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  1. You clearly don't play WvW. People are getting a Weekly to Defense credit. There are people who play WvW nonstop for a whole week and struggle to get one Defense credit. Anet changed the parameters on how Defense credit works and it's a completely broken mechanic that has been ignored for a very long time. Besides, this wasn't about how "Easy" they are. I was expecting a RANGE of options in all three game modes by selecting all three. They gave me one from each for daily, and three from each from weekly. If I don't complete them all, I have hindered my currency gain.
  2. Less options available to player that qualify for full daily reward. DOWNGRADE. Two days of dailies taking me to Kaineng and Amnytas. Previous dailies were all Core content. If you don't own the expansions, than you suck, git gude nub. DOWNGRADE. Now you have a currency that you need to use up in order to get daily rewards. That currency is finite, capped, and forces you to buy daily rewards at the expense of saving them for better rewards. Opportunity Cost where none existed before. DOWNGRADE. If you misinterpret the goal of the filters on day one, you stick yourself with PvP and WvW weeklies you may or may NOT be able to complete, or even wanted to, and you are now missing out of currency until Monday. A problem that didn't have to exist, and could have EASILY been prevented with a better explanation text box. SIDE-GRADE POORLY IMPLEMENTED THAT NOW FEELS LIKE A DOWNGRADE
  3. These "smaller" updates were supposed to be so the Devs can focus more on Quality of Life, and refining the game. So far we've gotten smaller updates, slowly increasing gem store prices of items but we're still waiting for that increase to quality of life and systems refinement. The new dailies are a downgrade, and decrease in QoL, in almost every way. Meanwhile, I'm still running into Story bugs that have existed for 5+ years causing me to constantly have to restart a Chapter.
  4. If I was accusing YOU of something, I would say YOU did it. I said "many posts here", not "your posts here". The fact that you got defensive means maybe I hit close to how you truly feel.
  5. "Just deal with it and change how you play" is not an acceptable solution to his complaint. You might as well have said "Git Gud". He/she has a right to complain, and many posts here are implying they don't have that right due to the triviality of the matter.
  6. Sorry Original Poster. You're being brigaded by a couple people who are trying to let you know that your feelings don't matter, and your problem is trivial. Thus is the way with these types of forums to cover up and eradicate negativity.
  7. Ok, by your rationale, because something isn't serious enough for you to care, we aren't allowed to care. Got it.
  8. It's called hyperbole via analogy and has been a valid argumentation tactic for over a thousand years.
  9. Set a few people on fire because it will increase the enjoyment for the rest of the players? This "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" rhetoric needs to die in 2023. It's responsible for so many anti-minority events in the world.
  10. They've created a problem where none existed before, and now they are asking you to play the game several more hours to solve this problem they created.
  11. The last couple of days I've been playing Dredge on PS5 and it's fantastically fun. I'm currently finding it difficult to summon the desire to log into GW2 at the moment for dailies. Coupled with the fact that I recently left my Guild over some Officer powertripping drama, I'm starting to feel like an GW2 uninstall break is about to happen. Not a good sign two days after a major expansion release.
  12. Yeah, I wasn't that happy one of our first dailies was in the new Xpac, something I wasn't planning to play yet.
  13. I, like so many others, picked WvW, PvP, and PvE because occasionally I like to do them all, whenever I feel like it. We were expecting to see many options for all three. INSTEAD we got ONLY three options, one from each, and you HAVE to do all three to get that full daily reward. What if I like doing PvP dailies on Saturdays but on Weekdays I can only do PvE. Whelp, I'm screwed now because I have WvW and PvP weeklies and REQUIRED daily tasks in those modes. If I would have known this is what Anet intended, I would have ONLY chosen PvE. If I don't do them, I am SEVERELY hindering my currency collection and progress.
  14. Your mistake is assuming the those statements are being made by the same group of people. Over-generalization in an attempt to diminish the value of opinions you don't agree with. Ah yes, the old: "Nobody is forcing you to do X so you aren't allowed to have a negative opinion on it." Beautiful.
  15. It's tired and played out. And later, I'll get some Deus Ex Machina device that makes me overcome this new and terrible debilitation that noone on Tyria has ever seen before, and all of a sudden I can overpower the guy now. Yawn. I'm ok with Plot devices forcing a win condition for the enemy, but please Anet quit removing player control for no reason other than "promotes suspense"...in a game with infinite lives. I'm tired of every Xpac having to slow walk everywhere.
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