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Posts posted by artcreator.4859

  1. I think this one was the best looking map yet, not only does it look great but they gave us more insight into the content, events, and bosses that will be there. I feel happy with this and more confident in the expansion.

    Thank you anet for talking about the jade news machines, the meta , the stuff we can find more (dungeons, under jade waterways, events) please do this more. My only concern if their will be a lot of fights on the map.

    • Like 2
  2. Honestly it looks nice, I hope there's more jade though, like I wanna walk on the jade sea, not just be beside it in the mine. Don't really care about the jade being green, I just want them to make that work as well as possible. Honestly I thought the jade would be more translucent, like glass but oh well. Seeing fish or wurms trapped in the jade could be sick

    But the fights pique my interest, they look like they might be great, can't wait for the livestream.

    I am a little surprised there's not more water though, I honestly thought there may be streams of water(melted jade) for us to take our skiffs into. Since skiffs are a big part of the xpac I thought water would be everywhere. But we'll see.















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  3. 6 hours ago, radda.8920 said:



    As for the content, we haven't seen much, the events seem basic and without challenge as usual but we will see later. The new faction and the jade structures, it's totally ridiculous, however, I already miss the kurzicks people 😔

    Yeah, the events are what worry me the most. The map, story, designs, rewards, hearts, will all be decent, Anet never mess those up too bad. The events is where they mess up. Will these events be a fun challenge that I go back to year after year, or something I do once, then never again.

    • Confused 1
  4. 59 minutes ago, Tazer.2157 said:

    Remember the different races of people that lived in this region and their differences that made Cantha interesting? Well today everyone is just inclusive and have banded together to fight a "common enemy". This is a theme that has been reused in every expansion and in the core game and its BORING! Everything needs to be sanitized and "good" in GW2. I hoped the storyline in Cantha would be more daring and provocative, but its looking more like something you would read to a child. 


    In ESO a quest that still sticks with me to this day is where an assassin does away with her entire family. We can only hope to get quests like this in GW2. I will stick with GW2 for the open world content, but the story seems to be more of what we already have, "Friendship" saves the day once again. 

    Yeah, fully agree. 

    The interesting cultures and how they clashed is what made gw2 a great story, we seem to be stepping further and further away from that.

    They made the game kind of black and white, clear good and clear bad. Sometimes that's fine, but when it happens to much it gets a little boring.

    • Like 4
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  5. I voted B. Whats stopping this from being an A or S is:


    1)content - this map looks a lot like HoT,  hot had a lot of fun combat ideas and lots of new creatures, if this map can’t bring new stuff and many new creatures to the table it may just be a worse hot map, so far it felt like a more tamed HoT map (more boring). I felt like shing jea had interesting combat ideas but this map seems to have fallen off a little.


    2) the meta - will this be one of the challenging fun ones like marionette or dragon stand , or one of the Grindy button spam ones, like jokos fortress?


    we’ll just have to wait until the release to see 

    • Confused 8
  6. My biggest hope for the new legendaries is that they have a quest to accompany them, kind of like caladbolg did.

    If this is a journey you go on with aureen to craft these weapons, kind of like a side quest, they could be very cool and a nice new format for legendaries.

    But if they're just new legendaries, same way you craft these if how you craft the old ones, then that's kinda lame.

  7. YES!

    With EOD please make strikes and raids more accessible, that's there biggest problem, I would do them all the time if I could, but you need to be in a guild and have 10 people whose schedules are all free for an hour or two.

    please update the LFG or give strikes and raids there own menu so players can find each other more easily, you can even make a guild advertising menu so people can find strike and raiding guilds.

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  8. Looks interesting, but we didn't get enough about it to know if I should spend my money on it and buy the Xpac.

    Didn't see people using it. Is it important to the maps? or just an extra mount added on?

    We didn't see anything about the maps, if they'll be big or small, challenging or easy, why should I even use this mount? Will the game give me a reason? based on todays presentation I have no idea.

  9. didnt really show any gameplay.

    As a player of the game, I don't know if I can trust this Xpac, will it be as boring as the second half of icebrood saga? or will it be more engaging. Will I even be compelled to use the elite specs at all.

    I have no idea as I didn't see any content, can't preorder yet

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  10. Twisted Marionette is super fun. It actually requires you to play the game and not just button mash then get pointless rewards like all the other world bosses do.

    I feel that as the game went on, from core to HoT to PoF to the icebrood saga it has progressively been getting easier, and much less fun. Bosses and maps no longer serve as gameplay but just backdrops for the story and a way to give players rewards. 


    Just wanted to leave this comment to say how much I liked the event, because while it has cool story and cool rewards, but unlike the other world bosses it has exciting gameplay.

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