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Everything posted by Zephyradosa.6754

  1. I agree, it would be great if we could preview infusions on our characters. Call me crazy, but I'd like to see how my character would look with glowy eyes before I spend a few hundred gold on it.
  2. That was me two days ago using the dx11 beta. I couldn't even craft that day, they were so instantaneous. Even after the patch yesterday, I am still experiencing crashes with dx11. I took off the beta, restarted the game and no more crashes. It's a shame, because I did see a lot of performance improvements with dx11 enabled that first day - almost no freezing and I was able to actually avoid Teq's attacks due to no lagging. I'm not sure how any of the other metas performed because they crashed. I was even able to tab over to my PC settings without the game having a seizure. Due to all the crashing, the dx11 is basically unplayable for me in its current state.
  3. Thanks for the update. I actually installed that the day before the update. I disabled it the same day I installed it because it just wasnt helping. It was disabled the day of the update, and I have since deleted it, and I still experience the light issue.
  4. I am having that issue too, starting yesterday. A bunch of folks noticed it during chak gerent last night, too. Then some said they didn't have the problem. I am at E gate in AB right now, an it's really dark, dark enough that the gold is barely shining. I'll try to attach a screenshot later if I can.
  5. Oh, cool, that's what I was hoping for! Can you please send me an invite?Thank you!
  6. Hi! I'm a returning player. I've got a couple hundred hours under my belt, and I still feel like a newbie, so I could use some help on some things. I might only have a couple hours on the weekdays, so I'm not sure if I will be able to join in on all your activities. Are any of them mandatory?
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