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Posts posted by hatozeni.5721

  1. On 8/29/2021 at 1:19 PM, noiwk.2760 said:

    can you please delete stealth along with thief from the game? daredevil is just kinda kitten and stupid..  its not even fun anymore to fight someone who use stealth every 2 seconds ..  rework stealth put some real cooldown on it !  its soooooooo annoying that thieves just stealth every few seconds and jump on you agian and then stealth again and again and agian even when they dont have to they stealth because they can..   get rid of it !

    Is this where I ask to remove Necro's conditions?

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Yakuzai.6593 said:

    Pelo que eu sei, realmente não existe um botão 1v1 oficial, no entanto, se você realmente quiser ter um 1v1 isolado, há uma opção muito boa -> Navegador PvP: há toneladas de quartos e muitos deles estão abertos e praticamente sempre vazio.

    Então você quer duelar com alguém -> abra o navegador -> role para baixo, procure por uma sala vazia -> diga ao seu companheiro o nome kitten sala e deixe-o entrar -> Lute! 😄

    Dessa forma, você joga em um ambiente pvp, usando apenas equipamentos pvp (amuleto, runa, sigilos) 

    Thank you very much. I will try this. :)

    I am new to this forum even though I have had a GW2 account for a long time. Years ago I played GW2 for only 1 or 2 months, then I went to WoW and as today only people who like to be "tortured" play World of Warcraft... I went back to GW2 and this time I'm loving it.

    I apologize if the thread "duel 1v1 in the open world" is already a very debated and negative thread for so many people to the point that some say "If this exists I leave the game" (even though there is a possibility that you will never be asked to do this enough one click).

    There seem to be a lot of ways I can duel 1v1 and I just didn't know. Thank you very much to everyone who suggested these solutions to me and once again I apologize to the rest who were almost offended by this thread.

    A good day to all. :)


    (English is not may first lenguage, sorry some mystake)

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Players by and large in this game who play PVE, do not want ANY Pvp in it. The few times anet has even tried to add it into the game, its backfired, drastically.

    The bandits out in Silverwastes used to be a spot where players could fight each other(One player had to pay the bandits.), It now is no longer that way. So much salt over this, it got patched out in less than a week if i remember correctly.

    Drakkar has an event on fail where players fight each other, there was an outcry about that on the forums too. Is this one still in? yes, but it happens so rarely that it may as well not exist, and players still kitten about it in game.

    I think theres another one that also got removed, thank god.

    Further, see the above point about balance, PVP And PVE use nowhere near the same skill, and anet struggles to balance the game as is. Players would start crying about loosing duals in PVE adding more issues with balance.

    Even further, i dont even want to get a whisper about duals, your system cannot ever prevent that, so i dont want it.

    Yesterday I was in Lion's Arch and suddenly a giant woman appeared beside my toon. At least 2 times my height and my character is a Sylvari considered tall. It really bothers me but I can't forbid people from customizing their character as they wish.
    The same goes for the 1x1 Duel option.
    You would not be obliged to duel with anyone and for you not to be receiving duel invitation all the time, just click on the option "Never receive duel invitation".
    Since there would be the possibility that you do not need to duel with anyone how would that harm your game?

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  4. Just now, Dante.1763 said:

    They added in probably the best middle ground we will get: Guild Hall Arenas.

    An argument could maybe be made to have each city with a closed off arena, but outside of that, No thanks to duels, its one of the few features i dont ever want to see added. Especially open world duels. Had my fill of toxic people in other games with that feature.

    I don't see problems. Many games the 1x1 is like this:
    1 - Click on the player you want to duel.
    2 - Click on the DUEL option.
    3 - The player invited to the duel will receive a notification
    that you want to have a PVP duel against him.
    4 - The invited player would have the option to accept, decline and in the options tab he can choose "Never receive a duel invitation" (if he hates it).
    That simple.
    Notes: You don't die if you miss the duel. When your health comes to an end only a winner screen appears, the duel is interrupted and your health goes to the maximum.
    This already exists in many MMOs. I don't understand why GW2 doesn't have it yet.

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  5. (English is not my first lenguage. Sorry some mystake)


    Hi. There are few things that GW2 lacks for this to be the most perfect game I've ever played.

    Beautiful, the best armor skins, the most fun and varied classes and the main thing: the best PVP of an MMOPRG on the internet.
    I just love PVP in GW2 but there's one thing I miss a lot: 1x1 casual duels.

    Why after so many years we still don't have this simple addition? I look at all those toons standing in Lion's Arch (bored) and wonder if it would be like this if we had the duel button.

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