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Everything posted by jahaan.1405

  1. When you can't get past one point in a jumping puzzle because you can't decipher exactly where to stand and exactly which way to face, it is no longer a challenge, just an annoyance. I'm to the point where I no longer get anything but what I collect until I can get more mastery points. I've tried for several hours to get past the second jump in Zephyr's ascent and gotten nowhere. Some of us don't have the dexterity and hand eye coordination to complete jumping puzzles. I've had help from high level Mesmers that just got pissed and gave up trying to help me through jumping puzzles. At this point the game is no longer fun or a challenge, just an annoyance. I've made the jump numerous times outside the season 2 chapter.
  2. I have been trying to complete the Goemm's JP. I have been trying for four days, even had a friend with a Mesmer try to help. We never got passed half way. I was going to skip it, but I'm not sure how to. Do I get my skyscale first then go back and use the extra pungent treat? Or am I stuck and out of luck getting the skyscale?
  3. But how do you use it? I keep clicking on it in my inventory standing outside the puzzle, under the puzzle, inside the puzzle. What is the command or whatever to get it to work. It just keeps saying "There's nothing here."
  4. Where exactly do you have to be to use the treat? I bought one and it didn't do a thing.
  5. Thank you Danikat. I put out a request on the LFG as you suggested and had more than enough to help me finish the event.
  6. When getting the griffon depends solely on there being enough people in the area to finish the last four events, it is not worth it and can't be done in a few days. I've already tried and failed to defend the sunspear six times. Why? Never enough people sticking around to help you after the defense of the sunspear at Diviner's Reach. Same goes for the bounty you have to do. If I can finish events without it, I won't bother to try for it again.
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