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  1. I ragequit after an hour because of how awful the Skyscale is. Literally never been more angry playing this game than I was trying to use that piece of kitten mount to do map completion on the first map. Yet another map where if you don't grind out the masteries, it's a maddening slog. Reminds me of HoT, but somehow worse. The EoD maps were so pleasant to do map completion in. No stupid masteries to grind out and no having to use the Skyscale.
  2. All 3 are equally meh imo, I still prefer vanilla GW2. HoT is more nostalgic, though.
  3. I would very much like a Cataclysm like vanilla world revamp. The vanilla zones are still the best IMO, It'd be nice to have them revamped so they are more relevant.
  4. Still not fixed, BUT!!!!!!!!!!! You can fix it yourself by doing this: Start the previous EoD chapter, before this one, and then start this chapter again. It'll completely reset it, but it does fix it. Takes about 30 minutes to get back to this point in the chapter. Hope this helps!
  5. Still not fixed, BUT!!!!!!!!!!! You can fix it yourself by doing this: Start the previous EoD chapter, before this one, and then start this chapter again. It'll completely reset it, but it does fix it. Takes about 30 minutes to get back to this point in the chapter. Hope this helps!
  6. Same happened to me, but I teleported accidentally during the dialogue and am stuck as well. It doesn't progress, been like this for 2 days.
  7. Still not fixed, still can't play on my main. I've just rerolled at this point because of how long this is taking.
  8. Bump, this needs to be fixed ASAP! We literally CANT continue the EoD story, quitting the chapter does not work This is the dumbest problem I've ever encountered in an MMO.
  9. I accidentally teleported to Arborstone using that scroll during the comm chat and am also stuck, can't progress. Please fix
  10. I completed the first zone and saw literally a handful of people the entire day, that's pathetic for a so called "MMO". Doesn't really improve the image of this game actually doing well. Weren't enough people to do any of the meta events. If I were a new player that was hyped and jumped right in and saw how empty the "new" expansion was, I'd never come back.
  11. I'm ok with this as long as they just give everyone a Skyscale without having to do anything. 😁
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