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Everything posted by Kalifax.3046

  1. A lot of prefixes nobody uses in pve are meta for different builds in wvw. Makes sense to me. Thanks for the info.
  2. Some professions could greatly benefit from new weapons, Revenant is the most glaring one. For a "soldier profession" they mysteriously don't have much weapon training at all..Also, let Engineers swap weapons already. Maybe Elementalists too, but I'm not sure.
  3. It would be very welcome. Like others said, they breathe vast amounts of life into the game on all fronts. I'm still inexperienced in the grand scheme of things in the game but more ways to play equals ALWAYS GOOD. But what would the new weapon be for the professions? Warrior, for example, has a massive wealth of them. I assume pistol(s) will be the go-to choice. Thieves. You could go the lazy route and add off-hand sword. Or you can do something better and try to make a mace work with it; some kind of hooligan that knocks people out. The longbow would probably make it too similar to Deadeye, unless the new skill category defines it in a different direction. Revenants will be happy with anything, they have so few weapons to use. Greatsword will be a perfect fit, they're the only soldier profession without it. Guardians can get the warhorn or maybe off-hand sword/axe/mace. Elementalists have few weapons, meaning there's lots of possibilities. Engineers, also starved for weapons. Though I have a good feeling about the staff, but I don't know how it'd fit in. Magitech? Rangers, scepter? Make it an offensive caster or something. Maybe it could revolve around poison, earth and angry plants come to life. Mesmers could get a dagger and take a turn towards the darker side of mesmer magic. Fear, chaos and treachery (for their enemies)! Necromancers, maybe sword or mace?
  4. It's no use at this point. The attribute system in this game along with how encounters are presented leans towards specialization in one area of focus, as that will give optimal results. Unlike in Guild Wars 1 where you'd put 16 points into an attribute which would be your max, yet you'd still have another 16+ left allowing you to make other things worthwhile as well (also, enemies weren't health sponges until just short of Ring of Fire), with the Guild Wars 2 method, you choose a direction and keep going... and going, while traits and other modifiers add multiplicatively onto them. Then add in enemies that take forever to kill if you're not optimized while they mainly "challenge" you back with big hits or one shots and do little else, and it seems like the game itself is training you towards the best burst and dps you can be capable of. Heck, even level 80 WHITE armor and weapons you buy default to Berserker's. Strengthening secondary stats wont help this. It'll just mess up the competitive game modes. That being said, I love to make just about anything, but I wont fool myself into thinking my myriad experiments are more effective than my minmaxed characters. Well, that makes me sad. There's not much choice at all then! Berserker or whatever flavor of condi + expertise and something else. But yes, I think I know what you mean. Power needs Precision and Ferocity to do good damage. Condition damage simply needs Expertise, and then you try to benefit from one of those conversion traits, if they increase damage? So if you forsake some Power to get Condition Damage, both Precision and Ferocity suffer massively?
  5. I'm still kinda new to the game, so I was hoping to find out that all the prefixes are viable. If most of them go unused, why aren't Arenanet buffing them?
  6. Option 3 sounds very good. I mean, if you use power, you won't typically opt for water, for example. If condi, you're fire and earth while the other two take a backseat. Or if you're a healer, you have one attunement you largely rely on, and three others that aren't as important. Giving up an entire attunement should warrant that the conjured weapon better be strong.
  7. Well Martial Cadence is a unique alternative at least. True, it's interesting. Powerful Synergy was really unique too, and I hope it will reincarnate in some respect, maybe for a different profession. Just more traits that beef up combos in some way would be neat.
  8. RIP Powerful Synergy. I'll miss you, even if you were crap for a grandmaster trait. I wish combos were less of a useless gimmick and more of a powerful option.
  9. The non-rusty Council Guard armor set would be very nice, so jealous of NPCs with this cool set. Here's a pic of it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/25/Seraph_Outfitter_Eva.jpg
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