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Posts posted by lotus.5672

  1. 2 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

    Either some of these people are very new to the game or they have very poor memories, in no particular order the following builds were far worse:
    Scourge at PoF launch
    Firebrand at PoF launch
    Chrono at HoT launch
    Rev at HoT launch


    Honorable mention to:
    minesweeper holo at PoF launch
    4K damage full counters making warriors basically unkillable.
    Search and rescue druid teleporting everyone and insta rez
    That perma evade daredevil we saw at some point.

    I miss minesweeper holo, static discharge too


  2. 7 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    This is a big reason I struggle to get into WvW. I get a fun matchup with commanders and others I start getting used to. Then it shifts to such an extent they are gone and if I'm lucky, I'm left with new people who are also a fun matchup and commanders, but that's just a roll of the dice.

    I could join a WvW guild I guess, but I don't want to commit to that kind of thing right now and I wouldn't want to transfer if they wanted to, so... yeah.

    So you want to play with a group of people that know what they are doing and is fun to play with, but also doesnt wanna put any effort in it, communicate with them, or join a guild? Your only hope is to find a server you like and that has a fun core of players, and play enough time besides them till you make a bond out of fighting, dying, winning and losing, blood brothers style. Thats basicaly what mag is.

    Now on topic, you can complain about many things mag does, but we have a very good core of players, many arent even amazingly mechanically but they commit to fights and know if they get a down, 5+ people will jump in to cleave or ress you, so almost everybody plays very aggressive and it makes for very fun and fast gameplay, just chasing OJs around EBG. Most of it without tags and comms too! Just pure grass roots roaming and ganking.

    Sadly we received a big wave of transfers (maybe cause of our fame), and are indeed very stacked, but I didnt expect us to be beating the aussies hordes even in their timezone, well unluckers for you op, maybe next week you will have fun, not gonna complain about the way your server plays or should play.

  3. Cause anet makes most of their money off gemstore whales, so thats where most of their resources go.

    Also Im willing bet they have way more artists and 3d modelers than actual good programmers (good is a keyword) that could tackle the massive spaghetti code that is wvw.

    • Thanks 2
  4. On 5/13/2022 at 7:40 AM, Reikou.7068 said:

    Realistically its because they need to go through the software dev process of identifying issues, planning changes, designing them, then developing them, followed by internal QA and then release.

    The entire process probably takes like 1-2 months depending on how big the patch is, so they will alway an be slow regarding game balance because it takes said 1-2 months to release a fix for any balance issues identified now.

    They *could* by pass this by doing a hotfix or something, but I doubt they would do this  unless it was gamebreaking or something, and lets be real, anything  PvP is not considered gamebreaking by anet.


    All this to change some coefficients by 0.2~0.3

    • Haha 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Mandatory.6590 said:





    You got the daredevil dash evade that does nothing but give swiftness and remove movement condis, and you get exhaustion.


    Now, look the willbender f2 also evades, removes all the movement condis, heals, and then heals more when you attack and it has 2 charges and can be traited to remove 3 other condies.  (two CHARGES....TWO) and then it also goes the same distance as dash, and the guardian still has it's normal dodges. This means it has more dodges then the dd dash dp, and with the other tele skills it does move across the map with dd speed and guardian durability.......


    by the way, it doesn't get exhaustion when removing a movement condi, nor any penalty.....and this can be reset.


    SO, why is daredevil subject to exhaustion? Why does mirage only have 1 dodge? Why do they get exhaustion? It is hilarious, I'm cackling. Guardian mains are now the daredevil, but the Real Devil and better. Just rip stuff off from one and give it to another, and now the daredevil is not played at all except by trash and below. The love and care for the game has been replaced by the bottom line, no wonder all the originals left.

    Not trying to defend wb but you should be glad dash daredevil still has 3 dodges, it deserved the same mirage treatment

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  6. 5 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    They should finally get rid of that kitten soft reset each season. Just because I got into stable gold previous season with the new mechanist elite spec for engineer (before that playing core engi cause I did not like scrapper/holo in PvP and WvW) doesn't mean that after the mini season (silver there only) and winning the first match in the new season they should group me up with people hat use titles like "ruthless legend" or "duke of the arena". (2 of them in the enemy team.)

    Obvious that the other people on my team would find it weird. (Or the ones on the enemy team.) Too strong/fast increase with the high volatility during placement matches and I probably went up too far while still doing placements. Even worse after winning the 2nd match barely (probably due to the other stronger players in my team).

    And now ... I'm not crying because my rating is too low or because I dislike losing. I just find it weird - and I dislike that others that are probably are better than me get grouped with me or against me. (I might ruin their fun and it isn't even my fault when the system is placing me incorrectly cause of that soft resets.)

    It works better after 1-2 weeks or so. I finish my placements usually after 3 days. (Starting with Wednesday after season start playing 3-4 matches per day.) But I guess there are also a lot of others still doing placements and it needs some time to get stable again. (Not everyone might have time to play every day and some might only do the placements a bit later.)

    I just do not get why they have to ruin a stable rating by doing "soft resets" - which lead to a lot worse matchmaking for some time. (When the matchmaking already is bad in the first place cause the game mode also relies on team composition a bit. Which can't be assessed by matchmaker.)

    Yeah: Without a soft reset it might be harder for people that had a "bad start" - to climb up. But if they are really good and have gotten better ... they should climb up the rating/ladder slowly. And should do so. Instead of doing soft resets (where you also might end up with bad luck cause everyone's rating is incorrect until some placements are done).


    Doesnt matter if theres soft reset or not, you will still get these players in your match cause theres no one else for you or them to play with. Just embrace this clown state of the game and play for fun or till you get the rewards you want 🤡

    • Confused 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    It's just a lot of win trading dude.

    It isn't just top ranks doing it anymore.

    Now we have middle range players doing it with multi-windows and bot keys to throw.

    There are many factors as to why the match making is so poor, but in all seriousness, the biggest problem is just A LOT of synch queue throws, whether it's people doing it traditionally with guys sitting in a Discord, or some guy doing it alone with 3 or 4 bot keys.

    That's the real reason why you can AFK 2 minutes into the match and get almost every top stat. Because the bots are literally designed to not do anything outside of walk to a node and let people kill them.

    The population is too low to avoid them nowadays. Even if you're in the know and have a list of who is doing it and who to queue dodge, you could sit for 4 to 6+ hours sometimes waiting for a moment to queue a clean game and never find an opening.

    Theres no denying that theres wintrading happening every season, but you legit sound like a schizo in every thread my dude

    • Haha 1
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  8. 54 minutes ago, SPESHAL.9106 said:

    The MAIN reason PVP is NOT good for new players is that Anet allows these high burst, virtually one-shot from stealth builds.  Over the years, I think fighting Mesmers (with tons of AI too) and trap DH has run off more new players than anything.

    While these builds are hardly viable in high level PVP, they serve as griefing builds to new players.

    When you put new players with experienced players in PVP, you inevitably have those who will run those meme builds even in unranked just to grief newbies.  This makes new players quit fast.

    Those that have patience will sometimes stick it out, but that not only requires them to understand these other builds...it requires them to learn certain specs and professions that can counter it best.  In some cases, they keep trying to fit a square peg into a round hole even if they have patience.

    If a build isn't a legitimate high end PvP build and mainly serves as a griefing build for new players, ANET should see the forest through the trees and not focus ALL their effort on "balance" for high level PVP only.

    You can 1shot new/unexperienced players with pretty much any berserker ammy wearing power build, even with the low dmg numbers we have today. Maybe thats the games fault for doing a bad job at teaching basics mechanics like dodging and stuff

    • Thanks 1
  9. I assume you are not talking about solo roaming, cause no pure healing build is good for that.

    Also shadow arts d/p daredevil still is elder god tier, cause u can get away with pretty much anything, you may not kill the peepos running cele and tb but you wont die either, and you can still troll and harass them as much as you want and just reset the fight/stealth away when needed. 🙃

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  10. On 5/2/2022 at 8:47 PM, mythical.6315 said:

    As I said, patience. Better to have a post closer to the next test so that there’s more new developments that they can blog about. 

    Imagine being a arenanet apologist in 2022, yikes.


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  11. On 4/29/2022 at 6:07 AM, KrHome.1920 said:

    Current PvE gear favors certain classes in WvW. Where is the paladin attribute combination, which would be optimal for power necros? Other classes just take marauder and use blocks, while necros need toughness. WvW is far from balanced in gear options. Removing everything but cele would end up in better balacing than the other way around.

    Necro has 2 hp bars, marauder is straight up better than a toughness stat for reaper

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