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  1. I hope we'll be able to use the home portal stone to get to player housing. Let's be real, there will be no reason (outside of story) to go to home instance. Home portal stone will be pretty much useless unless they add a drop down menu to allow access to both.
  2. I've been waiting for Jade Prosthesis Gauntlet Skin to come back for quite some time. Would love to see it back.
  3. Halfway through the bag slot reward progression, and with supposedly six hours to go, my progression stalled. So, even though I fulfilled the requirements, I didn't get the only thing that I wanted. Pretty much wasted my time.
  4. For the experienced players, casuals waste peoples time. For the casuals, try-hards are toxic gate keepers. Tiered difficulty would benefit everyone. The way the system is set up now, having success in raids and strikes requires asking favors of more experienced players. That is not in any way healthy for a game mode, and is one of the biggest weaknesses of GW2.
  5. What I'm saying is that this isn't the best option. Players getting insta merced despite having maxed equip isn't good. I'm just saying that adjustment to build plus consumables shouldn't equate to one-shot kills. kitten is a weakness that no one wants to talk about in this game.
  6. Bud, you're not a casual player and you know it!
  7. There are time's I get 1 shoted. That shouldn't exist. It's obviously an exploit. I don't mind being bested, but if it happens before I can calibrate, that's a problem. +
  8. I know a lot of changes that have taken place insofar as balance can be concerned is so that there is less of a threshold between newbies and veterans. As someone who has played the game for a few years, I can unequivocally confirm that a try-hard who has mastered the min-max of the game will eliminate you in less than one second in WvW. That's the real problem the developers are trying to address, and till now it has been in my opinion in the wrong way. A nube should be crushed by a vet, but it shouldn't happen in less than a second. Even worse is when this happens to someone in maxed gear. The real problem with this game is that the exponential power of the exploits of this game mean that you will be crushed unless you are conversent with every angle of the advantages available. Nerfing these advantages would do wonders for accessibility.
  9. I got it from BL drop. Actually found it quite useful. There are many times that you can find yourself unexpectedly with damaged armor, and clicking this is way more convenient than going back to an anvil. Now? I cant understand why anyone wants one... Thinking about putting it in the bank.
  10. This would have been cool, but, nope. You have to click it.
  11. The thing is this: At some point during a 12 hour period, you are going to find yourself in front of an anvil. It would actually be more inconvenient to open your inventory and click the canister. Please counter this, because I would love nothing more than for this item to have some sort of value.
  12. That's like saying someone who put down 4000+ gold on a bank contract shouldn't complain if the next day instant bank access was free to everyone. To be fair, I think instant bank access should be available to everyone. But, I think it would be a wrong decision not to compensate players who already have the item.
  13. The key difference is that, before, you could use the item whenever necessary. Like in the middle of an instance. That's what made it sneeky underrated before. Also, depending on the content and duration of play, it was entirely possible to need repair multiple times. It's the only super rare item I've ever gotten. Now I'm considering removing it from my shared inventory slot because I cant see any significant convenience. Kinda bummed, tbh.
  14. No one likes them! They further consolidate power amongst a few professions. Ele nerfs have long since been a meme. Nerf them further? Mechanist strength has long been a meme, buff it further? The times I'm having fun, it's great! When I'm annoyed, yeah... I don't get how a company that produced such an awesome game can have so many decision makers who have no idea what fun is... It seems as though they don't take into account whos playing what. In WVW I rarely come across an Ele, and yeah, they're probably gonna kick my kitten if I see them, but I rarely see them. Same goes for Deadeye. You hardly see them, but when you do, watch out. That's a problem. They nerf these characters because of what the tippy top players do instead of finding some way to make them more viable for average players. These, as well as several other professions are well out of reach of average players. I don't mind being bested by a superior player, but the goal of balance should be to have my chances of getting my kitten kicked be relatively equal regardless of which profession I choose.
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