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Posts posted by Yannir.4132

  1. I've been away from the game for about 8 months now, don't even have it installed currently. Anyway, I've been considering coming back to the game with the PvE side getting more interesting as there's a new expansion on the horizon? That tells me the game still has a future to be worth investing in. However, PvE doesn't satisfy me in this game for long, PvP has been the content that keeps me in the game long term and what I enjoy the most.

    I understand there's been some huge PvP balance rehaul since then and I'd like to know how that's affected PvP. Is the balance better now?

  2. @GewRoo.4172 said:Thief shouldn't be able to perma spam weapon skills my solution is give them a maximum of like 100 initiative per match which they can spend like they want but they can't regenerate any ini. But when it's spent they aren't able to use weapon skills anymore they still have their utilities and can move tho. That will show skill and prevent skill abuse.

    On that same line of thought, maybe we should remove cooldowns on weapon skills for the other classes.But once you use it, it's done. You don't get it back. Enjoy spamming autos for the rest of the match. <3

  3. Use this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAw2NlVwAZeMHWJO2X5tcA-zRIYRExfGtJEqQEo4ZR/XL-e

    Food and utility don't actually matter so use whatever you like if anything. You can use GS instead of either weapon set as well, though I would recommend this setup. Going double-melee is very advantageous in some situations but if you run into an unexpected situation where you need range, it sucks to be without it.

    As a Guardian you will want to blow up your opponent before they get a chance to retaliate. What helps is having a burst weapon, and Sword is that type. GS is as well but less so. Longbow is good for poking your opponent at a distance. I don't recommend Scepter for OW. If you run into a situation where you have multiple opponents, Scepter is terrible as you won't be able to lock down more than 1 opponent at a time. Staff is also an option but I'd argue Longbow is better in this build.

    A good burst means a fast rotation. With S/F you would go in order: 4, F1, 5, 2, 3. This should all happen in less than 3 seconds, and any standard enemy is dead at this point. For a veteran mob you continue with a damage trap bomb(Procession of Blades+Dragon's Maw), or in case you're double melee with GS as your second set, swap weapons and do your GS burst rotation(5 once and let it tick, then 4 into 2). For a group of opponents, port in with either Sw2 or JI, then drop your trap bomb to group them up. Then just Symbol up and start using cleave/AoE.

    Personally I OW with a Zerk DH, and I'm very rarely in over my head.

  4. @Antycypator.9874 said:Soldier professions should smell like sweaty chunks of meat, because they're running in full plated armor which is super HEAVY (it can be even 60kg of steel). + or worse if they're running across desert in the same equipment, but I think they wouldn't survive for long.

    Historically speaking, a full suit of plate armor weighs about 40-50 kg. Maybe it could be 60 if you incorporated a renaissance era breastplate and helmet which are reinforced against firearms, but 60 kg does seem kinda on the high end as far as weight goes.

    While that may still seem like a lot, you've gotta remember that a well-fitted suit of full plate armor distributes its weight evenly on your entire body. Modern soldiers carry over 40 kg of gear just on their torso/back so they do in fact do a lot more work than a medieval knight or noble would. The ceramic plates they have on their combat/shrapnel vests are like 20 kg on their own, not even including any other gear. Soldiers of any period are also in very good shape because it's a requirement for that line of work.

    It's also a bit unclear whether Tyrians use heat regulating or weight reducing armor enchantments which may change the equation here. Reducing the weight of a melee weapon is a bad idea since the force behind an impact directly correlates with weight(as in if you reduce the weight of a weapon by 50%, you need to quadruple its speed on the moment of impact to achieve the same energy behind a strike) but for the protection offered by armor weight has no correlation with. Assuming the weight reduction is done by a reduction of gravitational pull rather than direct reduction in mass which would weaken the material.

  5. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    • Ray of Judgement: Reverted the skill back to the 4 bounce, 1200 range blind.

    This is a nerf, not a buff. The old version of the skill was pathetic.I wouldn't mind getting the Blind back but into the current skill even if that would include nerfing the damage on it.Changing it like this would hit PvE pretty hard as well.

    • Shelter: This skill is now a Consecration.

    FTFY. It really doesn't need anything else. Master of Consecrations would make this a pretty good skill.If there's a heal on Guardian that needs fixing, it's Signet of Resolve. The passive is useless.

    • Focus Mastery: This skill now causes Focus skills to gain 20% reduced recharge, remove 1 condition on activation, and heal for 200 every time they hit a target. The protection has been removed.

    I agree with removing the Protection but not the rest of it. Focus is not exactly a defensive weapon nor should it be. I'd rather the trait gained you 2 seconds of Retaliation when using an off-hand skill and 3 seconds of Fury when using a focus skill.(Edit: This change would also include replacing the Fury on Monk's Focus with a defensive boon)Would also conform it to the current standard for weapon traits.

    • Inner Fire: This skill has been renamed to Melee Training/Justice is Swift. It now grants 25% increased movement speed while wielding melee weapons. Movement skills on your melee weapons have 100 longer range.

    Inner Fire is a very good trait for any kind of solo PvE, and Guardians best source of Fury in that context. It's not a PvP trait so just leave it be.

  6. They should make an event yes but they can't actually get completely rid of it EVER. It's one of the things that makes this game stand out from competition, and makes GW2 Guild Wars 2. Obviously it's just one thing but once you open Pandora's box, you can't close it. Next we have people demanding that weapon skills get untied from their corresponding weapons. At that point it's just anarchy, and a good example of why devs shouldn't listen to all player feedback. Players have a habit of criticizing everything and if the devs don't have a mind and direction of their own their game quickly loses identity, and eventually its players.

    You say it makes the game less skillful but that's just your opinion. Which I, for example, happen to disagree with. Pretty sure a lot of people share my opinion, and yours too. That doesn't make either side correct, it's just a thing that IS and you need to learn to live with it.

    Never going to be a competitive ESport because of it? Too bad. The game doesn't need to be, and it's not trying to. This recent re-focus on PvP/WvW doesn't aim to make the game more competitive, it's to reduce powercreep and bloat in order to make the game mode fun again. The lack of people isn't caused by lack of competitiveness, it's caused by lack of fun on the long term. These 2 things do align because balance, more tactical playmaking decisions and slower paced matches are FUN. That's ultimately the driving force at play here.

    Esports are not coming back to this game. I give you permission to bury that horse.

  7. @Liza.2758 said:So ok, you still need to have expansions to use those weaponsbut man cut the link with the expansion elite The game would be so much more fun. Create more diversity and creative.

    thing like Berserker torch might be able to play easier if people can use without having to go Berserk trailt.etcbest,

    Easier isn't necessarily better.Why post this in the PvP subforum though? Seems like a profession topic to me.

  8. @Leonidrex.5649 said:I lost it when you said mesmer can burst reaper from 100% Shroud to 20% hp ;pI get it, core mes burst is strong as one hell, but dont just take things out of your kitten, that would have to be 40k dmg burst, even with perfect setup, and 100% crits thats NOT happening.

    I've been on the receiving and delivering end of that burst. It's the only Mesmer build I've ever actually liked. It's probably the highest damage burst in the game, higher than FA Weaver, Power Shiro Herald or Sic Em Ranger variants for sure, though it takes longer to set up properly. And like I said, it has barely any utility outside of Stealth and CC. 40k honestly doesn't seem that far off. Phantasmal Berserker is half of that on its own if you score a good hit.

    @NorthernRedStar.3054 said:People here sleeping on / lowballing core guard.

    Core Guard is good, it's just not that good. 10-15k burst is decent with higher sustain than most builds in the same role. It's just nowhere near what it used to be, which always a huge bummer for me personally. Nowadays if I want to perform that role, I'll play Herald because it doesn't disappoint me.Generally I am unhappy with the state of Guardian currently.

  9. @ZDragon.3046 said:Guardian is always going to be the best pick here because guardian is the most balanced in my opinion of all the core classes.Its got damage both in power and condi tons of utility for support and selfish use, its weapon skills offer things like pulls which can be helpful in fractals and etc overall its just the best core profession you can play. It can support, heal, boon etc its just full of different play styles and this is how every core profession should be. Its literally the perfect core profession. I would always recommend guardian to someone who wants the most range of play in a single core profession thats also very effective and not overly difficult to learn.

    Close seconds are Warrior and Ranger these two classes are very strong right now but dont top guardian in my opinion.Warrior has a fewer play styles mostly support and power options but lacks in other spots Core condi is pretty trash so you wont be going to that like ever but you have banners and power damage and a few shouts at least.Ranger has more play styles than warrior with both mild support, power and condi build options but you need to know what you are doing to make the most of them. I would consider ranger above warrior if the playstyles of ranger dont bore you to death thats about the only edge imo warrior holds over ranger is that its not as dull to play.

    I would slap the rest in this order with some of them not matteringEngi(which can be quite good almost up there with warrior and ranger if not above them however it requires you really really know what you are doing otherwise move to the bottom of the list)Thief(its kind of niche though but it does have a few build options and if you plan to wvw or pvp with a bit of work it can be ok)Ele(has a few options but requires you know what you are doing otherwise bump below mesmer)Mesmer(some super minor support here, damage is so so, play styles are so so nothing exciting really to make the most of it you need to know what you are kinda doing)Necormancer(core is just meh has nothing to offer other than boon corruption which is super niche until you get to wvw or pvp even its damage is bad it just exist at best you get a condi hybrid play style and a support play style both of which are not super effective with the core base profession compared to others. The best benefit is that if you are super new to this game you wont die very quickly in pve with this profession compared to the others)

    You do realize you posted this in the PvP forum where about 90% of this information is off-topic, irrelevant or complete misinformation?Like how you place core engi 3rd and core necro last. Core Engineer belongs dead last in PvP by a large margin and Necromancer is 3rd.

    To chime in, here's my list for viability:

    1. Thief - Undisputedly 1st. Core S/D has been a meta class ever since PoF dropped, and still is very good even if it's fallen out of favor.
    2. Warrior - With the new Tactics line, Core Warrior has a prominent new build. It wasn't bad before either.
    3. Necromancer - High single target damage, high amount of corrupts. A good duelist but suffers from lack of effectiveness when outnumbered, and mobility is mediocre at best.
    4. Goes between Ranger and Guardian. Radiant GS/Hammer Guardian, which I played then as well, would've been 2nd on this list a year ago but it's been knocked down a peg deservedly. Apparently Ranger has a decent pewpew build but can't really say how good it is as I have barely noticed any Core Rangers in my games and I really don't enjoy playing Ranger after Druid was gutted.
    5. Mesmer - Has enough damage to burst a Reaper from 100% Shroud to 20% health. That's pretty much all it can do though, rest of the time it's just hiding in stealth. A decent roamer.
    6. Elementalist - Not much I can say for certain here other than I don't see too many core eles in games. The ones I have seen are running DPS Staff builds which can deal good damage if you let them freecast. Though if you don't, they are extremely squishy.
    7. Engineer - I see even less of these around. There's supposedly a Grenadier build which is decent but I don't see that working out if you're not an engi main with 7 years of experience under your belt.
  10. The question basically comes down to what every team in PvP needs: 1. A build that can hold a node until help arrives, so a Sword Weaver of either variation. 2. A support to re-sustain a teamfight which means Support Tempest. 3. Someone to do the damage in the teamfight so likely a bruiserish Core Ele with daggers. 4. A fast +1 which would likely mean FA Weaver. 5. Is likely another Teamfight DPS or Sidenoder.

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:ofc germans did thiskitten germans lool

    IKR. For some weird reason I always get placed into primarily german speaking megaservers, and it's driving me bloody nuts.

  11. @Lily.1935 said:Its not about whether or not Anet could make another class use pets, they absolutely could, its about class identity. The ranger's identity involves their wild companion. If another class got that it would strip away what makes the the ranger unique. Imagine if warriors got elemental attunments for example. Although that might be kinda cool looking it would undermine the identity of the elmentalist. Same problem here.

    Warlocks in WoW have a demonic companion and that doesn't take anything away from Hunters and their animal companions. I don't see how the same would somehow not apply to GW2. Ranger is the designated pet class of GW2 currently but I don't see why it would have to remain that way forever.

    Necromancer is probably the first in line to gain a pet mechanic. If they did gain a pet demon for example, they would likely just get a single pet with no swapping. Having a single pet practically requires that you are able to heal/resurrect your infernal friend, especially if the mechanic replaces DS. The Life Force mechanics of Necromancer convert excellently into the purpose of healing a companion.

    Funnily enough, Ranger is probably first in line to gain Minions. It would likely be some kind of aggressive druidic crittermancer that summons hordes of small animals against their opponents. Summoning a horde of Pocket Raptors against your opponents would be pretty dang cool.

  12. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I'd really just be happy if someone would spend the time to create some kind of app that I could have my phone, which would display AT tournament start times. That would be excellent. That or maybe if Arenanet would put something like that in the wiki. Sort of like the page that shows timers for world bosses.

    The wiki is player-run AFAIK, you can go do it yourself or ask someone that has the know-how to help you out. Requires fiddling with the API if I'm correct. Wiki is officially supported and curated by ANet but it's players that keep it updated.

  13. After some mulling over, I do like these weapon type ideas. They are real nice since most ideas seen around here lack the magic/caster weapon feel, being mostly martial. Likely a causal effect of skills being tied to your weapon choice.A 2-handed version of a book/scroll/tome does work IMO because you would tecnically wield it in your mainhand unlike a focus which is used in your OH. Animations can also do a lot to differentiate the two.

    However I have a few constructive critiques mostly revolving around class mechanics and flavor conflicts. Actually quite a few.

    1. First off, I'll say I don't want another tome on Guardian. Firebrand gives plenty.
    2. My suggestion would be to add a third weapon which is a Halberd or some sort of Polearm. Give that to Guardian(other professions as well) and make it a mobile utility weapon.
    3. Those Mesmer gauntlets... This gravity manipulation stuff sounds more like an Elementalist theme to me. If this was an ESpec weapon, I'd give it a pass because ESpecs can mix in aspects of other professions to create something different to the core class. However as this would be a core weapon, its themes should be focused on mesmery things. There's an easy fix though, just shift the theme towards spatial manipulation via dimension(although even that is arguably revenants field of expertise but they kinda share it), not gravity.
    4. The general idea of the previous point can be extended to many of the others as well. There are far too many elementalisty-sounding skills on classes that have nothing to really do with elemental abilities. Core weapons should serve a functionality mainly, not a theme.

    @Svarty.8019 said:Why bother? This will never happen.

    Because it's fun. Doesn't matter whether it ever happens or not.

  14. @One Kiss Away.9180 said:The Guardian had the Spirit weapons reworked which made them very useful and they were finally functional only to have them reworked again where they no longer follow the target and only have one trait. After the first rework the targeted opponent could not just step away from the weapon as it followed its target. Now when they are targeted at an opponent and the moves, the weapon was wasted.

    Yes, that's how ground-targeted AoEs work...SWs never should've been NPC minions.

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