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Everything posted by Nafets.1238

  1. No word on any legendary trinket like Aurora from season 3?
  2. As mentioned in-game in the Hall of Monuments we are a descendant of that hero in GW1 thus we can get all those minis and skins.Different yes, we are acting more like a leader than our ancestor but we'll see how this evolves as GW2 is not done yet.
  3. After reaching the 15.000 achievement points cap from Dailies and Monthlies there is no incentive to keep doing the daily. Since we capped it, I and some guildmates never touched the daily again; it's simply not worth doing it for the 2 golds only. Either increase the gold to 3 or 4 golds after the 15K cap since you're no longer getting APs or add some other reward past this mark as it looks a bit punishing once you hit it.
  4. Its opinions like this that gives raiders a bad name unfortunately with their 'must be lazy blah blah' attitude. The majority of players are actually adults with many years experience playing mmorpg including raids and have good reasons for not having the time to devote large timeblocks to a game and want raiding in the style you get on every other AAA mmorpg out there. This is 2018, not 2005. That's OK. Raiding is not mandatory, and neither are its rewards. And we're back to the "raiders get the top tier looking stuff" while people who actually change their builds with every patch/ during certain hours on their servers in wvw etc get... bleh stuff.. So can we have a conversation on that then? Can you explain to me why you "deserve" the shiniest of the shinies when you rarely change your builds? coz you already have legendary armor in wvw, and the skin itself is for pve only? Also pvp doesn't even use stats that are tied to armor. Do you want the skin in wvw too?I'd be willing to trade the envoy set for the mistforged triumphant if you want the envoy skin that much if that's what you want. I don’t think that is what he is asking for, however something on par to Envoy Armor. I think Mistforged Triumphant Armor should get a face lift. I'm female but yes, the armor needs a facelift. The chest piece is ok but the rest of it? It is just kinda boring. Yea, well, I'm not happy with the ridiculous rear bumper skirt on the light Envoy either. But that's not their point. You don't craft these because you like their looks, you craft these because of what this signifies.Raidsellers doing their job?
  5. Can't hear you over my 20 seconds fly over Verdant Brink, Lion's Arch or Lornar's Pass. Can you repeat?
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