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Posts posted by Xelqypla.6817

  1. 8 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Why not?

    Because I don't like people being excluded from something they might be interested in. "It's only a..." can be used for anything since it's only a game.

    17 minutes ago, GuriGashi.5617 said:

    I mean what you say is very much objective - fact is ArenaNet will probably add something exclusive to the 10th Birthday present and it will for sure contain a title like every year whether you like it or not. Making it red to honor 10 years of support for the game doesn‘t seem like the most unfair or demanding request in the world to me.

    And whatever it is, I will use it. The birthday gifts have had plenty of exclusives so far and I fully expect more exclusive stuff in the 10th. I just hope they keep it to a minimum.

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  2. 5 hours ago, JasonLucas.4981 said:

    A simple mount that runs in the same speed of a player with swiftness sounds very good for me, it wouldn't invalidate PoF mounts and it would still be an improvement for the overall new player experience. Sure you can just use swiftness to run faster, but that is an annoyance when you are just exploring and people often look up for mounts in MMORPGs very early on game, this also would work as an advertisement for PoF mounts since they would be much better.

    This would feel VERY out of place since everything has a function in game.


    Closest thing would be to allow players to use Warclaw in PvE, but still need PoF and to unlock it for PvP.

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  3. Classes are very different from each other and generally different from what you expect. If you aren't liking something you are playing, try a different one.


    As for leveling, I'd suggest exploring. Killing enemies, gathering crafting materials, finding new areas, unlocking points of interests, using vistas, etc. all grant decent experience.


    Progression is very horizontal at 80, and you'll find that unlocking all those waypoints while leveling becomes a big help for various things you'll find yourself doing.

  4. 1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    Did I leave the first map prematurely? Would we have been able to see the meta through?

    Yup. Yup.

    Similar thing happened to me last weekend. For whatever reason, there's a group of people who play Dragonfall until 4/4 camps , then abandons the map. Just wait, it'll fill back up before Kralkatorrik.

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  5. 12 hours ago, Seregrin.7812 said:

    Which is weird, since I would want to use those stats to play a new specialization (as far as I know there isn't many condi+boon builds pre EoD), but to properly gear a condi+alac spectre I would want Ritualist gear, and to get ascendant trinkets I have to grind like 20+ hours to get achievements and enough strike mission currency, just to gear up a character to experience the new play-style possibility from EoD?


    I bought some rare Ritualist gear off the TP and paired them with Laurel ascended accessories with similar stats. I pulled through the Kaineng Strike for my Turtle like that.


    If you are doing something where having exotic actually matters over rare, you probably have the gold to buy exotics from the TP. Rare is more than enough to experience a new playstyle.

    • Confused 2
  6. I hate Jumping Puzzles too. However, I am glad they are in the game because I enjoy the fact that GW2 has content diversity, even if it's content I hate.


    There are actually many things I don't enjoy. However, I would never ask Anet to remove or reduce them for MY benefit because I view that as quite selfish; as if what I enjoy is more important than what other people enjoy.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

    I am trying to imagine this properly, but I haven't played EoD yet.  The jade bots, when stripped down to basics, are just additional equipment slots that don't have visual components?  Like they didn't want to give us even more ring and accessory slots so they gave us jadebots?  


    Kinda. Iirc the original design was to be a pseudo pet, but that was too many extra NPCs so it's just an animation that plays on activation of Jade Bot mechanics. Jade Bot has its own tab in the Hero Panel, like Mounts, Gliders, Equipment, etc.


    So if you think about it from the original perspective, it's a companion you equip with a power core and some extra functions based upon the character you are using. Being unique and highly technical, you need to use a specific jade bot workbench to change anything about it.


    Since it has been reduced from companion to animation, it feels more like a weird accessory slot that requires extra steps to deal with and an odd Mastery.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Hartassen.9632 said:

    Calling bank tabs and building templates "company products" they are inside of the game, and were sold separately to make the game more money. Defending this practice is literally devoid of any sense of pride in yourself as anything other than a consumer.


    Ok, I'm a shameless consumer.


    I play games because I enjoy playing them. They are a complete waste of time and money. There is zero reason to discuss whether X is more "consumer friendly" than Y. All that matters is that I am entertained.

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Harfang.1507 said:

    I fully agree with that analysis even if I disagree with the conclusion--for myself.

    What gems are for is fun and convenience, not short-term profit. Buying trophy-boxes at 1 gold a pop brings me roughly 1.5 gold off the tp. Will that ever pay back the gold spent on the ~2.1k gems? Maybe in a couple of years. What I really bought is the convenience of never running out of tools. The VM is gravy.


    Oh, yeah, definitely.


    $50 giftcard from work got me Infinite (spirit) gathering and Thousand seas pavilion recently. But I am at a time and place where I can throw money at worthless crap. If something comes up that I really want, I can just throw money at it.


    In a situation where real cash is tight? I'd only spend Gems on things that I have no other way of getting.

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  10. Farming gold to buy gems to farm gold seems like a waste. I wouldn't get the tools.


    For Black Lion Chest keys? Once a week you can level a character to 10 and do the personal story for one. You also have ~30% chance to get one from (Non-City or South Shore) map completion. If you don't have an empty character slot, buying one for this would be cheaper. Make a new character each week, do the personal story for the key and a complete a few maps, should get a few keys each week this way.


    I'd suggest the Cyber Skyscale from your choices.


    Since buying gems is not realistic for you, it's best to limit your choices to things that have no other option but to use Gems. 

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  11. 58 minutes ago, Bronze Centipede.5230 said:

    Should I turn anything in my wallet into gold? Or should I just sit on everything?


    It really depends on your interests and how you play. But Gold is gained from basically everything and everywhere, while wallet stuff tends to be more specific. I'd only convert some if you just need a little extra Gold for something right now, than to burn it all up just for the sake of having Gold.

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  12. I see it as a value change.


    Some traits and items lost value due to buffs being permanent. Other traits and items are now more useful BECAUSE you no longer need to focus on buff acquisition and duration.


    The only issue I see with this is that it widens the gap between open world and instanced content, making nearly all open world support play obsolete.

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  13. 2 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

    With the advent of the DE meta I realized that I don't know much at all about support and am not sure how one would learn about and maybe get proficient at it. 

    I run support Specter on world boss events.

    I try to find a group a little away from the mass and keep my Boons up (which means their boons are up) while DPSing/avoiding mechanics. This allows me to get better/fine tune my build and no one is affected if I fail.

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  14. If they want to boost Meta completion, they need to include Meta mechanics into the basic Dragons End map. You want CC in the Meta? Require it in the rest of the map. You want DPS target swapping between two ends of a football field? Require it on the basic events. Wisp thing (whatever it is)? Put it in somewhere else as well.


    When the Meta pops, even the average player will have the abilities they need already on their skill bars and have basic training on the mechanics.

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  15. Anything in my bags are just in a layover between their flight from enemies to either Material Storage or Trading Post. Excess garbage is dumped on the numerous vendors that litter the world.


    If something is building up in my bags, I am clearly not using it up faster than I get it, so it's probably not worth the bag space anyway. If it's important enough to keep, Bank it.


    Time is gold. The more time you spend trying to sift through the garbage filling your bags, the more time you are burning for a meager amount of extra profit.


    I'd be asking myself why I need extra bag space. What is taking up my precious inventory that makes it worth spending so much gold/time to make it worth keeping?

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