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Posts posted by artcreator.4859

  1. @Fire Attunement.9835 said:First, thanks to all of you for your input. Your strong reaction and feedback showed us that this would be a worthwhile addition to the game and we can’t wait to get it to you. We’re excited to be able to make you a part of development early on for this feature, and in the coming months we’ll be sharing updates as we move through the implementation process.

    That's awesome :D thanks for the communication!

  2. Hello,

    I was recently going through all the PoF maps again having fun exploring and I noticed a real problem in the game.

    I was having fun climbing this hill in the highlands when I came across this misty area with giants roaming around it. I felt fully immersed, the mountain climb was awesome, the environment was awesome, and now there was a camp filled with giant beasts roaming this misty landscape. I quickly enlisted the help of a nearby player to help me take one of these guys down, we charged in and the giant died almost instantly. The immersion was broken.

    Guild Wars 2 seems to have a real difficulty problem, I mean that giant was as easy to kill as a dolyack. The more I thought about it the more I realized the games had this problem for a while now, in many of the maps.

    Please make the stuff a bit harder, at least make it make sense, a giant, or a djinn should be considerably harder than a moa. They don't feel that powerful and it really hurts the story. I want to actually have to play with people for some of these beasts, it doesn't have to be a well-designed boss fight, just make some creatures more powerful, so you need a friend to do them. GW2 is a casual game so it shouldn't be that often you come across these guys, but every now and then would be a really nice change of pace. The only way to really make things harder now is to get a lot of enemies in one area.

    As it is now, The small pact commander, alone without the pact, is the strongest thing on the face of Tyria. Noting feels epic anymore.

    My request for the next xpac or living world episodes is too please make some harder stuff to kill

    let me know if you think this would be a good change or not

  3. I like the underwater content idea,

    I'm a little unsure of what you mean by the currents, but the underwater content does need an update. New underwater obstacles to hide behind would help a lot.

    I like the idea of underwater weapons and regular weps being the same, as it would help a lot of players bridge the gap, and letting us use the underwater weps on land. But I'm unsure of how they'd make the AoE work, because they'd be no way for them to land anywhere in space underwater. Maybe if they make the AoE's automatically hit the enemy your targeting on.

  4. @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    @"coso.9173" said:i hope we get different things in general.what about a huge haunted forest? a big map that's just a ruined castle interior or a ruined city?i like creepy things so ls5 has been nice so far, but too much snow is "eh"

    Have you done the newish Dwarven fractal? It's all optical illusion but the place looks huge. I could see them capable of building an entire underground dwarven city like that as a map, or at least having a multi-layred map and have some other stuff going on above ground. Could be a really dark and creepy Diablo style dungeon crawl type map/escort meta. I was hoping as we've traveled up North we would find some in-tact huge Jotun city/settlement that could give us a glimpse of what their civilization might have looked like before their fall.

    oh my goodness i didnt even realize there was a dwarven fractal, thanks for metntioning it.

    I've got to try that right away!

  5. @battledrone.8315 said:

    @artcreator.4859 said:Hot maps definitely, pof maps are cool, but the HoT maps were downright AMAZING, no other MMO reaches that level.

    Feeling like you were really lost in a jungle was awesome, and as you played more and more you slowly started to understand you way around, combine that with the mastery system (learning languages to talk to the hylek, getting a glider, bounce mushrooms) and it really felt like you were learning to master and enviorment that was kicking your kitten when you first tried it.

    wonderful experience

    i have never been lost in a jungle, but i am pretty sure , that it doesnt work this way.it is a bad expansion, nothing more. it cost them many players and took them to niche status forever

    Maybe it did, but it was still my favorite of the two expansions, the story in PoF was better but those HoT maps were full of adventure and mystery for me.

    There was so much content all condensed together, they're still fun to explore.

  6. a cool map could be one overrun with baddies, like an army of the inquest or flame legion ( any bad guys, doesn't really matter). And I mean a full map and a real army

    and then the players have to work together to overtake the map, OR you can speak to a flame legion recruiter and join the other side.

    so a PVP situation in PvE,

    of course, this should just be a limited event, eventually, the baddies should be chased off of the map and the map can become fully PvE forever.

    I don't think well ever have something like this, just a fun idea :D

  7. I don't know,on one hand, it would add a new time sink, and it would add a new reward type (which the game badly needs),but on the other hand, it would take a lot of time away from other projects, if they add customizable homes I would be very happy, but I don't want it to just be another system they add and never touch.

    I would rather the time be spent updating guild halls, PVP, and WvW.

  8. @"hugo.4705" said:I know some like living season episodes, but I just feel like they are awfully written with basic, expected plot twist and using basic mechanisms: Since we played along the steel warband, I bet we will now be against them, classic. Most of main villains deaths were bad, zhaithan got shot with cannons but had a good buildup, mordry had a weak mind, kralky went sad and emotional and Joko got nom nom by Aurene, I'm very scared with what will happens to Bangar and Jormag. Aurene saves the day. I know it is only my opinion, but since the personal story and dungeons arcs that were awesome it goes downhill. Almorra, a very lovely character was wasted in a way even worst than Tybalt, I can't even figure how to make it that bad. We are now with a drunk norn, the son of Rytlock that doesn't really know if it is good or not, but seems to have the same number of brain cells as braham... Zojia that I guess is dead, no answers from a long time. Eir is already dead. Taimi-Bot still not here a disease that is mysteriously not progressing anymore....

    TLDR, I like a lot the sub-plots and side-stories, the design of the maps, the personal story. But ls episodes and their stories aren't my thing. It's sad, but I can't even remember a good moment in 4 ls. Only bad plot twist: Aurene ded poof aurene resurrect, joko start to be threatening: poof dead, We arrive at rata novus: nah that's all, nothing more from them (btw no news from rato novus and the Councillors visiting it for a long time now...), kralky fly away, aurene does megalaser and kill it...I can't stand it anymore, and it's non-sense at a point I just play the ls episodes only for the maps.

    I'm pretty sure they do their best, you created iconic characters, but please stop with deaths, don't kill steal warband in next episode..... it is a joke now. Gaheron Baelfire, Kudu, Kuda, Auris Weirdbringer, Tybalt, Malyck.... all the characters you made that are awesome, you just wasted them and throw them into bin few moment later.Imho I would have really liked a season treating about local threats: Renegades, Kraits, Centaurs, Pirates...

    Don't take it as pure criticism or rant, it's just my view of the topic.

    "Map storytelling" I definitely don't think there is such thing in game. Only few / none lore in each map, less and less ambient dialogues in the recent maps, maps more bland than ever, with big empty places, very far from the core maps that feels way far more living than the living seasons. There is none NPCS telling you about their story, I never met an asura telling me how it was underground, I never met a charr telling me about its fight glories of the past... Half of npcs are silent, even foes don't even shout menaces or discuss between them. No one want to discuss with us. It also pass with appearance, istan have an aetherblade airship and they can't even remember how they recovered it? LOL Sandswept has a very futuristic cubic laser cannon in portal lab and somehow, there is only pact airship cannon everywhere to defend them? High tech specimen chamber defended by 2013 golems? Dragonfall is just created from kralky falling from the sky, and pact already explore it like they always knew about the place? Bitterfrost: Nothing, map is just bad like bjora. To only say a few.

    I'm surely expecting too much, but the game launched with a very high good design level, story and maps.

    and event dealing with local threats on the central maps, like krait or pirates would be absolutly amazing, I like the living world but I feel its gotten too formulaic, we know whats gonna happen, new couple of story missions, new map, new achivements, repeat. I enjoy what they've been adding but I wish they'd mix it up.

    maybe an event in the central maps, maybe a pvp centered update (the repeatable content in the game badly needs an update), even some new guild bounties would be very appreciated

  9. Hot maps definitely, pof maps are cool, but the HoT maps were downright AMAZING, no other MMO reaches that level.

    Feeling like you were really lost in a jungle was awesome, and as you played more and more you slowly started to understand you way around, combine that with the mastery system (learning languages to talk to the hylek, getting a glider, bounce mushrooms) and it really felt like you were learning to master and enviorment that was kicking your ass when you first tried it.

    wonderful experience

  10. I do agree with the xpacs and updates should be slowed down a bit, taking longer development time to release. The living world stuff can feel rushed, and these new maps/story are honestly just not as good as the normal maps for core Tyria or the xpacs. I would rather wait 6 months for a great map and great story missions to be added then wait 3 months for an alright map with alright story missions to be added. Once this contents in, it's in forever, regardless of how good it is.

    In the meantime, some minor PVP love would go a looong way (as you said). 1 new map for PVP, and perhaps a new reward track would be amazing, heck even a new hero for stronghold would be amazing. maybe 1 small wvw event like a limited barrier siege blueprint would be cool, something even smaller then that would be good aswell. Small things would go a long way is all I'm trying to say.

  11. @kharmin.7683 said:Core Tyria maps are locked in time to stay as consistent with the personal story as possible. We shouldn't expect any updates.

    Why center an MMO around a single-player story? Yeah, the story is great but the games about playing together, I think them not adding as much new stuff to the old maps because of single-player experience relevancy is a bad idea for the life of this game. (I understand that you can play the story multiplayer but it gets faaarr to easy when you do that)

    After a few more years, were just going to have a longer list of story seasons and xpacs and a wider spread player base, which equals dead maps. I just want them to bring people back together because if they keep adding a new map each episode, eventually the games gonna feel empty even if it isn't.

  12. The living story is cool and all but I miss the central world, where the adventure started.

    Please work on the absolute gold mine of what you already have, Central Tyria!

    just some update would be great, maybe new events in the starter zones to liven things up, a new world boss, a limited event like you did with the Mordrem invasions, anything, big or small would be amazing!

    I feel like we're not going to see any other updates to the game besides the living world though and maybe an xpac which would just be more of it. Please mix it up.

    I understand that this would cost money, and the living world is how you make money but if someone you can monetize other game updates please do. I would jump at the opportunity to purchase, perhaps a subscription that gives you access to all the places like the Royal Terrace, or another beer of the month mail thing.

  13. An awesome QoL change would be,Adding more unique exotic weapon drops to different world bosses. Some new unique skins you can unlock as a rare drop from fighting the shadow behemoth or other world bosses would be very cool, I think to add maybe 5-10 new weapon skins to different world bosses could go a long way for players.

    Another cool change would be adding new events to the starter zones, or at least an overarching game event as you did for the Mordrem invading fore Tyria.

    All in all, I wish that core Tyria got as much love as the new maps.I know that would make less money but I think it would make more people happy. I really love the game and if you need to create a new form of monetization to help these updates, that'd be fine by me.Maybe you can add an optional subscription that would give you access to all the places like the RoyalTerrace, and a deal like that brew of a month club.I would jump at the opportunity to give you guys money for something like that.

  14. @Daddicus.6128 said:Underwater (UW) adventuring (which would require more UW weapons).

    Beef up the base professions to elite-spec levels, or nerf down the elites, so they all have the same relative power.

    More PvE APs. The best way to do that: replace the daily AP cap with a diminishing returns progression instead of a cap. But, there are many other ways this could be done as well.

    Yes underwater adventureing would be amazing!

    they just need to be sure they take their time with the map design of it. Nothings worse then being underwater and its too dark or foggy to actually see anything cool.

  15. More New Ideas!!!!!!!

    Not more of the same please, a NEW world boss, I mean "new" not as just another, but rather new as in brand new with brand new mechanics. One that isn't like all the other dragons where you just attack their feet. Please get very creative, try different stuff. this goes for events as well. The events are awesome when they have to do with the story of that region of the world but so many of them are just the same tedious task. And events that require other players as well could be cool, as it is now a lot of stuff can be done, single player.

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