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Posts posted by hatozeni.5721

  1. Okay, let's go to my alternatives:
    1 - I was right and as I suspected this is a melee spec that won't even have 10% of the fun of my (perma-stealth) DeadEye.
    2 - Maybe I'm wrong and the devs read the Korean manga "solo leveling" which shows us the story of a "thief" that evolves into a "necromancer" and starts summoning the enemies he kills to fight alongside him. (and this manga is one of the best sellers in the world).
    3 - I'm totally wrong and this new spec will be the best spec ever shown so far. We're all going to cry with joy and A-net will have to let us test the spec on the same day as the trailer.

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  2. When I read the title of this thread I thought the proposal was similar to what happens "mercenary system" of World of Warcraft.
    In the open world there are two enemy factions (alliance and horde). If (for example) an Alliance player kills 10 Horde players and does not die a single time during this slaughter... he gains the title of "Horde Slayer" and receives a satisfying reward. Immediately the location of this "horde slayer" player appears on the map so all Horde players can hunt him down. The player who manages to kill him gets a satisfying reward.
    As we don't have 2 rival factions of players in GW2 this fun is impossible.
    But it could be recreated in a new PVP mode. Why not?

    • Confused 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, XiraMint.3162 said:


    700 gems though?  That is the cost of many new whole outfits, so it ought to be more than one part at that price imo.

    Yes, I said 400 to 700. But it would be really weird for one piece to cost the same as the entire outfit. (Although for just having the head of Mursaat Robes I would pay 700 if Anet put this price, lol).
    Another thing we could have is the "hide shoulders" and "hide helmet" option. Many players like an outfit but don't want anything on their heads. In my case I find 90% of the outfits' shoulders terribly oversized.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

    No your doing nothing wrong at all mate, it is working as it should.

    Thanks for your help. I understand that within the game there is nothing that can be done. But I found this quite strange. In other MMOs this only happens when the enemy player sends his pet taunt my char.
    It does not make sense. I am a thief. In stealth. Why would my tab/target select player's pet... if my primary target is the player? Does not make sense.
    If anyone from Anet read this plz, take this problem to the devs.
    Thank you all.

  5. I really love the head of Mursaat Robes Outfit.

    But the rest of this outfit is pretty weird to my class. Mainly the shoulders. (Imo). I really wish I could just wear the head of this outfit (painted black, of course). Everything else I would look for something more suited to thief. Yes, I know this Outfit is themed and is based on a GW2 character from an event that started in 2017.

    But just like it happened to the shoulders of "Braham's Wolfblood Outfit", plz Anet , can you guys give us more pieces from the already existing Outfits separately?
    Depending on the piece (with the head of Mursaat Robes) I would pay between 400 Gems to 700 Gems easy easy...


    p.s: English is not my first lenguage, sorry about something.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Bem, é meio que o trabalho deles para chamar sua atenção.

    Caso contrário, animal de estimação ranger, lacaios necromantes e clones mesmer se tornarão inúteis.

    It's just that I'm a deadeye thief and taking advantage of our little stealth time is everything. In PVP whenever I tab/target a necro or a ranger... I will eventually target his pet and then I have to keep changing it. I thought that in "options" there would be a way for me to ignore pets when I target...

  7. 8 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

    Imagine trying to compare yourself to oppressed groups, that faced actual hardships and sometimes even violence, just because a business didn't cater to your super narrow and specific wants that would have been negatively by, by your own words not mine, 90% of the rest of the player-base.  And that "it'll be our area" part.  Yikes.

    Yes, this thread is full of posts like "If I saw a duel in front of me I would quit the game" or "If you want to duel this game is not for you" or "Want to duel? Go to an instance and don't get in the way of my PVE" or "I am not required to see violence in Lion's Arch". (my god, "violence" hahaha). Well, as you can see my words in the last post make sense. A player who wants 1v1 in the open world is marginalized by PVErs enough to (when he wants to duel) have our own area on the map and (by all fairness) players who hate duels would not even be welcome as spectators. What is the logic error in my opinion?

    • Confused 2
  8. After so many pages the answer to the question is very clear to me now. It looks like 90% (I don't know the exact percentage, but that's what it looks like) of the players are against 1v1 duels in the open world. And only 10% of players (where am i included) like this option added to the game.
    So there are two correct paths developers can choose:
    1 - Totally ignore the 10% of players who would like to have the simple 1v1 duel option.
    2 - Make 10% of the GW2 map in an area where the 1v1 duel option is allowed.
    If option (1) is chosen it cannot escape from within the GW2 world because imagine a thought like this in the real world: Probably LGBTQ+ people (also a minority) would be ignored by their leaders and governments.
    If option (2) is chosen... you 90% PVErs... please stay away from our area. First of all... because you can't see blood, right?. And secondly... our area will be small... but it will be OUR AREA and it will only be for players who know and like to fight enemies smarter than NPCs.

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  9. 23 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


    The point is that the PvE player hate even the slightest glimpse of PvP in their mode.

    So no, in that case things won't change

    The internet is just a teenager and online games are still just kids. But one day I think this comment will perfectly well be accused of a crime of xenophobia, or racism, or homophobia, etc... even though it is a 100% comment about a virtual community.
    I read your comment pretty much like this:

    "God (Anet) made the world, man and woman to be together (PVE) and I (a PVE player) don't want to see two gay men (two PVPers) kissing on my street (doing PVP on my PVE)".

    p.s: Sorry for the words, just forgive me. I'm not accusing you of anything. After all we are still not living this future that strange things in real life... can also be strange things in a video game.

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  10. 14 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    You now face a simple choice:

    Accept this, or keep mumbling on about something which likely will never come to pass.

    I accept this calmly. I'm human and I'm used to accepting an imperfect world. 

    Gw2 is the best online game I know. It's not because it doesn't have a "game-mode" (which I'd really like to play) that isn't essential that I'm going to spend my life complaining on the internet.


  11. In World of Warcraft there is no Dye System. If you've got a beautiful set/gear but it's orange and you hate orange... there's nothing you can do. If you go to the WoW forum now and suggest Dye System... fantastically... you will encounter the same resistance seen here in the case of the "1v1 duel" for the most selfish reasons possible. Many there say that most people would only paint their clothes black (because in wow there is not a single set totally black)... but get this... in GW2 you can paint your outfit/set/gear 100% full black ...but I think less than 3% of the players I see use a 100% black set on GW2. This demolishes all arguments against WoW players' dye system.
    And it also proves (or suggests) that a lot of things that you think will happen in a GW2 with 1v1 duels....will not actually happen as you imagine.
    In short: In WoW it is absurd for most players who participate in the forum that you simply want to wear an outfit of the color you like. Amazing, isn't it?
    I think they would also find this thread "Amazing" because duels have been there for 15 - 16 years, many love it, all PVErs respect 1v1 duels as something routine.
    p.s: Everything else in WoW sucks, (imo).

    I would like to (respectfully) add:
    - In most games with 1v1 duel it is not allowed to duel within cities.
    - It is not allowed to duel in areas that interfere with any PVE event.
    - There are ways you can block any duel invites forever.
    - I've never heard of Stalkers who chase those who don't want to duel. This is a legend. A delusion.
    - I've never heard of people who like to duel to show off (as said in this thread). My God, In a duel you have a 50% chance of losing. How would someone like to display a defeat?
    - 1v1 Duel is not an affront, aberration, indecent exposure, provocation or any name you want to say. It's just a fun pastime for players who like to fight other players.


    (English is not my first lenguage. Sorry for some mystake).

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