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  1. Looks like a mass burial, the type of ceremonial burials portrayed in Viking fiction. Watching that trailer really bums me out; IBS had so much potential, so many story opportunities that were rushed in favor of EoD. Almost makes me wish they switched to the $30 mini expansions sooner, and that IBS was made in the same vein of Janthir. Oh well.
  2. There is an interesting theory going around that I hope this is the case, but I'm skeptical.
  3. No thanks. Lack of "big streamers" is one of the things I like about this game. I've WvW'ed back in the GoM days with Mukluk and nobody acknowledged him outside of a few compliments, he sort of did his own thing and our zerg did ours. Imagining how different an asmongold type figure in that same situation would be makes me glad we don't have one. Any time a big streamer tries GW2 it's disastrous because they're impatient and accustomed to instant gratification for being "famous;" on top of that GW2's content, to be honest, isn't that interesting as far as streaming goes. And I'm vehemently against twitch drops. How many of you honestly watched the streams during the last drops outside of the giveaways? How many of you actually just muted the stream and tabbed it in the lowest quality? Twitch drops are dumb, in game rewards during festivals/rushes/etc are much better.
  4. I find it hilariously ironic that you're droning on in a similar fashion to what you're complaining about, when the obvious and easy solution is to allow a "skip ahead" button on the prologue to get straight into Lowlands. That's it, just skip ahead. No need to get complicated.
  5. I'm fine with it. Wasn't expecting to jump into it able to create every piece of furniture without working for it, and I was actually surprised that they provide you with an already furnished house as opposed to an empty one. The time gating doesn't really bother me either. My biggest complaint is the inability to see what you're crafting. You can obviously look up the items that are also in guild halls, but the newest, homestead specific ones have no means of knowing what they'll look like until you make them. A preview button would be nice. As for the "harder" items: the chandelier is probably an oversight but beyond that I don't see any issues. Everything else, timegates included, make sense from an MMO standpoint.
  6. I'll take the communicator over whispers any day, nothing more annoying than hearing that ping and thinking someone actually whispered you (while also having fully voiced dialogue -- why?!), but agreed with getting rid of it entirely. I'm okay with it existing in the story but being regurgitated on maps becomes very tiresome, especially since so much of it is just fluff. Thanks NPC for yelling in my ear about the nearby champion while I'm squashing grubs, you really added nothing substantial to that event that I'll probably get to once I finish the Bog Queen. Sheesh.
  7. It's understandable, but it makes me wonder what exactly that solution might be? Like, it's clearly a bug and I don't think we're getting the drop naturally, so now we're just piling up requests. None of these items can be sold on the TP so where is the harm in having people screenshot their drop page, adding it to a support ticket and then ANET sending the item through the mail? If more days go by and that ends up being their solution it'll be pretty frustrating given how much time has passed. Hopefully they figure it out and we don't go down that route.
  8. Restart your game with the newest patch. Seems to be working now. And relax dude.
  9. One day since launch and 12 hours since this thread was posted and still radio silence. ANET? Hello? 🥺
  10. Dragon's End has already been nerfed heavy, and it was fine for a while when there was incentive to do the meta (when Antique Summoning Stones were worth more than 1g). The fact of the matter is that it really offers nothing for time invested, so the groups you're left with are newer players and inexperienced commanders. I beat it at launch pre-nerf through some amazing RNG, did it for my gen 3 leggy skin and didn't touch it again until a few days ago. Failed two days in a row. What I noticed was that our Commander was serviceable, the DPS was good, the timed sub-boss kills were perfect, but both days we failed the cc check almost every time. This, despite the fact that someone had placed a United Legions Waystation right next to Soo-Won. I'm not sure what to make of it; people were maybe hyper focused on DPS and forgot to cc? It was 100% the reason we failed both times, and despite multiple call outs we continued to fail the check. They need to have a reason for players to come back to Soo-Won. Eparch, an equally challenging open world fight, offers a lot more in terms of rewards, including a chance at rare infusions if you have the mastery. Give Soo-Won something like that and I think you'd see a lot less fails due to good players coming back at a chance to get that rare drop.
  11. I was actually shocked that they were just 1k, given how high the demand was. And it's not like they suddenly removed the ability to convert gold to gems; that's what I did to get my set. What exactly are we complaining about here, a $2 difference in price? 🤨
  12. Absolutely wild take my man. I'm not sure that many would agree that the Harley Quinn knockoff special snowflake is a fan favorite, though I get what you're saying in regards to her affect on the world and such. It is kind of disappointing to see a static world that doesn't feel "living" at all, one that never changes and which has NPCs spouting the same dialogue for the past decade. They could probably remedy this narratively by saying the Commander spends his time revisiting fractals of his past until a new expansion story comes out, but that might be too on the nose. Anyway, I thought SOTO was decent overall and I don't think the Midnight King release was bad at all. Liked it better than the latter half of IBS and most of EoD. Maybe it's because I took over a year off after the release of Gyala Delve, having absolutely no faith after playing that content and returning with astronomically low expectations. I don't know.
  13. Lmao. Seriously, who greenlit this? It doesn't even have an "asura technology" or "jade power source" theme, not even a little bit. Unironically may as well go all in and release cars if you're not gonna care about the setting or its themes anymore.
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