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  1. Ok found an instance where rifts are working, so I guess it's the old bo... afk farmer issue. Just got to wait for new instances to pop.
  2. Like the title says, no rifts are showing up in Straits of Devastation, even though it's a weekly this week. Have tried a few instances, scanning nets you nothing.
  3. You guys are lucky to have 2, mine is stuck at 0/11 (and 10 are marked as completed in the list).
  4. Just adding my 2 cents here, as I'm in the same boat. 100% Inner Nayos today, Skyfarer still says I haven't completed Inner Nayos.
  5. I'm pretty disappointed they moved to the hours-long "complete two metas to get to do the third meta" path. Especially if the third, or any of the other metas fail. Let's face it, people just won't stick around for the extended period of time it takes and spend another set of hours to do it all again. And you know, if you've already done the first and second metas 100 times before, it's just a big ... "don't do metas when they are released, go do something else and wait until the map is complete" slap in the face. It's just not respectful of people's time they have spent, or are spending playing the game. I was happy when they actually separated east and west metas in Inner, so these could be done separately, go for the one you want or need, and not be forced together, so I wasn't really expecting they would go back to this tedious time-consuming road.
  6. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Just wanted to update this one, since it seems it's getting worse by the day. This week I've had textures on mounts, weapons, grub pits, mobs and inventory items (loot) disappear (ie. going invisible or turning completely black losing all textures) during every single Tequatl encounter. Only a full restart of the game fixes it (until the next Tequatl event). Any chance someone could take a look into this?
  7. Just confirming the three Silverwastes tasks are bugged, just did the whole map meta, Vinewrath, Hidden Depths and Retrospective Runaround, and none of them counted.
  8. Just pitching in that I've had similar texture issues for several months. Asking around, it seems I'm not alone. Lots of people have their mounts become invisible especially during Tequatl, and the grub holes turn all black when that happens, like someone else posted above.
  9. Just adding my 2 cents here. The mouse pointer does not always change when activating a salvage tool, it does sometimes, but it seems pretty random?
  10. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Both champions have spawned on the map here with 15 second timers on them. I know there's power creep, but 15s is a bit tight. Edit: swapping instances and waiting for an hour or so, managed to get both without 15 second timers. One had no timer at all even.
  11. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Could you please forward this issue to the devs? The being able to buy a bank tab even though you're maxed out at 17 bug has been in the game forever and fixing it would most likely bring some extra income through gem store sales. Thank you.
  12. I didn't know you could have two of the same! I've never seen that, do they both show up?
  13. Like the title says, I have only completed one task in the Weekly list, but the number by the star in the menu says "2". We had this bug a month or so ago, but it was fixed then. I guess it's back.
  14. Just adding my own test result to the choir: T2 in Kaineng still not registering after the patch.
  15. I haven't stepped into Amnytas today before just now, and the Greater Arcane Chest on the map shows as already opened, so I can't open it. Had the same issue on Inner Nayos yesterday on another character, all the Greater chests could not be interacted with and showed as already opened there too. Still the same there today too, they are already opened.
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