4
  11. Just now, wolfsblut.9435 said:

    I would not call the "life or die" mechanic in some instances that boring.

    again: if it was that interesting, people would had jumped on board voluntarily.  but they didnt.

    trying to push it more will only hurt the game.

    • Confused 4
  12. 11 minutes ago, wolfsblut.9435 said:

    The could simply highlight all CC skills when one hits a target that actually has a defiance bar active.


    that would tank the servers on a unprecedented level. and if people were interested, they would had found out on their own.

    fact is: it is a boring mechanic, and it prevents players from using the skills they prefer

    • Confused 4
  13. 19 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    This isn't true.  While it was popular it also had massive problems, the biggest of it was it wasn't sustainable. And it prevented people starting the game from getting into the story.  It was massively popular with people playing but that didn't mean it wouldn't have been a detriment to getting new people in the game. There are all sorts of reasons that changes are made to creative endeavors all the time. Popularity is one reason something keeps going, but there are many reasons why projects get cancelled.  


    The assumption that anything popular would continue is not a good one, even though it would seem to be a no brainer. I've been in publishing a good portion of my life and that's just not how it works...not all the time.

    it was popular among those who played it? yea that makes sense. the rest is pure gibberish. the kind of talk you would expect from a politician. 

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  14. 6 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Or, you could simply be mistaken. Again I'll let others decide what to think based on their own perceptions and experience. I knew I wasn't going to convince you that Season 1 was widely played by a large percentage of the playerbase and was thus massively popular. 

    But you're the one actually picking on a single word while ignoring the actual intent of what I'm saying. If you don't think Season 1 was popular that's fine. I simply don't agree and I'd wager it was popular enough to be the major upgrades to this game for a year and a half with very little else in that time period. It was popular enough to call it massively popular. Only the temporary nature of the content caused complaints.

    that is a lie, i saw many low level players leave when that pesky event started . i did the same , because if you werent good enough ( (or interested in) the event, it basically prevented you from doing missions in that area. the alternative was to stick around, and getting yelled at in chat for not doing the event. oh yea, did i mention, that it would actuallly kill US if THEY failed?

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  15. 21 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Massively popular is a relative term.  If I run a club of 30 people and we have a book that 25 of them like, we'd say that book is massively popular in our club.

    Season 1 was massively popular in the game. It doesn't mean that everyone plays Guild Wars. It means a pretty big percentage of players, in my opinion, participated in it regularly and enjoyed it.   Yes that makes it massively popular. If you don't play this game, it's likely you'd never heard about it.

    Context is everything.

    you can bet, that if it was THAT popular, they would never had turned it off in the first place.

    "massively popular" would indicate an approval rating way over 50%. and you are still at least a million 

    players short of that statement.


    • Confused 2
  16. On 11/12/2021 at 5:40 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

    LS 1 is arguably some of the most popular content in the history of the game, but it was hit and miss. However, the nightmare tower, the marionatte, Escape from Lion's Arch, the Aetherblade Dungeon and the Molten Facility were massively popular. And even the Battle for Lion's Arch was popular, though I didn't love it personally myself.

    I'm not sure what examples you can furnish but sure, go ahead. It's probably just your opinion. The big problem with LS 1 was that it was temporary content.

    a few hundred players doesnt make it "massively popular". even 1000s of players arent enough. you would literally 

    need millions of players . and there clearly werent that many.

    • Confused 2
  17. 20 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

    Not really, you can use teleport to friend (which are easy to get) if you have that map unlocked.
    Again are you seriously gonna do such petty thing? Whatever float your boat.

    all my friends left years ago. and why would i spent time in a game, where i dont like the new content?

    in order to return , i would have to:

    1.try and find a new spec , that i can play

    2. go out and grind the gold for that spec.

    thats a lot of work with a very questionable outcome. not gonna happen

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  18. 54 minutes ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

    After few thoughts i should have said "not a story driven" differently but to say literally stop is false, I don't remember  unable to start expansion stoty without previous LW, not only that you can get portal tome to teleport other character who havent even finished the story yet something you can't do in SWTOR , iirc take KOTFE for example, you cant enter zuul unless that character has done chapter 2

    yea but in order to get that tome you still have to do the required story part.

    and starting a different story doesnt resolve the current one either. 

    after reading up on the following story bosses, i should had stopped playing this game way earlier

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  19. 21 minutes ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

    IMO its quite idotic to left a mmo simply because of the story, this isn't a story driven game and there are more things to do then waiting with bated breath for a conclusion

    It does suck to miss out the story of LW1 but Anet has stopped doing that and are looking way to re-implement them so not all is lost, later LW story won't disppear and can be bought without real money

    Again, i must say this is a petty thing to quit the game simply because  1 old content is gone. This is not like Destiny 2 where  to this day still REMOVE contents because "too big"

    "not a story driven game"...did you ever play the game?

    not finishing a story will literally stop your progression. in fact, can you find an mmo , that is MORE story driven, than this?

    this is exactly the same as swtor in that regard

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  20. 6 hours ago, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

    They brought back twisted Marionette. There is no reason to believe they can’t bring back the attack on Lion’s Arch. They have the 4 story missions in eye of the north you can play now. I didn’t play most of season 1, but there isn’t any reason for me to believe they can’t just instance the crap out of the missing pieces and piece together a story for your story journal. Even if it’s not lengthy you can experience the main highlights and see the characters origin and development. I want to fight scarlet again!

    there is a reason, and it is called a budget. you can bet, that if it was  viable decision, they would already had done it.

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  21. On 10/26/2021 at 7:06 AM, MikeG.6389 said:

    Introducing no-fly zones around JP's is NOT "disabling the mount progression system." Are you kidding here? Yes, I would want to argue that statement because it's beyond ludicrous, but it's also severely off-topic. I made the mistake of paying attention to it when you first mentioned the idea.

    If we were discussing HOW this mission is horrible, instead of some of you simply complaining that it is, this thread would have more merit. Then again, this is not the first time someone found a piece of content that showed them just how incapable they are at adapting to new mechanics, to the point that they condemned the whole game to hell in their frustration.

    okay, so its not disabled. you just cant use them WHEN YOU WANT TO. big difference, right?

    and when other mmos make new systems, they usully try to make something, that makes the players feel better and stronger,

    not something, that makes the player frustrated and leave the game

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  22. 7 minutes ago, MikeG.6389 said:

    I don't even understand what you are on about here... I think you don't, either. What progression system was disabled?

    Hidden Arcana is not an exceptionally hard piece of content. It's not the "smash-the-keyboard-until-everything-is-dead" kind of story content, sure, but rarely any of it is, outside the core game. I don't understand why you think it's an outlier.

    the progression system in pof was mounts. and the no fly zone disables that progression system. do you want to argue that

    statement? they even disable gliding, which was the progression system of the first expansion too.

    we are literally in a thread discussing how horrible THIS mission is. and if the core came sucked THIS much, then there would never had been the funding for any expansions at all

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  23. 12 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    I get your point. Some businesses try to be all things to all people.

    But there is a place for a business to reply, “Well, our vision is really for coffee. We are focused on making the most amazing coffee experience we can. There’s a great tea shop down the street, I can pull up the address for you if you’d like.”

    considering how casual most of the core game is, thats a hoot. and it was the success (and difficulty level) of the core 

    game, that actually PAID for the expansions. the whaling is strong in this one....

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