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  1. Remember when they did a massive pvp balance pass + skill split, lowering all the damage across the board? Lol, lmao even. Nothing has changed it seems.
  2. It's been 10 years, it will never go away. Something so simple yet ignored for so long... goes to show how much anet cares for pvp lol.
  3. Lmao they went and nerfed weaver for pvp then called it a day. Worthless apes.
  4. dual skills have been garbage since release and they've never been touched aside from randomly giving stability to 1 of them per weapon kit. don't expect much from this spec, it's a miracle people still even use it.
  5. Yo devs, famed creators of awesome abilities like glyph of elemental power (still a stun breaker btw) and now the reworked arcane power. You may not have noticed but elementalist has very, very few nuking abilities. Most of the highest damaging abilities for ele are multi-hitting ones. So tell me what's the point of creating these skills that enhance individual hits by 25% or give them bonus ferocity? One quantum strike (air/air sword 3), one plasma beam, one phoenix, one lava font, half a meteor shower, and the procs are mostly gone. How about we turn 5 hits into 3 seconds of enhanced damage? I assure you that these skills would be immediately more popular.
  6. Arcane blast was a waste of slot with its lovely 800 dmg crits, just replace it and you'll be better off. Even signet is more useful than a 1s immob.
  7. 1. Obsidian Flesh. Turned into a channel because of broken weaver, duration reduced because of catalyst. 2. Ride the Lightning. Unable to be used airborne because some elementalists were sneaking into wvw forts. 3. One with Air (trait). Super speed reduced to 1.5s from 3s in pvp because of FA catalyst. 4. Arcane skills. Damage reduced by 75% in pvp because of the global damage reduction. Left in a broken state for over 3 years. 5. Signets. Reworked then nerfed to oblivion because of catalyst. 6. Meteor Shower. Nerfed because of pve raid damage. Added diminishing returns, never bothered to do a pvp / wvw split. 7. Lava Font. Same as the last one (except no dimi returns). 8. Swirling winds. Duration reduced to 4s from 6s in pvp because of catalyst. 9. New scepter buffs. Dragon's tooth, water trident, rock barrier, blinding flash, all changed / nerfed further than pre-nerf values because of catalyst. 10. Ring of Fire. Burning application on crossing nerfed because of celestial ele. 11. Glyph of elemental power. Nerfed because of fire weaver. 12. Riptide / Earthen Vortex. 100% cooldown increase (9 ->18) in pvp / wvw because of tanky weaver. 13. Written in stone. Nerfed because of catalyst. 14. Stone heart. Nerfed because of bunker ele. 15. Lightning Rod. Nerfed because of the one time a lightning rod build was meta. 16. Warhorn skills. Nerfed because of weaponmaster specializations. 17. Churning earth. Took literally 10 years to rework, immediately nerfed. 18. Mist form. Nerfed because of bunker ele. 19. Arcane skills. Further nerfed by removing the CDR from the grandmaster arcane trait. 20. Glyph of storms. Nerfed because of max damage ele pve rotations. 21. Ice bow #4. Nerfed because of max damage ele pve rotations. None of these changes have ever been reverted despite the problematic specs being directly nerfed / no longer a problem anymore. Add more of your own!
  8. Can vouch this is true. "Meta" builds are just another name for most effortless, braindead garbage. Has there ever been meta builds that took skill? Certainly not, at that point they stop being meta.
  9. Lmao I will look for better games instead. AC6 looking sick.
  10. Maybe there's something that I missed? So far nothing seems outside of what we've come to expect from free content previously delivered.
  11. Yes, I 've read the overview post a few weeks ago, mostly skimmed through it, and based on the perspective from a day 1 gw2 headstart player, this is what I know so far: New story: Now that the dragons are dead, we focusing on side stories, this time starring Zojja. Wizard tower (I thought that was located in base tyria?) or something is the main focus. There's a new UI icon for this tower next to the trading post and all of that stuff, most of the rewards are locked for non SotO owners. New maps, not sure how many. Relic system to help diversify armor runes (so far seems to be doing the exact opposite). Daily system destroyed. No new specializations because ANet's creativity has reached its limit (paraphrasing what that post said). Instead they're going to remove the weapon exclusivity for existing specs. No new mounts (correct me if I'm wrong). No new pvp or wvw content. No completely new system (HoT had gliding, PoF had mounts and even though EoD had garbage fishing, it was something at least). BONUS! Goes without saying but no new classes, races or anything of the sort. What exactly is worth $25 in all of this? Isn't it just standard living world + relics and other changes nobody asked for? I already skipped EoD because it didn't deserve to be called an expansion (mainly due to lacking in #9 and #10), why is this $25? Do your best effort in convincing me to buy it!
  12. >Be elementalist. >Main signets for years, core or tempest doesn't matter. >Enjoy buffs over time, nothing too serious, build is underplayed. >Out of nowhere, for no reason, ANet buffs signets granting them auras. >Signets are now broken when paired with specs that abuse auras (namely catalyst, signet tempest was meh). >Signets are now nerfed to HELL and back. Cooldowns increased by 50%, the aura change might as well not exist at this point with the ICD. >Your build is now incredibly weaker because of an elite spec, and you didn't even do anything. --------------------------------------------------------- Rinse and repeat. Worthless balancing as usual, clueless and utterly incompetent. Instead of simply reverting the aura change, they double down on it and anger everyone instead. Cata mains won't care because they're just playing the FotM top tier class (they'll move on to the next best build or class if needed), but what about signet users? (I don't main signets, but I feel your pain). Also, since when Air signet requires a target? lmfao.
  13. I've just started playing ranked again, and in 40-50 matches I've only seen one weaver, a couple tempests and one core ele. Meanwhile, there have always been a catalyst, sometimes even 2 per team.
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