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Posts posted by Yannir.4132

  1. @NotoriousNaru.1705 said:People who can play multiple classes have the right to pick and choose which one to use that would better serve them in order to win a match. Now if your post was 'don't allow people to swap in ATs AFTER the timer' then yes, I would agree with that. The entire point of the pre match timer is to strategize and have a suitable comp for what you're fighting, swapping classes is a big part of that but once the timer hits 0 no one should be able to swap. If I q on necro and run in to a comp with multiple mirages, and thieves I have no intention of playing necro that game I am going to swap to something more suitable to win.

    In addition to that, not all people have high end computers and SSD's. It takes a while for them to actually load up the match.I'm sure everyone in the plat to legendary divs will load into the map in around 5 seconds but I've seen people that need 80 of the available 90 seconds just to load into the game on that 1st character without swapping in between.

  2. @Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    I can't believe there's a server upload fee every time. Like on big updates there always minor bug fixes a day or two even three days after. Like build update or some thing like that. So a fee every time doesn't seem like how it's done. I could be wrong.

    That could be covered by their contract. Patches causing issues is a pretty common occurrance in gaming which might be reflected in their deal. Like a grace period after a major upload for this very purpose. When both parties of a deal are savvy in the tech department, contracts can get really technical and detailed, I'd imagine.Though like I said, this is just speculation from me.I'm pretty sure these comments will be deleted by mods once they catch wind of this conversation. :lol: ANet doesn't like people talking about their business model.

    Speculation and uncertainty. In everything you say. Why say anything at all if u think your wrong. Like why spread disinformation. My question is an honest one.

    Don't really need answered from a customer like my self that doesn't really have the correct info.

    This isn't a news outlet, customer support or an information board. It's a discussion forum. The point is to discuss things and if you aren't open to that, maybe you shouldn't be posting at all.It's also not mis-information if I inform you it's speculation, which I've done twice. Then you as the educated and critical reader can make your own decisions about whether to agree or not. Agree or not, it's still not the truth. And that's all we have here, opinions and speculation.

  3. @Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    I can't believe there's a server upload fee every time. Like on big updates there always minor bug fixes a day or two even three days after. Like build update or some thing like that. So a fee every time doesn't seem like how it's done. I could be wrong.

    That could be covered by their contract. Patches causing issues is a pretty common occurrance in gaming which might be reflected in their deal. Like a grace period after a major upload for this very purpose. When both parties of a deal are savvy in the tech department, contracts can get really technical and detailed, I'd imagine.Though like I said, this is just speculation from me.I'm pretty sure these comments will be deleted by mods once they catch wind of this conversation. :lol: ANet doesn't like people talking about their business model.

  4. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Scoobaniec.9561 said:Huh? Is there a list of upcoming changes?

    Basically, Grimjack Weaver meta is going to occur middle of this season when next patch is dropped. If you see that kid on a node, don't 1v1 him, just walk away. Weaver is going to be obtusely dominant at sode node play, very very soon.

    This is kind of a tough issue to tackle because it solely exists in plat1 and higher play levels. Any Weaver below the required skill level will make mistakes in their skill-chaining and/or conserving their cooldowns and get themselves 100-0'd by anything that knows how to press a damage skill. In other words, any Weaver below the required skill level is an easy kill to a player of equal skill on another class.

  5. @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:Why are we a slave to the pve update schedule? We are a separate game mode that kinda requires more frequent updates for balance reasons but we are tied to pve release schedule. It just feel PvP should have its own update schedule separate and more frequent then the once every 6 month we have.

    A. We've been getting balance updates every 6 weeks for atleast a year now. Sometimes they are specific for PvP, sometimes game-wide, always heavily PvP-influenced big reworks excluded. Sometimes they're bigger updates, sometimes smaller.I'm getting really tired of this "balance every 6 months" bs-meme that people throw around. It's just not true anymore.

    B. I suspect ANet pays a server upload fee every time they push out a patch, and the fee isn't based on how much data is uploaded but rather by how many packages are being sent out. So pushing out 1x100 Mb package costs the same as a 1x10 Mb package but sending 2x10 Mb packages would cost them twice as much as either single package. So it's in their best interest to send out large packages less frequently to conserve money. Doing this also makes workflow clearer.

    That's just my theory though as they're unwilling to share the reasons behind their undeniably slow pace. Some other games push out patches constantly. They probably have a different network deal.

  6. @"otto.5684" said:

    Drop zeal not radiance. For power build using valor over radiance you lose:

    150 power10% damage25% critic chance

    I would not call that “little.” Your math is like 50% off. Dropping zeal will result also in major damage loss, but not as much.

    And for condi you lose torch. For sustainability, Honor works better as well for condi over valor. Even in PvE.

    All of that makes very little difference in OW, casual PvE. I personally run Honor and Zeal. I just like BIG BOI symbols that much. Stuff still drops as soon as I touch them.There's a point when "more DPS" gets pointless, you know.Obviously that's not what you run in a fractal or a dungeon or whatever.

  7. @"The Last Jagaroth.1652" said:Thank you all for setting me straight!Now that I know this how would I go about testing these stats?I have not found an overlay that shows crit chance.

    Note:The only reason this is even a concern It I have been playing around with a new build Idea and I am trying to balance stats.


    What are you actually testing it for? Just trust that it's there.

  8. @Hannelore.8153 said:

    @Hannelore.8153 said:That model is exhausted,

    Technically, there still is room for underwater movement masteries.But we know what Anet thinks of that content.

    We're also lacking in over-the-water movement options, tbh. Just having a single mount, the Skimmer, to move over large bodies of water is effective, but nothing compared to the combinations that Raptor, Springer, Jackal, Roller Beetle, and even Skyscale have on land..

    It would be cool to shoot up waterfalls like in Breath of the Wild. The mount will be a Giant Salmon. Correction, it is a Dire Salmon.

  9. @Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

    @DeerHunter.4129 said:I have played Condition dual dagger thief Daredevil, Condition Deadeye, Condition Staff/Axe Mirage Mesmer. And its exactly same opponents that are immune to all of these 3 condition builds. I dont know their exact builds but Engineers, Elementalists, Guardians can be completely immune to my damage. When i play normal damage deadeye forexample, i dont have similar problems, i can kill anything.

    You just listed the 3 builds/classes that are designed to be like that.

    Are there 3 builds/classes that are designed to be immune specifically to direct (power) damage? If not, OP raises an interesting point.

    Condition damage is IMO more comparable to Critical damage than flat Power damage. They both supplement Power hits and flat damage.If that's the basis for comparison, the answer to your question is yes, there are some. Maybe not 3 though.This is a thing I've been wondering about, there are very few things that interact with crits in a defensive way. Main things that come to mind are Balanced Stance on Warrior and Stone Heart on Elementalist.

    I do agree that conversation about the topic is in order.

  10. @DeerHunter.4129 said:I have played Condition dual dagger thief Daredevil, Condition Deadeye, Condition Staff/Axe Mirage Mesmer. And its exactly same opponents that are immune to all of these 3 condition builds. I dont know their exact builds but Engineers, Elementalists, Guardians can be completely immune to my damage. When i play normal damage deadeye forexample, i dont have similar problems, i can kill anything.

    You just listed the 3 builds/classes that are designed to be like that.

  11. @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    we feel that they are currently over-complicating trait descriptions

    What's complicated about "reduces fall damage by 50%" ?

    Removing the fall damage trait is going to make doing some jumping puzzles impossible to complete. For example someone without a mount or glider doing the Silverwastes JP, that requires you to jump down to reach a checkpoint needs the fall damage reduction part of the trait to survive. There is no way around it.

    I believe they should remain in PvE at the very least.

    Not true. Many people completed that JP on their own when this game didn't even have gliding or mounts.

  12. @"SeikeNz.3526" said:lol what a argument " leave the node and let they pick it so they don't teleport to you", probably one of the abusers

    You still have a lot to learn about this game mode if that's what you think. Losing a node is in most cases preferable to dieing.When you hear people in-game shouting about fighting on point, they usually have no idea wtf they are talking about and are just repeating this nonsense they heard somewhere like a lemming.

  13. Historically speaking, long distance sea trade used to be extremely risky for merchants roughly until we started building ships from steel, and shipping companies became a thing. Losing a ship and whatever the ship contained(to piracy, an incompetent captain or most likely bad weather) would likely mean the end of your merchant career, and possibly your life as well if you owed someone money. On the other hand, reaping the benefits would make you a rich man for a while.

  14. Torch used to be used all Guardian DPS builds no matter whether it was condi or power. In fact I remember doing raid encounters with a Scepter/Torch/GS DH setup. That was before they reworked Ray of Judgement on Focus. It hasn't really lost any damage so it should still fit into even a power build just as a flavor choice.

  15. @KrHome.1920 said:So if you don't pve and don't run some shouts (then select augury of death) relentless pursuit is your trait of choice.

    I've yet to come across a viable Reaper build with 0 Shouts in it. Just having one of either YSIM! or CTTB! in your build is enough to justify running Augury of Death. I don't WvW though, especially not on necro. Just PvP/PvE.Soul Reaping is also pretty common which means there's a good chance you're already running the superior Speed of Shadows which just makes Relentless Pursuit obsolete. Also, just as a personal preference of mine, I tend to run Sigil of Escape on my A/Wh set along with Speed of Shadows which makes me pretty tough to bog down with soft CC's.

  16. @shadowpass.4236 said:

    @shadowpass.4236 said:Suuuure... if you insist.
    1. TTK on Light Golem w/ Fury = 7 seconds (not even the full 18 bleeds lel)
    2. TTK on Light Golem w/ Fury = 33 seconds
    3. TTK on Light Golem = 31 seconds
    4. TTK on Light Golem = 18 seconds/26 seconds

    That seems a bit suspect. You can AA a Light Golem to death in 8 seconds on Spellbreaker Dagger or Sword(takes around 0.5 seconds longer). Standard Strength build.

    I'll show the builds later when I get home. I'm not going to stack full damage traits/runes/amulets/sigils/boons for the sake of consistency so what you guys are seeing are just what the skills normally would hit for.

    Obviously if I went full 25 might tether on the meta build + all of the additional damage modifiers it would hit harder but I could do the same thing on mesmer for Phantasmal Duelist.

    I mean you can afk before you start hitting the golem on Spb. Not pre-buffing, no nothing. Demo amulet, normal Strength Spellbreaker with Dagger. And it'll take you 8 seconds. 8.5 seconds on Sword. Just autoing.

  17. @"shadowpass.4236" said:Suuuure... if you insist.

    1. TTK on Light Golem w/ Fury = 7 seconds (not even the full 18 bleeds lel)
    2. TTK on Light Golem w/ Fury = 33 seconds
    3. TTK on Light Golem = 31 seconds
    4. TTK on Light Golem = 18 seconds/26 seconds

    That seems a bit suspect. You can AA a Light Golem to death in 8 seconds on Spellbreaker Dagger or Sword(takes around 0.5 seconds longer). Standard Strength build.

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