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Doctor Hide.6345

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Posts posted by Doctor Hide.6345

  1. I am putting my vote down for either pistol for spellslinger or a rifle. I will even take a longbow tbh now. I just want another ranged weapon over a melee focused one. I love my sword on my weaver, but I like the traditional mage archetype of fighting at ranged too. Yes, I do appreciate the scepter a lot with all the changes to it, but I would still like another ranged option to be added.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Valfar.3761 said:


    Both. I liked the multilayered design of the HoT maps and how that gave you a lot more playable area packed into the same space and how that challenged your movement (at least before Skyscale happened), and the meta event objectives took you through all the areas and different layers. Some post-HoT maps have verticality, like Bloodstone Fen or Draconis Mons or Istan, but the metas ignore that and only concentrate on a small area of the map.

         Ah ok. Thank you for answering then. As you can tell, I personally hate the landscape design of them, but I also don't like the flatness of PoF. I kind of want a better middle ground in design where it is vertical some, but I am not lost all the time. As for the metas, those are some of the metas I do like in the game. I don't mind the tarir(sp) one. I find that one super fun.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, Valfar.3761 said:

    More high fantasy PvE maps (hopefully with the sophisticated map design of HoT), fix WvW and add new maps.

         I need you to specify here. Are you referring to the actual metas on the maps or the designs of the landscape. Because a lot of people hate the verticalness of the HOT maps in landscape design.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Need i mention build templates, that are a very good example of the "profit over quality" approach? Or the original "mountgate", where MO admitted that the first mount select license was designed to be random, because they knew that only some of the skins in it were worth the gem price tag? Or lootboxes in general being an epitome of greedy approach to sales and marketing?

    And all that was before restructurizing that made Anet of today not a semi-independent studio as it was before, but just an extension of NCSoft, which is very well known for going for profit over anything else.

         You already know my general feelings on the blog post, so I am not going to repeat them here. But, yeah, I kind of forgot about mountgate. I was one of those that called foul on it when it did happen. I am glad they added the pick your own skin eventually after enough complaints on it though. I think this is how I feel now tbh about everything going with the changes. It feels like mountgate to me except most people are not against the changes it seems with this. 

         Oh well, just put this here to thank you for the reminder of that incident. Back to the regular scheduled TV shows I go. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

    What do you even do in the game? Imagine playing a game and ignoring 99% of its content. 

         I play specific maps only which I like, and I fish a lot. Imagine knowing what you like and dislike about something in a game and not ending it on a snarky comment.

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  6.      At this point, I just want more combat options expanded or fixed. I am kind of done with the story since it would need a lot to excite me again. I don't care for 99% of the world metas since there is so much visual noise. I don't care for instanced content, so the focus on strikes, fractals, and raids is meh for me. I also don't care for PvP/WvW. 

         What I want is new elite specs which I doubt is happening, or they work on fixing old weapons and traits of existing specs to make them good. For example, if they they re-worked Thief's P/P to be meta level I would love that. A lot of old weapon combos need love which have been neglected.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, EquinoxPower.4783 said:

    Agreed. I think there needs to be a narrative connection between 2 mini expacs for them to be able to create a fleshed out and interesting arc and characters.

    Maybe one mini expac will have an increased number of story chapters which I think then it could work out.


         Now, I will say this though about the main 10 year story arc. I think it can work if the writers were good enough. Just look at FF14 and how well that 10 year Story arc went. They basically planned 10 years in advance with most of the details already set. I don't think GW2 thought that far ahead with the Dragon Cycle when they started it which makes sense why they might be switching to stand alone now. The problem is more or less the writers are still the same, so they really have to step up their ball game if they want to wow people with this new approach. 

         I want to proven wrong here with my cynicism, but I am not holding my breath. 

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  8.      Well, this issue has been brought up many times, and it is more or less how they want the game play because some like it. Since HOT,  that soft trinity with heals, boons, and dps has been a thing. I am personally not a fan of the short boon and healing with the stacking. I think it remove a lot of fun, and I wish the buffs and heals were bigger like the 900 pistol range like it is an many other MMOs. But at this point it is what it is, and I am not sure there is anything they can do to fix it.

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  9.      I am kind of not looking forward to the story if they are just standalones each time. ESO tried that approach and it failed miserably. In fact, they stated they are moving away from that model because the players hated it. Each story was too predictable because it didn't transfer to the next arc. And from what we have seen with some of the latest stuff Anet put out, I don't think stand alone stories would be any better quality. In fact, it might be worse because there would be no connection between the stories.

         Now if they stuck to maybe 2 mini expansion story arcs, it could work better for the connection and not make it feel as rushed. But with their wording, I don't have much faith this new story approach will be any better.

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  10. 19 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    That's what I'm talking about: what "fear"? More EoD content comes soon, you don't need to pay for anything or even somehow camp ingame for anything, there are some questions and it's wroth to ask them, but I see no reason for some doomsaying or urgency as if we need answers now! We don't, we're not subscribing to anything, we're not enlisting to pay for the unknown expansion and it's in the company's best interest to inform about the product they want to reasonably sell. If we don't get the information before the release, we can simply not pay for the product, it's that simple. I'd definitely rather have partial information than no information at all, so I can't agree with "have full info ready or don't say anything". Questions are good, but panicing over it when for all we know the next expansion isn't really that close? Seems completely pointless.

         That is your take. The fear of the changes coming. It doesn't matter if it is 8 months to a year a way(or whenever it is). The fear is still there. I am glad you don't think that way and are calm about it, but a lot of us don't, and we are not you. We are allowed our take on this. And yes, it is in the companies best interest to inform about the product reasonably. What they have done so far is not well in that regard. 

         You may be fine with partial information. I am not.  So, I would rather worry now and try to get them to be more up front and honest with it instead of waiting and seeing. It may seem pointless to you, but yours is not the only take here. So, as I am sure, many of us will continue to worry and ask stuff/prod because that is how we operate. That is all there is to it.

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  11. 14 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    They already said they'll be clarifying some things in the future. Not sure why people are working themselves up as if they need these answers now when there's still content update in 1,5weeks. Plenty of time before the new release format, so plenty of time to get answers.

          The answer to that is because they have burnt a lot of bridges between players , so trust is an issue here. And if you don't want to worry people who don't trust you because of past issues, then you should not be vague in any way possible. Vagueness in company responses leads people like me to worry even more. If you have the answers to the questions you know people have, then you should answer them in the same post. All in one swoop instead of dragging the fear and worry out.

         If you don't have the answers finalized, then don't post it until you do. Having clear and concise answers is more beneficial to building trust again as opposed to what the blog post said. They should have just stated the detail there and now, but now they are dragging the fear out and not building that crucial trust element. Yes, I know that is how most companies operate, and I kitten hate it. I hate vagueness. I would prefer they take the Yoshi-P approach like I said above in another post over this one. People will worry until things are more concrete. It is just the way some people operate.

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  12. 30 minutes ago, EquinoxPower.4783 said:

    Come to think of it you are 100% right, I think if the blog post wasn't so blatantly vague alot of people would decide which side they are, if they like the changes or not.There is alot of uncertainity in the community right now and I think thats not a great thing. I think the biggest issue with the vagueness present in the blog post is that it shows ANet hasn't really made up their mind with specific things, things that you mentioned like:

    1. Price
    2. Actual Features
    3. Better view of this year timeframe

    Or maybe ANet already figured stuff out, which I hope they did, so why being so vague and secretive...

         I'll be honest here. I hate it when any developer goes the super vague mode because I am a detailed person when it comes to people telling me stuff for me to make informed decisions. I prefer Yoshi-P's direct level of honesty of what they are and are not doing when it comes to game devs and talking to the community. I know that is a rare thing for game companies to do, but I would love it if Anet was just a tad bit more honest and not vague about that kind of stuff to alleviate people like me fears.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    No ... we paid for LS content because it was part of the cost of the expansions you needed to BUY to access them. You did not get them for free. You could not access them otherwise. Therefore, you did pay for them. 

         I would say we got it for free in that we didn't need to pay extra for the maps if we logged in on time as opposed to missing the log in days. So in that sense it could be seen as more pricy now since they are treating everyone as new players(I know you don't see it that way, but I do and you can't change that) in that you are basically paying as if you missed the logged in days upping the expansion cost.

         They did say lower cost which I know, but it really does depend on how often they will be coming out which they need to be more clear on. For now, it seems this way is more pricy as compared to the old way for players even if it is smaller increments they are getting you to pay.

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  14.      I will just say this. I think Anet has to come out and be less vague on some stuff and say what they truly mean and want to do. There is too many questions from people like me who don't trust them at all to deliver because of their past which they have put in fear mode. Their post was poorly written in my opinion with not enough details where there should have been more. They need to go into more detail soon hopefully explaining:

    *Will there be elites. Saying Combat options is too vague

    *The actual price and not saying less than normal expansion

    *What the actual time frame is in normal terms aka Every year or year and a half etc

    *Basically anything else they were vague about

         If they did that, I think more people would be on board with it, but for now, they are basically trust us because we said so without any detail on why we should.

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    I also loved Braham's voice messages.

    What gets me in south Drizzlewood is a lot of the ambient dialogue. Love the various soldiers hanging out and talking. Also, bazookas.

    I really wish they'd thought to let the Svanir Thaw Elixir also apply to Marches cold. Having to constantly find Raven Shrines can be very annoying, and allowing us to go make Elixir in Bitterfrost would have been a wonderful callback to earlier story and alternative game solution.

    I also like the creepy whisper, Mountains of Madness quality in the zone.

         Well, like I said, I am fine with people enjoying the stuff in IBS because that is their right and opinion. I just never liked it. Truth of the matter is I have not liked the majority of maps coming out last few years. My favourite map is Bitterfrost Frontier because I like the simple, but yet timely meta of it. It is small, and it is very alt friendly. 

         I have not liked the later metas and maps because frankly I feel they are too busy, large, and annoying to deal with it at times. I prefer more simple stuff for my enjoyment instead of always running around like a headless chicken doing a new meta event every 5 minutes.

         I know many people do like that playstyle, but honestly, it is not for me. So, that is one of my worries is that basically every new map will just be that to some extent which makes me go ugh. Now, if they added some like Bitterfrost Frontier, then I would be less critical of it because well I like that style more. lolz Also I would be less critical of this change of direction if they allowed P/P thief to be meta with damage, but I seriously doubt that would happen.

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  16. 16 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It seems most people thinking ibs was somehow bad, simply confuse the delayed "champions" release with the entirety of ibs.  You can feel whatever you want, but it seems you even understanad that kind of outlook presents a rather distorted picture of reality.

         It doesn't matter if it is distorted, the truth, or something completely different. What matters is how people feel about it in the end. And for those that don't like it this is their reality and view on it. For those that do, that is their reality instead of the situation.

         The problem here is people like you and some other posters here like to force their view on others thinking it is the only right way. And that is far from the actual reality because people can see and view things how they want without others telling them how to do it. All you are doing when you try to change people's mind this way is just push them more into what they believe and away from what you are actually saying.

    And for the record, I only like Grothmar Valley because of the concert really. I thought the rest of IBS was bad with how they designed it. Drizzlewood too busy with annoying meta. Marches have the annoying cold. Overall was not a fan for your more precise answer.

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  17. 1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    I don't see how ibs was awful. What left the impression were DRMs and ending which felt rushed. But that's not even close to being the whole ibs content.

         Sometimes how things end affect how you feel about it even if some of the stuff in it was good. So for you it was ok, but for others like me how they rushed the end and the DRMs were enough for us to not like it a lot and say it is awful. 

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  18. 8 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    Except IBS wasn't free if you logged in. You had to pay for PoF to have access to it.

    We just got a crazy long amount of content included with PoF, compared to HoT and EoD.

         That may be true, but it doesn't negate the fact IBS was awful which doesn't leave much hope that the new mini expacs will be any better. I don't have much faith that they will be better, but only time will tell there.

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  19. 10 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    True, that is one way of looking at things. I see it differently though (which doesn't mean your view is wrong, we are talking subjecte perceptions here).

    In my eyes they are trying, for the first time in years, to find a business model which allows them to continue development of the game (still less than I would personally like, but that is beside the point) without going to heavy in a direction I disagree with (gem store and pay to win for example) or eventually dropping the game completely.

    The Living World (or focusing only on open world) model did not work. It hasn't worked in years. The studio likely never adapted because their focus was on other projects in the past (in my opinion).

    What did work was creating buzz and delivering an expansion, focusing on more than just open world and fixing issues which held back new players and bothered veteran players. My guess is the current approach is a middle ground between what they think they can produce (in scope and time-frame) and what they think they have to produce (expansion to create buzz. I would have preferred regular episodes in-between and major expansions myself, but I guess that's just not in the current developer budget).

    What I have never associated with Anet though was player gouging or nickel and diming. Even when templates came out, regular new over-shiny gem store skins or the recent 1,600 gem jade bot skins, compared to industry alternatives, this game has been a tremendous value for money. The pricing of past expansions, DLC content (living world), even skins, has been below industry standards ALWAYS. I don't believe that is about to change.

         I can see what you mean, and of course each one of our opinions is subjective which I can respect.  As you know, I kind of preferred the old way doing things over this because it does remind me too much of ESO which I don't like that style if I am to be frank even there. I will go over that part later in this response, but overall it just makes me feel not safe or trusting with them.

         I kind of like the OW focus because I am primarily an OW player, so the new direction on strikes and fractals does not interest me in the slightest. Even if it was not making as much money, they could have tried something different in my opinion without going the current route. I don't have any ideas on hand, but I think they could have attempted to save the LW at least while keeping it free without going straight mini expansions.

         That is part of my core reason I don't like it. I don't like hype or buzz because it blinds people to the real truths behind stuff. Look at games that got overhyped and just fall flat causing more harm than good to the community. I do get the time requirement argument, but I don't like the whole psychological manipulation tactics of the buzz and excitement just to grab people when the actual mini expansion could just be the old LW quality. I am not saying that all will be that way, but I don't have high faith that they will be top quality. Time will tell there. Which is why I don't care for ESO level of buying expansions. It is too much psychological manipulation which I already hate in general for stuff. I prefer more honest approaches which companies seems to dislike. I also would have preferred regular episodes in between and major expansions, but it is what it is. /shrug

         Well, I would consider the templates nickel and diming. The skin stuff not so much because fashion. The main reason I accepted the template one is because it is not needed to actually play the game. I have only bought gear templates once, but all my characters use the standard free 2 for gear and 3 for specs. I was fine with that because I saw it more as QOL . This is different for me because I see it as required. You want to be where everyone else is which means the new expansion and maps. Feeling left out feels bad, so you kind of have to pay for it just not to feel that way. It is psychological manipulation again through them having it not be free anymore and more nickel and diming which is why I say that from my perspective. It still has tremendous value for the money when it comes to costs and buying, and it may not change. But my fear is still there on the reasons why it is changing because I don't know what else they will change if this proves to be successful if the mini expansions are all low quality.

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  20. 2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


    True, what you are leaving out is the recent inflation which has nearly all sectors either increase prices by 10-20%, or do massive layoffs. Most often both.


    I didn't see players complain about revenue of the company while it was in decline post PoF, well actually there was the cosntant doomer crowd which used the quarterly reports to predict the games end.


    Me personally, if I had to choose between a studio having a high revenue stream and a low revenue stream, if my interest is in the continuation of the prodict they provide, I'd take high revenue any day. 


    I'd then decide if the product is worth it to me on a day to day basis, instead of screaming beforehand about a company trying to make money. 

         That is true. There is the recent crisis at hand which could be a factor in this. And of course there is always the constant doomer crowd which I am not part of by the way. I am just weary of companies going  full greed mode betraying loyal customers all for the sake of profit. I am just tired of it.

         My issue really is not the cost because it is cheap. I spend money all the time on the game, so $10-$25 for a year(hopefully. not every 6 months) won't break the bank for me. It is more I feel betrayed because they are now treating every player like they are new to the game. Before, you were rewarded with loyalty by logging in on time and getting it for free. Now, it doesn't matter because you are just a new player in their eyes. That is what is pissing me off the most.

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  21. 18 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

     How do you know?  I'm curious about that.  How much they make is different from how much profit they make. Do you know how much profit they make? Do you know how much rent they're paying, what the salaries are, what insurance costs are? Equiptment costs? Electrical costs. Server costs.  Seems to me, people assume that people make enough money as if inflation affects them but doesn't affect companies at all... which is not the case.


    At the end of the day, it would be hard to define "enough money." Enough money for what? To fund this game indefinitely? To fund this game and some other game?

    People say stuff like this and it always blows my mind. I'd like to see a definition of what you think is enough money and how you came to that conclusion.

         Look at the quarterly report which was posted about a week ago or so. They make more then enough for server costs and such. The problem is people have gotten accustomed to greed, so they don't bat an eye when a company does something based purely on greed. It was fine the way it was with LW. If you were loyal and logged in on time, you got it for free. Now, it is more nickel and diming for same quality LW content. IBS is enough of an example to show what their idea of it is. The only thing is now we have to pay for it.

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