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Everything posted by Gilthas.6523

  1. Same issue here, pre-purchased early, got the tools out of the mail late, no options at the vendor. Put in a ticket, which was closed and I was told to "watch the forums", then asked to rate the support I received. Even a simple acknowledgement by Anet in this thread would at least be a signal it's getting looked at properly.
  2. Since Janthir Wilds launched, I can no longer dismount with the X key. It looks like the keybind for Swim Down/ Fly Down now has priority (?) I did a reset of all keybinds, and by default, Swim Down/ Fly Down has no keybind, so I removed that. Which also cleared X for dismounting... Re-added that, and now dismounting seems to work okay. Only now I can no longer swim down/ fly down... added Shift+Space for now, but this (apparently) did work fine before the patch, I haven't touched my keybinds in ages. Could you please look into this? Thanks!
  3. Race: human Gender: Female Class: Ranger When I sit at the arena in the new Sleuth Brawlfields POI, my character sits in/through the benches. Tried a few different spot, and all spots in the area have the same issue. https://imgur.com/a/v0uvhIg
  4. On our guild + open group(s) (three squads) run of Triple Trouble today, on the first try, two heads (Crimson and Amber) melted and got decapitated before we knew it, while Cobalt went as usual, thus the event failed (as there was no way we could get Cobalt decapitated before the timer ran out). Our guild [Piken Square Dragon Hunters] then restarted the event through the Guild mechanism. This time, we started with everyone (that was the idea) using just their [1] skill, to check whether we had the bug again or not. Then it looked like all three heads were bugged and went down way too fast. Until Crimson (I think? I was at Cobalt) went through a phase shift halfway through, and then (apparently) went back to normal behaviour unexpectedly. Thus failing the event again. After that, we gave up.
  5. First try, first map, dungeon was totally empty, including no chests, and not resetting after waiting a while. Then a guildie got me into a second map where there was a group already working on a (non-empty) version. Joined, did some of the later fights and puzzles, go to the last room, couldn't loot any chests, but still got my "daily completed" notification (and it was indeed completed). It doesn't help that you need to do 4/4 to get the daily. In the past, when something bugged out, I could easily do another task or kill a veteran in WvW or something like that, and still get the daily done. It's a downgrade that there now is NO choice on what to do to get your daily done. I would prefer it if the daily was more like the current weekly or the previous daily: do "login" plus 3 out of five (or 4 or 6) to get it done. Maybe look into what is put in the daily (and if that's working correctly, there are plenty of bugs mentioned on the wiki page) before throwing it into the rotation.
  6. Just a heads-up, as someone using the site from the Netherlands (in English), this link redirects me to https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/twitch-drops/ which shows a sad quaggan on a 404 page. Switching the page to DE (or FR or ES) and then back to EN *does* send me to the right page ( https://www.guildwars2.com/en/twitch-drops/ ). Looking forward to the expansion and the shiny drops! 😍
  7. Thanks for this post! Read it all, nice insights into the things you normally don't see about the game. One thought came to mind... at my previous job (yes, I'm in IT 🙃), we never did any major changes on a Friday. It was usually either Tuesday or Thursday evening (most of the time, and most of our workforce and customers needed access during business hours), so if anything went wrong, we wouldn't have a weekend with less-than-optimal support (yes, you can get or arrange support, but most people will more easily be accessible on Mon-Fri working hours). Now I get that a game isn't business software (like ours), and so what's the best time window will vary. Keep at it, and keep learning!
  8. I bought some specific foods monday to unlock the home instance cats (which now again are locked, so need to do that again, same with some hearts I did while going to the kitties). The food isn't in my bags, but still shows in my history. No huge loss (2g and change), just need to buy them again from the TP and go find the cats once more. My total gold is probably okay (as someone said before, I don't screenshot my gold and inventory regularly).
  9. Seems to be happening still on feb 28 2020. EU, IP 179
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