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Posts posted by Yannir.4132

  1. @Mbelch.9028 said:I'm not saying I'm uninstalling, but I'm so unhappy with this game, I just don't want to play it any longer. I've been a supporting customer who focuses on PvP (and when not in PvP, WvW) since the game launched. I've spent thousands of dollars, and while I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of the game, I've continuously for years been disappointed in it.

    I'm confident I'm not alone. I talk to high-level players who are uninstalling frequently, and just look at the game mode. There are fewer and fewer actual players. Want to keep or regenerate your player base? Some tips:

    • Don't take several years to launch new minor (it doesn't matter how much coding it takes -- if it doesn't revolutionize the game mode, it's minor) features.
    • Don't ignore balance for months at a time.
    • Don't avoid engaging with your players, especially the good ones, when they want to talk about ways the game could improve.
    • Don't make fun of players in your competitive modes (Has happened multiple times, not just in the stream today)
    • Devote the time of more than one dev to the game mode.
    • Promote competitive game modes on Twitch, or use some marketing dollars on them.
    • DO introduce pilot game modes.
    • DO introduce new maps with new leaderboards and new ways to play.
    • DO switch things up after more than a dozen boring seasons.
    • DO communicate with your community about how you (possibly?) are working to improve the game mode.
    • DO ban bots and griefers.
    • DO care about us.

    Until I see any of this, I pledge to not spend another dollar on an Anet product.

    I'll join you in this pledge.

    Even in the PvE side of things, they're concentrating on the wrong things. Why are they catering to new players? Most people that wanted to try GW2 already did. Give us sustainable content that keeps the veteran players engaged and interested. PvP is a part of that as well.Their announcement failed to adress the most pressing question that was on people's minds, what happens after S5? Naming it a saga doesn't make it better btw.

    I can sense overwhelming disappointment from all over the community, and I feel it too.

  2. @Dantheman.3589 said:Nop. My point is that we were the top roamers on blackgate the undisputed #1 server and entirely because my guild took castle many times that eventually we farmed every tier 1 server to their spawn camp. There may have been some good thief’s but me with my sw/d still have a place with the tippy top

    It's a shame NA and EU never went head to head on the WvW side of the game. Would've been interesting to see how Blackgate, undisputed in NA, measures up vs the top EU servers.

  3. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    Pretty sure the intention behind the suggestion was to limit the 1800 duo farming against Gold 1 or lower players. That stuff really is driving players away from sticking around long enough to even get a grasp on learning the game mode.

    Things are different nowadays with lower population. We all play in the legendary division now.

    I think it would be better if the matchmaker was limited in how big the rating difference between the highest and lowest player in the match is so it doesn't scale down infinitely. Hard to pinpoint an exact rating number for this without data but I think it could between 200 and 300.

    The following would happen:

    A. It would limit legendary duos queueing at off-peak hours for easy rating. Rating cap would prevent them from farming gold ranks.B. Standard of matchmaking is higher, and everyone is happier with the games they get. Not everyone every time obviously.C. Queue times may get longer. But if that means 2-3 minute queues turning into 5-6 min queues but the games are better, I don't think most people would mind.

  4. @crazyhusky.2985 said:Its only class in the game without an evade on any skill or ulity. (ranger has 14)

    Try telling that to a necromancer. They don't have Blocks or Invulns either btw.

    Something mobile with good CC would be my wish. Power oriented with a time based block, not number-of-hits based like Aegis and Shield of Wrath.

  5. @xp eke xp.6724 said:@Kageseigi.2150thats just not fun to play against or with^^. esp cause the situations are too linear:Double thief makes the rest of the teams have to play bulky (or try to counter it) cause 2 thiefes can +1 so fast you are permanenty 4v5 or if they fail on that its exately the opposite. The necro, guard (depending on thiefbuild), rev, ranger mains just want to end the game as fast as posible, the warriors, engies, mesmers and ele mains dont care as long they dont get some of the previous named cause otherwise they have to babysit them all the time.

    as lower the elo, as painfuller it is to have doublethief matches (esp if they are on both sides). So if you are the thief, you can feel that your mates are praying that you get them out of that situation and i feel allways sorry for all players if we are at that situation.

    So thats the reason i ask if i duo and play doubleclass just to reroll as soon the match starts will stop the doubleclass on at least that profession we choose^^.

    I'll repeat this again on yet another thread even if it really has 0 relevance to anything.The most fun game I ever had included 5 thieves, 4 revenants and a warrior.

  6. Is it possible that Captains are officers for Gladiums or mercenaries?I understand that's what captains in the Roman miltary were, officers of unspecified ranking that commanded auxiliary units not formally part of the military. Such as mercenary companies, early period cavalry or skirmisher units etc.

  7. @"ZhouX.8742" said:The reality is most people leave because they don't want to take the time to learn so they just quit and focus on something else instead. Also, getting matched up with players who have been playing for years with or without toxicity..

    Really toxicity plays a much smaller role in people quitting than class balance, matchmaking, lack of population (from the 1st 2 things I mentioned), lack of stream-ability which is pretty much the "meta marketing" nowadays to deliver exposure outside of Youtube of course, no marketing, no updates, same conquest mode for years which is rather irrelevant to the newer player but still, lack of variety plays a big role in 1st assessment views.

    So not only is there very little numbers pouring in due to the lack of marketing, but what little people come in see the bad game design almost immediately and bail. This is with or without toxicity though.

    I disagree with this. Toxicness is absolutely the 1st reason why PvP has been bleeding population. It's not toxicness itself though but the fact that the general toxicness makes every other thing look 10 times worse than it actually is. Except lack of game modes maybe since it's a fact there's only 1 official game mode.

  8. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    But a Mirage can be hotfixed. Why not a Holosmith?

    There's nothing to hotfix.I swear to god, I wish they hadn't "hotfix disabled" CI. Now the community expects this to be done to every little thing.PF 5 does a ridiculous amount of stuff but it isn't spammable or anything unlike CI, and I've never seen this bug you bring up either.

  9. @Ryan.9387 said:It is not a punishment, it is enforcing the most even field anet can at the highest tier of the leaderboard. In NA this would affect all of 20 players (more like 10 if you remove alts). The secondary problem is their duo affects matches of lower rated players.

    If you aren't one of those 20 then you aren't affected. Of course you can have it your way and then go right back to complaining about getting destroyed by high tier duos at 5am in the morning.

    I am capable of thinking about other people aside from myself.This doesn't affect me in any way but even I can see that it's a bit unfair to ask someone to give up on having fun if they want to be highly rated.There should never be two sets of rules for different players.

  10. @RedShark.9548 said:

    Are you serious? Do you not see the difference and why warrior has lower cds?Pls take a look at the UI on warrior and then on guard. You see those buttons? F1-f3? Yea? Warri has 1,with spb 2 and guard has 3 and with firebrand he gets 5 new skills after activating 1 of those 3.

    Thats 15 additional skills lol, you dont even have time to press all those weapon skills, if your cds were lower. (thats not an argument to lower them, because you dont have the time anyways. just saying, incase some brain suggests that)

    Are you really this boneheaded? Did you read the whole discussion?

    @Yannir.4132 said:Warrior also has the shortest cooldowns (where they apply, so excluding Thief and Revenant to some degree) out of all classes. Just looking at GS, it doesn't have a single skill with 20+ seconds of cooldown with the longest cooldown out of all weapon skills at 25 seconds. In comparison, a Guardian has 30+ seconds on almost half of skill 5's, and the longest cooldown is 45 seconds.

    See the original quote here. This an OBSERVATION. It does not include a suggestion or any sort of ulterior motive. It was a supportive argument to what Obtena said at the time, not a counter to it.And yes, there's a reason why Warrior has shorter cooldowns. It has less buttons so it gets to use them more often.If there's any sort of takeaway, it's more towards that 45 second cooldown I mentioned on Guardian. And it's not on Firebrand.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 No, not really. I think Warriors cooldowns are fine now that Rampage is 120.I'm usually upfront about my suggestions so if I wanted Warrior having longer cooldowns, you wouldn't need to be asking me.I do hope some future Elite Specialization gives Warrior a bigger pool of buttons to press.

  11. @KelyNeli.4516 said:

    @Obtena.7952 said:The problem with counterplaying a warrior is that it has the least number of actions of any class. Its actions SHOULD be the hardest to counterplay in all the game because the closer you get to fewer and fewer actions you can take, the more and more severe not being able to benefit from them.

    Warrior also has the shortest cooldowns (where they apply, so excluding Thief and Revenant to some degree) out of all classes. Just looking at GS, it doesn't have a single skill with 20+ seconds of cooldown with the longest cooldown out of all weapon skills at 25 seconds. In comparison, a Guardian has 30+ seconds on almost half of skill 5's, and the longest cooldown is 45 seconds.

    Tell me.How on earth do you plan to land 4 and 2 skill on GS warrior?GS warrior is complete kitten in pvp, it is used only because it has good F1 and mobility.

    Revenant at least has all his 4 skills useful in comparison, easier to land and still deal significant amount of dmg.

    I don't see how this has anything to do with my comment. That's a different issue.

    I made an observation about cooldowns in general on Warrior compared to something like a Guardian that has cooldowns twice the length on comparable weapon skills. Revenants cds are actually about the same as Warriors. I made no claims about how good and/or functional they are.

    PS. Are you claiming that Revs Staff 4 is easy to land and does damage?I can see how that would apply to Sword or Axe 4 but claiming that ALL of them do that is a bit much.

  12. @Safandula.8723 said:

    @Stand The Wall.6987 said:its been nerfed already, so we prob won't see anymore changes soon.

    Actually anet usually does nerfs after nerfs so I won't be surprised if rev will get more of em

    That was done already. Check the last 3 balance notes for Rev, all nerfs for the power build.Obviously we're still missing the overnerf patch which is incoming.

    PS. Poor Druid keeps getting nerfed even when the overnerf patch was over 2 years ago.

  13. @memausz.7264 said:So, ways to go about this:1) Make Holographic Shockwave a single 600-radius CC as it is now rather than a sequential set of expanding radius dougnuts, and make this change PvP-only (scourges and their condition bombs in WvW justify the expanding doughnuts in WvW).2) Make engage/disengage Photon Forge not count towards Kinetic Battery for reduced Quickness uptime. That's straight forward. It may require disabling Engaging Photon Forge as a Toolkit skill. But always be conservative in your tweaks, and if turns out the changes need to be more intense, tweak it further. Don't radically disable the toolbelt skills upon overheat and not consider that, uh, Photonic Blasting Module exists (I will continue to criticize that balance decision as long as it is not changed).3) Reduce the chances that Static Discharge attacks have to critically strike. Specifically, reduce to player's Precision chance level.4) Reduce Power wrench elite skill recharge bonus from -3 seconds to -2 seconds. This will hurt other engineers, too, but if we are speaking frankly, developers made Elixir X and Supply Crate have high base cooldowns (over 100 seconds) for a reason. This would definitely reduce the frequency Holosmiths pop the lethal Prime Light Beam when using Power Wrench.

    And I'll respond the way I'd like, thank you very much.

    EDIT: I'd also like to see Spellbreaker's Magebane tether duration reduced to 2 seconds and cooldown increased to 15 seconds. It's excessively utilized.

    As far as nerfs go, these would be a good start but they are insufficient, and I don't like that you would nerf a core traitline because Holo and especially Photon Forge is overperforming. The first one is basically impossible anyway as it would make PF5 work differently between game modes and ANet doesn't do that. And that's fine in my books.

    You are wrong btw. Prot Holo is an issue as well even if people are not complaining about it, and it's because of how much damage and utility is loaded into Photon Forge. One of these 2 aspects of PF needs to be reduced. Personally I'd rather PF keep most of it's damage, and cut down on the utility. That way PF stays as a nuke but a more counterable nuke. That includes reducing the effectiveness of Heat Therapy. Most high level players considered Prot Holo superior to Scrapper even before the trait rework because PF.

    Holosmith is meant as a DPS spec, I'd rather if it kept that aspect. However its sustain abilities take it into the same direction as Scrapper and makes it obsolete. Prot Holo is essentially a cooler and better Scrapper.

  14. @"Daishi.6027" said:The 4 second example is a poor one. If a thief can back stab me in one shot and do 18k from stealth, that is still better than 3 - 5 attacks landing and only doing 16k - 18k over 4 seconds. I only need 1 good evasion to avoid the 18k, if I blow both dodges then I have to eat the 16k unless I have a cleanse, and even then if it takes me a moment to be able to cast it, or finish an animation or something before I can get a cleanse off I still eat an unavoidable 8k.Realistically this is more accurate to what you experience in game; if it was 1 attack = 1,000 vs 1 condi = 1,000/4 seconds then fine. But there is nothing in game that plays out that way, and the idea of condi just doing more brings us back to the two redundancies above.

    Regardless of that example, the dynamic of a second damage type is lost somewhere in the realm of effectiveness.For the sake of balance, for the health of the game; we should just remove condi damage ammulets, runes, traits, and sigils. Still allowing for the utility ones to function as normal, and flat out balance the game around power. That also includes builds that will under perform that rely on condi.

    Power at the end of the day is a one to one interaction, and relatively fair. If we can balance the game around that interaction we would have a significantly healthier game.

    I know it's drastic and frankly I wouldn't want to go down that route, but it's been years and this issue has always been present.

    What's the difference between conditions in GW2 and DoT effects in other games?Answer is that in those other games DoT effects can't be cleansed(Warlock curses from WoW come to mind) and you have to counter them with healing. Which means that there isn't as many skills that actually do them. There's also no separate stat that makes them do more damage as they scale from the same stats as the attacks you'd consider "power" in GW2 terms. That means you don't have to balance power vs condi damage, you just consider the damage based on a single sliding scale.

    This game steering away from having a trinity would've meant, should've this more traditional design been used for GW2, that there would be no one really to outheal that DoT that will make you dead in about 5 seconds. So they gave us conditions and cleanses instead.Gw1 had cleanses as well but they were a bit different. Most of the skills, while cleansing yes, would also have another benefit like turning the cleanse into healing or damage. You also didn't stack them and if they had damage, it was a static amount.

    That kinda leaves the conclusion that what went wrong in GW2 balancing actually stems from the core, launch level design of the game, not from the expansions. Though they certainly magnified the issue.

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