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Posts posted by artcreator.4859

  1. I think in addition to mounts - one of the most underestimated things are that the latest living world season has the highest quality areas in all the game with the most replayability and where people play - yes because they reward well but also because they got so much going on and good meta events that they are enjoyable to do over and over.

    Definitely true, the latest meta give me a lot of hope for EoD, very fun, and more challenging then the past ones, good stuff!

  2. I recently replayed the HoT maps, my goodness, it's amazing, the maps design, the enemies. All the enemies each have a different mechanic, one charges, one spits aoe's everywhere, one knocks you down, and one simply attacks you. individually they're simple and easy to understand, but when they come together it's soooo much fun!

    Anet PLEASE make EoD more like this!

    anyone agree or disagree?

  3. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @DarcShriek.5829 said:It surprises me that when so many people complain about the game being too difficult that Anet is losing people because it's too easy. There's no way to win this debate.

    only if everyone could choose their dificulty....so like get like -3 lvl downscaled with a bit higher rewards or normal gameplay..or even +2 lvl higher with less rewards

    Just make a new character that you only use with your friend, what's the issue here?

    made a new character and its still easy

  4. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @arielwind.8921 said:People still help each other and keep playing on HoT content, but not much in PoF content.Probably due to the rewards structure more than anything else.

    personally, i play HoT more because its just more fun, the metas require you to play the game where as the metas for PoF just require you to get in a squad and auto attack.

    The danger of the HoT maps makes it feel good when you conquer them, where the PoF maps feel like less of a game and more of a movie, the story is great but the maps are easy.

  5. The core game world bosses such as fire elemenbtal, shadow behemoth are down right outdated, not really playable anymore, but the newer ones have been pretty solid, the claw of jormag from drizelwoodcoast has been nice, drakkar, even some of the fights in HoT were cool.

  6. It's just too easy, been playing with new people and they wanted to quit due to the first leveling maps, its just a steam roll, walk up, press 1 on key board, move on, It's a great game, but man the level of quality from the new stuff and the old is massive, almost 2 different games. love the game though and looking forward to next xpac, hopefully it can fix this so the game can have a better future.

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  7. I think all the movement stuff is pretty much done, the only other things are making flight mounts(skyscale) more accessable and building maps around it, or water oriented movement.

    What I really hope for in the new Xpac is more HoT styled masteries, like the languages you could learn (although I wish they did more), bouncing mushrooms, or the speed mushrooms to help you get around faster.

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